Windows Phone 7 LG Panther clears the FCC and going to ATT

24 August, 2010 Technology


The LG Windows phone 7 has a slide out keyboard, and what appears to be a front facing camera, implying that this might be a European market model. and the main specs are:





  • 5 MP camera
its fairly certain the rear of the unit said "5 mpix" on it, however it was hard to tell since prototype units do not get the rear faceplate (you kind of have to hold the battery in, or put it down on a surface).

  • Slide out QWERTY
It has one. I like that. Unlike devices such as the Moto Droid, the keyboard is wide, nearly the width of the entire device, making the keys spaced-out and easy to use. I didn't like that the numeric keys are part of the top row instead of their own row (guess I'm spoiled by my rhodium), but I suppose I'd rather have larger keys over all since I don't use the number keys as much as the letters.

  • Screen is very responsive and supports multi-touch with pinch zooming
I think we all saw that one coming. Pinch is now ubiquitous with touch screen interfaces. Screen seemed rather bright, but I think it is still LCD (not AMOLED) judging by how the "black" pixels seem to still be lit.

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