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Motorola's latest (though probably not greatest) Android handset. Just as we posited, this QWERTY slider is bound for ATT's airwaves and it comes with a Motoblur 2 skin, as seen most recently on theDroid X. We keep telling these manufacturers that bone stock Android and a rapid upgrade cycle would be preferable but they don't listen. You'll have to make do with Android 2.1 when the Sage launches.




The N900 is one capable gaming machine. Thus, it makes perfect sense for the blokes at Game Gripper to mold a controller specifically for that very handset, no? We've already spent a fair amount far too much time with our made-for-Droid edition, and if you're looking to boost your enjoyment level when playing NES ROMs, you can toss your pre-order in this very second. The company's offering the complete Game Gripper N900 for €14.95 ($20), or the button set alone for €3.95 ($5), with initial shipments expected in around a fortnight.


Apparently if you drag audio and video files over to your iDisk, you can now stream those selfsame files from the cloud. It's not quite a Celestial Jukebox it's only 20GB max but it could be useful for those who are into listening to a new album on the go without sideloading in iTunes.

Everyone is talking about iTunes in the cloud and this ain't it. However, it's an interesting addition to a seemingly dead service in the iTunes universe.

A Newly discovered security flaw puts any device that runs iOS, including the iPhone andiPad, at risk! At risk from what, you ask? An evildoer could remotely take control of your device, leaving you holding a hunk of plastic that you have zero control over. Symantec, which first discovered the security flaw, says Apple needs to patch the vulnerability ASAP, lest the bad guys cause a bit of havoc.

The flaw occurs because of the way mobile Safari handles PDF documents. The moment the browser opens a PDF, a hacker (how I loathe the word!) could inject a bit of code that ends up taking over your device.


The attack uses the same principles that jailbreaking uses.

In fact, the only way around the flaw right now is to jailbreak your device, then install an application that warns you when opening a PDF file.

Obviously the great fear here is that you visit a nefarious Web site that automatically causes Safari to download a PDF, a PDF that then ends up handing over control of your device to the bad guys.

(I use phrases like “bad guys” and “evildoers” if only because I’m trying to help take back the word “hacker.” Hackers don’t try to cause damage: jerks do.)

It’s not known if using an alternative browser, such as Opera, fixes the problem.

Symantec has basically begged Apple to patch the flaw. As of now, the exploit only exists on paper, but now that it’s “out there,” well, the countdown has started.



Japan-based accessory maker Momoyama is offering a range of ceramic mini speakers that come with an iPod cradle and in funny (stylish?) forms. Choose, for example, between a pig, a hippo, an apple or a cute elephant.

Each fruit-themed speaker of the so-called CERAMICA series costs $45, while the animal-like models cost $52 (Japanese street prices, including the cradle). Momoya plans to start selling the speakers in Japan from the middle of August.

If you’re interested but live outside Japan, contact specialized online stores such as The Japan Trend Shop.

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