VLC Player Getting Pulled out From App Store!

2 November, 2010 Apple


The release of VLC player in Apple App Store was greeted pretty much positively by everyone... well not quite everyone. The chaps at Videolan, the devs who built VLC, are not exactly cheering and in fact they are hitting Apple with a lawsuit.

Well basically it comes down to copyright infringement because VLC is distributed under the GPL, which the devs say is incompatible with Apple DRM based app store. So why did the devs submit their app to the app store in the first place? Ok, in fact They did not. The app was ported to iOS by a third party, Applidium. There is precedent for this too, with a chess game that was covered by the GPL having been removed from the app store earlier in the year so that would seem to set the stage for the outcome with the VLC dispute.

So if you want it get it now before its pulled!!!


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