Vodafone UK fixes for the Samsung Galaxy S II GPS issues

1 December, 2011 Samsung


gsmarena 001 Vodafone UK fixes for the Samsung Galaxy S II GPS issues


The story of the Samsung Galaxy S II Vodafone UK and their GPS issues came to an end as the carrier quickly found the cause and issued a fix for the users. The customized firmware that was distributed with the Galaxy S II on Vodafone had some bugs that caused the GPS inside the smartphone to show not accurate locations of the device.

Vodafone acknowledged the issue last week and yesterday released a fix that should get rid of the problem.


Vodafone Comment on the Bug Solution: "To clarify, there's no device software update necessary to get GPS working, the issue was found to be on the server side. We have put a fix in place and your device should now be working as normal. If it's not working right away, removing the battery and rebooting your device will get it up and running."


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