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A company called Picitup launched a cool Android app called iOnRoad, touting it as "too smart to run on the iPhone." Thats a bold statement, but its justified with the fact that iPhone multi-tasking capabilities are pretty limited to what Android is offering.


The application relies on the smartphone camera and sensors to detect vehicles in front of the vehicle, alerting drivers when they are in danger iPhone can handle that part alone. The problem is when you run iOnRoad in the background, when for instance you also use a navigation application thats something that will turn off iOnRoad on the iPhone. And thats the way Picitup envisioned its app to work, mapping objects in front of the driver in real-time and calculating the user current speed, while running in the background.


Get iOnRoad for Android For FREE


Then as the vehicle approaches danger, an audio-visual warning pops up to warn of a possible collision.


Follow me @Josephws



The Problem:

One of the best features of your Android is the capability of expanding your already large memory storage with an SD memory card or remote cloud storage services like Dropbox, Picasa, Google Docs, etc. The only problem is that managing all those gigabytes of information is not an easy task.

And as time goes by you may have duplicate documents, or worse one of your important files may end up in one of those forgotten folders that you never can find with very much ease. You can always restrict how much info you put on your Android, but that goes against the whole point of having an Android: eliminating all the dumb restrictions, rules, and barriers.

The Android Solution:



There is an app called Sandisk Memory Zone, that does a few very nifty things to help you organize all those gigabytes of information in a very easy and simple method. First of all, Sandisk Memory Zone organizes all the memory storage that you have access to on one simple screen to easily be able to see where you stand with all your memory.



Having all this information at the tip of your fingers, it is so much easier to decide when and where to save that file you are working on. If you think thats cool, we are just getting started! Sandisk Memory Zone allows you to access any of the files in any of the available storage devices/services from one single convenient access point. You can transfer them from one memory storage to another, and even password protect any of these files. Also don't forget to Watch the Video Below!


Follow me @Josephws





Beluga group messaging app was acquired by Facebook back in March, it was only a matter of time before the service would get shutdown.


Now, we have the official deadline for when still loyal Beluga users will have to make the transition to something else. And that will most likely be Facebook version of the service, a standalone app launched back in August calledFacebook Messenger.


Beluga will stop working starting November 11, but users will still be able to access chat archives. Users have until December 15 to download their archives and pods before the service is completely shutdown. The news comes at the same time that the Facebook Messenger app gets updated with support for 22 languages on iOS, Android, and BlackBerry.


Follow me @Josephws




Swype is out with a new version of its popular virtual keyboard app. Perhaps most importantly, this release supports automatic updates directly from within the application, allowing you to break free of the SwypeInstaller, save your dictionary and settings, and get notified when a new update is available.

Then there is support for 11 new languages and now all languages are split into 4 regional downloads, plus 1 with all regions combined:

  • Americas: US English, Spanish, French Canadian, Brazilian Portuguese ~5Mb
  • Western Europe: UK English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Finnish ~10Mb
  • Eastern Europe: US English, UK English, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak ~9Mb
  • South East Asia: US English, UK English, Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese (Simplified), Filipino ~8Mb
  • All Regions: Includes all 23 languages from the regional language versions. ~21Mb

Key layout has also been refined and numbers are now located along the top row of keys, similar to a traditional keyboard. Moreover, the "Globe" key has been removed from all BETA builds, while the symbols layer got a second page.


Swype 3.26 BETA


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TouchreTouch 3.0


One of the favorite photo editing app for Android Users has just got Updated, TouchReTouch 3.0.1 has just been releaded on the Android Market. we all have those photos with the unwanted blemish, person or object. With TouchRetouch 3.0, you can simply swipe them out with a sigle touch on your Android Device.




You can even have a little fun with TouchRetouch Free. Take away the bicycle from under your brother and it looks like he is cycling in mid-air. You can make it look like people are flying, jumping or posed oddly, by removing whatever was supporting them.



New Features on the v3.0:

  • In-app video tutorials
  • Unlimited Undo/Redo actions
  • Smart image background recovery techniques
  • No distortions in final image
  • Easy to use interface
  • Finger move hint


Tutorial Video Below!



Get the Free Version


Get the Full Version



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