iOS 5.0.2 may finally fix the iPhone 4S battery issues

19 November, 2011 Apple


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Since the launch of the iPhone 4S one of the major issues users have been reporting is a short battery life in the device.Even after the 5.0.1, New report says Apple is working to fix it again on the 5.0.2

The company prides itself on providing long battery life in its mobile devices as one of their selling points. But with the iPhone 4S specifically and with devices running the newly released iOS 5 operating system in general battery life seems to have diminished for many users, and Apple has blamed the mobile operating system iOS5.

Apple has responded to reports of shortened battery life for the iPhone 4S by trying to tweak iOS 5 software with an update, marked as iOS 5.0.1. That update dropped last week, but things did not get better because of it. In fact, some users reported that battery life was made even worse on their devices.



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