iPhone Recovery Stick Recovers Deleted Data from your iPhone!

17 August, 2010 Apple

iPhone Rec stick


iPhone security has had a few knocks over the years, but once the intitial hubub dies down the problem is usually sorted out pretty quickly. Well here we have an interesting little security issue for the iPhone that's not a software bug. The 'iPhone Spy Stick' is a USB dongle that can serve one of two purposes; on the one hand it could be used to recover lost data from your iPhone and on the other it could be used to steal deleted data from your iPhone.

The amount of data that it can access is quite impressive and ranges from the obvious like text messages and contacts to things like your map history. That last one is particularly interesting because it means that someone could see locations you have been searching for. Before you start panicking it's worth noting that the iPhone Security Stick is $199 so whilst it is within the reach of the common man it's pricey enought hat you shouldn't see too many people running around with one of these.



The iPhone Recovery Stick recovers the following deleted data:

SMS/Text Messages


Call History




Web History






Voice Memos


Map/Location Data


Phone Property Data 

SMS Messages: Perhaps the most important place to find evidence of misbehavior.

Call History: Finding call history for a cell phone user is nearly impossible anymore. The iRecovery Stick can show you more than you thought possible.

Contacts: You can easily see all the contacts stored on an iPhone.

Web History: We all know how important Internet history is when you need to know someone's online activity. Now, you can find out where they've been online, even when they're surfing with their iPhone.

Calendar/Appointment Reminders: The iPhone calendar allows you to set reminders about appointments and tasks. See what was so important that a calendar reminder had to be set.

Photos: Sometimes, getting pictures off an iPhone isn't easy. It is now. Simply export your pictures from your iPhone recovery and you're all set.

Voice Memos: The iRecovery Stick downloads voice memos so you can hear things you thought you never would.

Map History: iPhones store map history right on the phone. The iRecovery Stick can get this history so you not only see where they searched within maps (whether its by name or address) but you can see exactly where that location is right down the the GPS coordinate.

Dynamic Text Data: Most people don't realize that iPhones learn what you type. These words are saved as dynamic text for the next time you use a unique word. Things like a person's name, the name of a restaurant, etc. are easily identifiable and can help you catch a cheater.

Phone Properties: Just like a computer, iPhones have many properties such as model number, serial number, phone number, iOS version, etc. This information can be useful if your investigation ever needs to be presented as evidence in court.

Recovers Data From iTunes Backup Files: The iRecovery Stick can recover deleted data even if you don't have the phone. Simply load the iTunes backup files created in Windows and the stick will recover the same types of data it recovers from the phone itself.


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