iPhone CDMA version leaked with photos

21 October, 2010 Apple


One of the longest running iPhone rumours has been the ever present hope amongst many that Apple would release a CDMA version of their handset. The rumour has been doing the rounds for as long as the iPhone has been around, but over the past few months it has been picking up some speed and today some pictures have cropped up purportedly showing the mythic handset itself.

Now the picture below is definitely the most interesting of those leaked as it shows a designation of N92DVT. John Gruber, of Daring Fireball fame, had previously commented that the CDMA iPhone had an internal designation at Apple of N92, which ties in nicely with what we are seeing here. The DVT portion of the designation stands for Design Verification Testing.



The pictures were reportedly taken at an undisclosed Vietnamese repair shop, but beyond showing a device that bears a resemblance to an iPhone 4 and an onscreen designation that ties in with a previous piece of speculation there is no definite proof that this thing is the real deal. It could of course be a hoax, but for Apple fanboys hoping for a CDMA version of their pride and joy it will likely just be more fuel on an already very hot fire.


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