Yahoo! Application that navigate All mobile apps for you

16 June, 2011 Apps


Discovery is one of the most common complaints about the ever-growing number of smartphone apps: With hundreds of thousands of apps, how can people find the best one for whatever they are looking for? Now Yahoo is making an effort to solve the problem, both on your computer with a new Yahoo App Search service, and on iPhones and Android devices with a new Yahoo AppSpot app.

Shashi Seth, Yahoo senior vice president of search and marketplaces, compared the current state of the app world to the early days of the Web, before Yahoo founders made navigation easier with their listings and search engine. In fact, he said that people are already using Yahoo Search as a way to find apps. So, as part of the company broader mission to provide answers, not links , Yahoo tried to provide more information for people searching for apps.

Now, when you search for an app by name or type, instead of just offering a link to a listing in an app store, Yahoo now points people to a Yahoo profile page about the app, including reviews, an overall star rating, screenshots, and pricing. If you decide that you want to try the app, you can scan the QR code on the profile with your device, or Yahoo can send a text message to your phone with a link to the store. Yahoo also points to related apps and, if you have downloaded the AppSpot app, it provides daily app recommendations, personalized based on factors like what apps you have already downloaded to your phone.


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