Viewsonic is on the Pad Game announces the 7-inch Froyo ViewPad

31 August, 2010 Android

Viewsonic is the next manufacturer to join the tablet race with the announcement of the 7-inch ViewPad 7. Running on the latest reincarnation of the Android OS 2.2 Froyo the new tablet hold a regular SIM card and promises full 3G and phone functionality.


gsmarena 001 Viewsonic joins the slate party, announces the 7 inch Froyo loving ViewPad


Bluetooth is also on board, as well as a microSD card slot, Wi-Fi and a GPS receiver. USB is also supported and the tablet has full access to the Android market.

Curiously enough Viewsonic does not mention the screen resolution (though we know its going to be an LCD unit) or the battery life. We guess we will have to wait a while longer to find out more about those quite important aspects of the tablet performance.

The Viewsonic ViewPad 7 first review samples will come in early October, Its price will not exceed 350 GBP including VAT.


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