Windows Phone 7 mobiles Goes on sale

21 October, 2010 HTC


Stores are starting sales of Windows Phone 7 mobiles as soon as the Sun rises over the horizon New Zealand already marked the first sale of an HTC 7 Trophy, Telstra in Australia and Orange in the UK have the HTC 7 Mozart on sale as of this morning too.


HTC trophy


One lucky New Zealander was the first person in the world to by a Windows Phone 7 device an HTC 7 Trophy from Vodafone NZ, which go for 430 euro or 600 US dollars on a contract or 480 euro or 670 USD on Pay as you go. Telstra is selling the HTC 7 Mozart for free on a 34.5 euro or 48 USD a month 2 year contract.


HTC Mozart


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