Video: SMS On Windows Phone 7

2 September, 2010 Microsoft

Windows phone 7 texting


As we get ever closer to the launch of Windows Phone 7 we see more rumours of handsets, videos of them in action, reports of gaming functionality and so on. What we do not get to see a lot of though is the nuts and bolts of the OS itself and how the user will actually, well use the system. Step forth Pocket Now with a video of the SMS functionality in Windows Phone 7.

The video covers everything from receiving texts whilst the screen is off to receiving them whilst it is on to showing off the threaded messaging feature. It might just be our opinion, but Windows Phone 7 is looking pretty damned nice when it comes to SMS. Its a very clean interface that looks pretty slick and it even manages to make the iOS SMS system look a little out of touch. Enough words though, check out the video below to see for yourself.


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