windows phone 7 Set Limits for EFIGS countries

13 September, 2010 Microsoft

win pho 7

BAD NEWS! A Report From Microsoft (still unConfirmed yet) that says it will set limits on the Windows phone 7 features to non-English, French, Italian, German and Spanish language markets (EFIGS countries) which are also the initial launch languages for WP7.

And these limitations are the following:

  • Marketplace functionality will be limited
  • No Xbox Live service
  • No Zune support
  • Only web and e-mail content could be displayed on native language without localized phone menus
  • Just default keyboards for starters, no local characters
  • No copy/paste [global limitation]

Some of this is not too surprising as this comes down to infrastructure support and roll-out due to Microsoft not investing in localized servers/structure. Those Limitations for EFIGS countries is something Microsoft has been doing behind the scenes for months in preparation for WP7. But it could affect the selling of the Windows phone 7 there!


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