White iPhone 4 is Coming to ATT for $197

29 September, 2010 Apple


The white iPhone 4 is sort of like the electric car at this point, we keep being promised that its about to hit the big time and everyone will be able to buy one, but it never quite materialises. Originally it was slated for a late July release date, but that came and went before Apple eventually said that the white version was more challenging than expected to manufacturer and that consequently it would be sometime later this year before we would see the fabled handset.

Well it is now later this year and there is still no sign of this beast, but The App Whisperer has managed to glean a photo of a price tag from Walmart showing the white version for sale at the same price as the existing black version. It could mean that the white version really is just around the corner, or we could just be raising our hopes yet again.


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