Verizon Galaxy Nexus 4.0.2 Update is already Rolling-out [Change-log + Instructions]

16 December, 2011 GALAXY Nexus


Galaxy Nexus Update


Once you have your Galaxy Nexus up and running for a couple of hours, an update will become available that brings you to Android 4.0.2 and build ICL53F.

This is the update we showed you yesterday that does not include anything extremely noticeable up front, but it will improve your 3G/4G and WiFi connections, tweak the lockscreen somehow, and improve visual effects while using the front camera. The Update is About 10MB Enjoy!


Galaxy Nexus 4.0.2


Please, Note that the DivX support will be removed after Upgradeing and will be added back on Future Updates (4.1.0).


Update Instructions (.PDF)


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