WARING! Don’t update your DROID X with the leaked Android 2.2 ROM

31 August, 2010 Motorola

Motorola warns every Droid X owner not to update with the leaked Android 2.2 ROM. The reason is simple there is no way you can update your device with the official firmware in September as you will not be able to Re-load the official Old load 

main Dont update your DROID X with the leaked Android 2.2 ROM, says Motorola

we are not sure if Motorola will specifically exclude the devices updated with the leaked 2.2 ROM or its telling the truth and there is no way you could upgrade with the official ROM. One thing is sure if you can’t find a way to restore your previous firmware, you will be stuck with the leaked update.

The official Droid X Android 2.2 update will roll out in the early September. I guess the risk of trying leaked ROM is not worth it.


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