iPhone4 Speakers is "below average" !

6 September, 2010 Apple



Speakerphone test Voice, dB Pink noise/ Music, dB Ringing phone, dB Overall score
Apple iPhone 4 65.1 60.3 66.2 Below Average
Apple iPhone 2G 67.2 60.2 66.6 Below Average
Samsung I9000 Galaxy S 66.6 65.9 66.6 Below Average
Apple iPhone 3G 66.1 62.1 71.7 Below Average
Apple iPhone 3GS 69.5 69.5 71.7 Good
Google Nexus One 69.9 66.6 79.1 Good
HTC Desire 76.6 75.7 84.6 Excellent



GSMarena has made this Test and its result (Below) as to iPhone4 loudspeaker performance, there nothing new about  iPhone4, Still struggling to make the Below Average mark and that makes it the worst part of all iphones and they said "its the worst iPhones we have tested."

The other letdown concerning the iPhone 4 telephony is its proximity sensor. In theory this sensor should lock the display when you hold it next to your face during a call so you won't press any buttons with your cheek by accident.


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