iPhone 4S Siri hack adds spoken settings control

15 December, 2011 Apple



The Siri hacks continue, with the latest mod for the iPhone 4S granting voice control over settings like WiFi and Bluetooth, as well as the ability to summon verbal feedback on things like battery status while your phone is in your pocket or bag. Handiwork of Hamza Sood, this latest tweak allows Siri users to toggle wireless settings with their voice, set screen brightness to different levels, and even send dictated messages using emojis.

Sood tells us that by using MobileSubstrate, a framework that allows third-party developers to access system functions, he is able to add the settings support to Siri without requiring a proxy server. That has benefits in terms of stability and privacy, since you are not relying on a third-party server to be online 24/7 or passing your spoken commands and dictated messages through someone else systems.



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