Xperia Arc films the Grímsvötn volcano eruption in Iceland (Video)

24 May, 2011 Sony Ericsson


The volcano erupted on 21st of May and managed to release more ash in 48 hours than Eyjafjallajökull did during its entire eruption last year, which has earned it 4 (VEI4) rating on the Volcanic Explosivity Index. The volcano is currently busy disrupting air travel in Iceland, Greenland, Scotland and Norway.


The video was shot using Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc in 720p by Thor E. Bachmann. It was taken a mere 1km away from the volcano from the top of Vatnajökull, the largest glacier in Iceland. Now usually you would need to add a couple of zeros to that figure to consider it a safe distance, but due to the peculiar nature of the volcano, i.e., it being situated under a lake, it seems to be relatively safe to be in such close proximity to it. Not entirely safe though "…we were getting some ash fall and lava rocks were hitting us frequently", said the author of the video.


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