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windows phone 7 (HTC)


There appeared a video on the Web demoing a customization of the standard Windows Phone 7 interface. It also provides some insights into the actual system, so you may want to take a look at it. It shows you how you can customize all the Windows setting to customize as your personal Needs which gives a Great control in your Home Screen and we all the windows phone 7 Awesome Scrolling Home Screen with and without the HTC Sense UI. So Check the Video Below!

21 September, 2010 Apple

Apple moaning and complaining that it is impossible to sell anything officially in China because the amount of counterfeit goods is beyond any reasonable limits there. Yet the launch of the iPad/iPad3G shows that you can actually reach your customers. What matters is how that is done and by whom. see how many people are waiting to get the iPad. everyone who bought an ipad took avery a Free iPad Case with it. More than 100,000 iPad sold on this day ONLY which gives apple a Great chance on China markets as the China iPhone 4 version will be released in 4 Days (25 SEP 2010) and Apple Expect to sell more than Half-Million device on First day Only. So lets wait and see!


21 September, 2010 Nokia


Nokia survival kit 2010



Nokia Turn London Square into a World War Battle for 2010 Nokia vs. HTC. As Nokia Was Holding its Annual Conference Nokia World 2010, HTC Also Announced a press Conference to announce the, HTC Desire HD and Desire Z too, Nokia has made a "survival kit" for Press members who is leaving Nokia wold to Attend the TC Event and cover it. Read the Paper Above to see its text

There were some girls with balloons promoting OVI Maps walking around the entrance to the HTC conference and along the waterfront. Certainly, they got lost. But it was neat. And nearly everyone wanted to make pictures with them. I couldn't miss the opportunity either.

Was it a clever move by Nokia?. Nokia expected HTC to react immediately, in a careless and haphazard way. But they did not. They did their job and were excellent at that. They did not counteract, did not notice the insults. HTc Also Announced as a Response: "if we had known that Nokia wanted to visit our event so much, we would have invited them over, we are not afraid of competitors but support competition."



Top Smartphone Platforms Q3 2010



Blackberry OS 1st Place (- decreasing), iOS 2nd place (- decreasing), Android OS 3rd Place (+ Increase),Windows Phone OS 4th Place (- decreasing), WebOS 5th Place (- decreasing).


Android has overtaken Windows Mobile to become the third largest smartphone OS, by marketshare, in the U.S. The figures from ComScore show that in the period between April and July this year Android surged ahead to claim an extra 5% of the U.S. smartphone market, whilst Microsoft Windows Mobile dropped 2.2%. Of course this is the now outdated OS that Microsoft will soon replace with Win Phone 7 and Microsoft themselves have admitted to having missed a cycle with Windows Mobile.


The interesting thing about these figures, beyond Android growth, is what is happening to the other operating systems. The ComScore figures show that not one of the other operating systems that they track showed any sign of growth in the time period covered, indeed most actually shrank in market share. RIM Blackberry OS lost 1.8% and Apple did not fare much better with a 1.3% drop. It is worth pointing out though that the iPhone 4 will not have affected these results so Apple score may very well have jumped up in the period afterwards.


Samsung galaxy tab



The Samsung Galaxy Tab, as the first Android powered tablet on the market, has obviouly garnered a bit of interest. Sadly this is mostly due to reports of ridiculously high pricing, some 800 Pound on Amazon UK, for example. Well none of that has stopped Samsung from putting out a promo for its new device. It contains all the usual corporate staples of hipster types using the device whilst reclining in chairs drinking coffee or of people smiling whenever they so much as see the device. All that aside the promo focuses very much on portability. the device is shown being used out and about for the most part with one hipster even going so far as to shove it in his back pocket. Lets just hope he does not forget and sit down!


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