iPad and Android were the hottest tech topics in Twitter for 2010

13 December, 2010 Technology


Twitter is where rumors are born and distributed lightning fast. The social network just published their 2010 top tweet subjects and the top tech topics of the year turned out to be the Apple iPad and Google Android OS.

Twitter is not my cup of tea but even though it is not, its still intriguing to see what were the most discussed topics this year. Twitter has just released the top trends on Twitter for 2010 based on the 25 billion tweets sent in 2010.

On the list of the top 10 overall subjects, among the Mexican Gulf oil spill, the Inception movie and Justin Bieber teenage superstar, we find two tech-related names, Apple iPad and Google Android.

Leaving the Top 10 overall subject aside:

1. Apple iPad
2. Google Android
3. Apple iOS
4. Apple iPhone
5. Call of Duty Black Ops
6. New Twitter
7. HTC
8. RockMelt
9. MacBook Air
10. Google Instant


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