iOS 4.2 Pre-release for iPhone, iPad, iPod, iPod touch

13 November, 2010 Apple


According to whispers today was to be the big day for iOS 4.2 to start hitting iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads everywhere. As the daylight burned, however, a new rumor popped up: due to WiFi issues on the iPad build, the launch was being pushed back a few days.


And sure enough, we are told an ever-so-slightly modified version of iOS 4.2 for iPad has just hit the Developer Center, rockin a build number of 8C134b instead of just 8C134.

While this does not positively confirm that iPad WiFi issues are the cause of the delay, the fact that this new Gold Master is solely focused on the iPad and the fact that our iPad has been having one helluva time staying connected to WiFi lately just fit too dang well to think otherwise.



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