Why it’s becoming increasingly important to nail your online website design

21 February, 2020 Technology


It seems like almost everything can be found online nowadays; the proliferation of technological expertise has seen the expansion of online capabilities, and with this, the ability of what we can do at the touch of a fingertip has grown massively. 


A lot of this has been due to the expansion of online gaming, making the design of sites necessary to get right. The best payout online casino sites are played for a reason - to make money - but some users are put off by uninviting and clunky sites. 


Mobile gaming, by 2021, is estimated to generate the greatest proportion of total gaming revenue worldwide - it therefore cannot be underestimated how essential it is to succeed with your online website design.


Obviously too, when people are outside of their house, checking a website or doing a bit of online gambling on NZ sports betting sites for example can be done via mobile, making how companies design their online mobile website imperative to increasing interest and thus sales. Here's why it's important to get your mobile design right in 2020.


Responsive design trend


Mobile traffic is currently hitting heights that more traditional desktop traffic can only dream of getting to. Last year, mobile traffic made up 52% of all web traffic and 63% of all mobile phone users accessed the Internet through their mobile for the most part by last year's end, especially through gaming as the likes of online casino sites continue to adapt and expand to new demands.


As a result, it has perhaps never been more appropriate than to latch on to the responsive design trends that tend to be leading the way. This is especially true when considering that Google has altered its algorithm to reward those sites that are optimized for mobile.



Simplicity and interest


"What does that company offer?" someone calls. "Hold on, let me search it," says another. Technology has ensured that queries can be answered at the drop of a hat.


But, if when searching for a website you are met with a complicated mess of unclear navigation and slow-loading pages, then those types of deficiencies are unlikely to get you any supporters or customers.


With the internet taking over the vast majority of peoples' lives as ecommerce engenders its influence over tens of millions of consumers, ensuring that readers can access information they want to acquire as easily as possible, is essential. 


For the most part, it's about giving those online shoppers what they desire with regards to user experience and interface. Effectively, the quicker and easier to get your hands on something, the better.


Take Starbucks for example. A simplistic colour design with just three menu options provides a not so overwhelming home page where would-be customers can navigate - and thus plan to buy - with ease. 


With mobile search growing at more than ten times that of a desktop, being a mobile ready site is a necessity or your business could lose up to a third of their traffic.



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