Verizon pushes out first Droid 2 update

24 August, 2010 Motorola

Dorid2 update sheet


This Announcement just came from Verizon and Motorola in a PDF File (.PDF source)


Verizon Wireless is pleased to announce a new software update for your Motorola Droid 2. The Motorola

(Version.2.2.20.A955.Verizon.en.US/BP: BP_C_01.09.05P) update includes numerous

enhancements and improvements. Verizon Wireless and Motorola encourage you to download this update today.



+ Enabled text and picture message scrolling.

+ Streamlined set up of Visual Voice Mail feature.

+ Improved contact sync with Corporate Exchange categories

and groups.

+ View accurate contact pictures when reviewing Recent Call Log.


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