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On the course of working on the latest beta builds of Adobe Flash and Adobe AIR 2.5 for Android smartphones, Adobe dropped a tingling teaser. their FlashTime video chat app. Still not included in the beta software builds, the playfully named video chat runs real-time between two Nexus One phones on the video demo following the break.

gsmarena 001 Adobes FlashTime to bring free p2p videocalling to all Androids out there, a touch of sarcasm too

FlashTime for Android is far from a finished product/service but it serves as a nice proof of the power of the Adobe’s platform. What can I say, I sure hope I see that P2PChatMobile.swf application freely running on Android smartphones out there.



Adobe Flash was designed to bring rich media content (eg. cool games and videos) to the web, it provided a medium for developers and designers to create amazing web content and deliver to multiple platforms.

By the very nature of it Flash based content would slow down a web page because it it using rich content. Now take this logic to Mobile. Mobi sites loaded faster because there was no rich content for mobile it would just use more bandwidth and was not feasible.

But now with Adobe looking at creating software that allows content to go to any platform the logical next step is to take rich content to Mobile.

If you are not stupid then you would already know that naturally a web mobile page will load slower if there is rich content on it. Alot of mobile phones come with a YouTube app, have you tried loading up a video on it? It’s really slow!

The idea is to get your head out your bum and realize that the early stages of any new development is always the shakiest. This is when the bugs get ironed out and when you start building on the development to create a master piece.

Adobe Flash on Mobile is exactly the same. Give the platform a chance and you will see objectively whether it is worthwhile or not.


Motorola is so keen on working on its upcoming devices that it seems to have forgotten about its currently available ones. According to James King, the company's European marketing director, it is not quite sure whether the MILESTONE will ever get the eagerly anticipated Android v2.2 update.

main Froyo not coming to the Motorola MILESTONE?

like many other Motorola MILESTONE owners, have been thinking that this update is in the oven and is coming any moment now. But apparently, the Motorola team hasn’t started working on it yet. As James King says, the decision whether the Motorola MILESTONE is getting a Froyo treatment or not has not been made yet. Here is James King’s post on Facebook:


Next European Milestone and 2.2 (Froyo). I have expressed over the last few days that the decision is pending. The team here has been collating key pieces of information and views from this community in the last month and providing input to relevant teams in Motorola so they are aware. I am pushing for that decision to be made as quickly as possible, and we can then all go from there. Some others ask why the decisions on upgrades take so long, and why does implementation then take much longer still. What I can say and have stated recently is that upgrades are not a walk in the park. Sure there are shortcuts that people can take, but when you have to integrate software to a specific hardware, then test it and integrate with third-party applications, let alone any innovation from ourselves, plus then get approvals to make this all official and safe… it’s is a big undertaking that requires planning and resource and third-party coordination to see this all through. As I say, once we have decision, we will inform. JK

So, if Motorola decides not to update their Android-based smartphone to the latest (so far) OS version, the company will lose plenty of its fans. This could also mean that the same scenario will repeat on and on with other (future) Motorola devices starring in the main role. That sounds like a serious turn-off to me. I think I’ll go for an HTC smartphone instead of Motorola’s next time I’m shopping Android.

Skype is now updated for iOS4 and supports multi-tasking. If this is not enough for you, then you should know Skype has no intention to charge you for 3G calls.


Skype for iOS4 allows the app to continue working while it's closed. You will be able to receive IMs and calls in background, even when your device is locked. All that means Skype is capable of multi-tasking for real (only on iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4).


Skype also announced that they have no intention to charge for Skype-to-Skype calls over 3G network. All calls over 3G are free for everyone.

To Get your Skype for iPhone, visit Apple's AppStore.




Whenever a new software keyboard comes out we hear the inevitable catchphrases of it being the best ever, of it being 'revolutionary', etc. Some of them turn out to be pretty good to be fair, but this latest effort, BlindType, actually looks like it might just live up to those buzzwords. The chaps behind it describe it as being 'extremely tolerant to typing errors' or in other words you can have the shakes and it will still throw out a passable sentence. Whatever their algorithm for predicting text is it looks to be bang on the money as you will see in the video below. BlindType gets its name from another feature, the ability to dynamically adjust to however the user is typing i.e. the size and orientation of the keyboard change to suit the user. Hence the name 'BlindType' in so far as it's meant to allow for blind operation.

BlindType is being submitted to the Android Market and Apple's App Store, however, whilst Android users can look upon getting this as a certainty iPhone users may not be so lucky. BlindType's designers have confirmed that they will require Apple's default button slate to be replaced. 

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