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FB Messenger


With three major social networks out there now (Google+, Facebook, and Twitter), I find myself explaining the difference between Facebook and the others more often than ever. How Twitter is best for real time sharing en masse, how Facebook focuses on personal relationships, and how Google+ allows you to create small communities out of the people you know for know your audience style sharing.

Since Google+ entered the ring, Facebook has been feeling the pressure to step its game up. They launched video chat with Skype from within Facebook, no extras needed. Most recently, they have launched Facebook Messenger, an app that makes it easy to communicate with Facebook (and non-Facebook) friends to really build those personal relationships.


Android FB Messenger


What Is Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger is an app for Android (and iOS) that allows you to contact your friends through mobile IM, Facebook Chat, and SMS. Other features of the app include group chat, push notifications, and the ability to share photos or your location.

The first thing you will notice after downloading the app is that if you have the official Facebook app, you will not need to log in separately, Facebook Messenger sees that you are logged in already.


Login and Contact List

After logging in, you will see a list of any messages and chat conversations you have held on Facebook. With Facebook new web-based messaging, there is no longer differentiation between chat and messages. They are all considered messages. From Messenger, you can continue the conversation through either of these.

Simply press one of the conversations in the list to go to the chat screen for that conversation. From here you wull see the most recent messages, a way to send text, images, and your location, and a settings button unique to that particular conversation. This screen, as well as the app overall, is really well designed and very clean.


Single Chat and Settings


Pressing the Settings button for a single conversation will allow you to manage alerts for that conversation and add more people. For the alerts, you can choose from On, Off for 1 Hour, Off Until 8am, and Off. I think this was a pretty nice touch by the people at Facebook, I would imagine a frequent request for this young app is the ability to specify a time to turn alerts back on. I would definitely like to see that.

On top of alerts and adding people, you can also view a map of locations posted by the participants.


Map Screen


You can also start new conversations using the icon in the top right corner of the home screen. Since we already saw how a one-on-one chat works, let’s take a look a group chats.


Group Chat


When adding people to a conversation, start typing in a name and Facebook Messenger will suggest people that either have Messenger (and are logged in) or people from your contacts list (offline), who get added as SMS recipients, its worth noting that you can mix and match chat and SMS recipients. There is no advertised limit to the number of people you can add, but I am sure as the number grows you’ll see some performance issues.


Group Chat and Settings


When you send a message to a group of mixed recipients, Facebook handles sending everything out as well as displaying incoming messages all in one place. It doesn’t rely on your phone SMS app at all, so you will not see a list of text messages next time you open up Android Messaging app. Whats really cool is Messenger will also send incoming SMS messages to the other SMS recipients. For example, if Amy starts a conversation with Bobby, Chis, and Dana, and Chris and Dana are using SMS, Messenger will make sure Chris gets Dana SMS messages, and vise versa. I thought this was a nice touch, and incredibly important to making group chat work well.

Group chat allows you all of the functionality of one on one chat, including messages, sharing locations, and sending photos. This functionality is MUCH better than most stock SMS apps, since if you send a message to multiple people, you will get individual responses back. I can definitely see Messenger being used most to coordinate and make plans with several people at one time.

The settings for group chat are the same as the settings for one on one, except that you can also add a title to the group, as well as customize the photo. If you don’t select a photo, Messenger will make a grid of everyone photos to display on the list of conversations.


Settings and Other Features


On top of continuing conversations and starting new ones, as long as you are logged in to Messenger, you will get notifications for any new conversations started by your friends. This can be changed in Settings.


General Settings

General Settings


The settings for Messenger are pretty standard; you can turn all alerts on or off, and choose between being alerted through sound, vibrate, blinking light, or some combination of the three, as well as what sound you would like to hear. You can also turn location sharing on or off, which you can do for each individual message by pressing the blue arrow in the text box for a conversation.

There are also a couple of advanced settings: Clear image cache and Clear conversation cache. I imagine these two functions will free up some memory on your phone, although it may take a bit longer to load a conversation next time you enter a chat you have previously entered.

Download from the Market


Follow me @Josephws




After reading this article, you will be able to use your Android phone as a webcam for Skype, Google Talk, Facebook, or any other program on your computer that can use a webcam. I was frustrated that Skype did not allow video chat for my phone when they recently updated their app to allow this, and decided to figure out a way to do this using the existing video camera on my phone.

Your phone should already support video and have either wi-fi or bluetooth. You can connect via USB cable but I was not able to do it, you need to do port forwarding which is not easy to do with certain setups.

For reference, I did this using a Samsung Galaxy S phone, with other phones it may be a little different.


Getting Started

First you will have to choose which app you would like to use. This is not as big a task as you might image, as there are only really three such apps for Android that are active and have good reviews. Each app has its good and bad things, but hopefully you can find one that works for you and your phone.

All of them work with some kind of client program on your computer so you will need to download and install that before you can get it working. This allows you to sort of trick your computer into thinking the device is a webcam which can be used in Skype, Google Talk, Facebook, and so on. I tested all of the apps in Skype and Gmail chat.

Choose Your Webcam


IP Webcam


IP Webcam

IP Webcam works only on wi-fi so you need your phone to be connected that way to use this app. The setup is pretty easy but there are a few things you needed to configure in Skype correctly to use it. I could not get it to work in Gmail chat (Google Talk) so that is a big disadvantage. Also, it currently does not support audio.

Price: Free
Requires: Android 1.6 or later


  • Go here in your web browser: (replace with the IP address that appears in the app on your phone). You will see instructions and a link to the video feed.
  • Download and install this program:
  • In Skype Options > Video settings, select “IP Webcam MJPG” as the source.
  • Click on the Webcam settings button under Skype Video Settings; use the raw URL option at the top and enter your video feed address for example with your IP address from the app on the phone).



DroidCam is a bit easier to install and work with compared to IP Webcam. But it seems like there are more options available in IP Webcam with DroidCam the free version does not allow you to change the video format or resolution. Droidcam works with Gmail chat and Skype. I could not get the USB option to work, as you need to forward ports on your computer. Wi-fi and Bluetooth work fine. The audio works but its a bit choppy not ready for prime-time yet.

Price: Free (DroidCamX upgrade available)
Requires: Android 2.1 or later


  • Go to their website to get the application for your computer and install it.
  • Open the app on your computer and the app on your phone.
  • On your computer, choose which method to use (Wi-fi, USB, or Bluetooth)
  • If you’re using Wi-fi, enter the IP address that appears in the app on your phone into the DroidCam client and select audio, video, or both (only video is possible via Bluetooth)
  • Click Connect on the DroidCam client to start streaming video.
  • In Skype or Gmail chat video settings select "DroidCam" as the source.



SmartCam works via Bluetooth and wi-fi. You can change the resolution, unlike DroidCam, so it gets a thumbs up there.

Price: Free
Requires: Android 2.2 or later



  • Go to their website to get the application for your computer and install it. (Download latest Windows version)
  • Open the application on your computer and install/open the SmartCam Android app.
  • On your computer, choose which method to use (Wi-fi, USB, or Bluetooth)
  • In the Settings menu on the SmartCam app, choose your connection type and configure your Bluetooth or Wi-fi settings (enter the local IP address of your computer as the "remote server" the port probably will not need to be changed)
  • In the SmartCam computer application settings select your connection type the same as you did in the phone app
  • In the phone app menu click the Connect Wi-fi or Bluetooth button
  • In Skype or Gmail chat video settings select "SmartCam" as the source.

Follow me @Josephws

gsmarena 001 Dolphin browser now on iPhone   lacks Flash though


The Dolphin browser is among the most popular mobile browsers out there and now its available on the iPhone. If offers special finger-drawn gestures feature so that you can easily and quickly go to a specified page, scroll up and down, and more.


The gesture system offers you preset gestures or you can opt to create custom ones. Creating your own custom gestures, however, is a bit dodgy as the browser mistakes what you’re drawing to be something only remotely similar to it and would make you erase the preset, instead of creating a new gesture.


Follow me @Josephws

gsmarena 001 Angry Birds Rio Airfield Chase episode launches today, brings 15 new levels


Good news for all Angry Birds fans, a new Rio episode, called Airfield Chase, has gone live and it brings the first half of the 30 new levels.


The update is now available for the iOS users via the Apple App Store and the Android ones via the Amazon App Store. I guess the update will become available in the Android Market a week later, as usual.


The Airfield Chase episode will have 30 levels, 15 of which are now playable. The next 15 levels should become available in about a month. After that there will be just one episode left to conclude Angry Birds Rio. Frankly, its about time! All this episodic thing has gone too far already.


Follow me @Josephws



Sprint and McAfee are teaming-up to provide Sprint Android customers with an easy access to McAfee Mobile Security and McAfee Family Protection software, which protect users important information from loss, theft and viruses. Additionally, McAfee Family Protection Android Edition allows parents to filter inappropriate websites on their child mobile device.

As part of the deal, a McAfee icon will be promptly placed within the Sprint Zone and inside the Sprint Tab in the Android Market.

The McAfee Mobile Security software is available as a seven-day trial and can be purchased as a 12-month subscription for $29.99, while the McAfee Family Protection Android Edition comes with a 30-day trial and can be purchased as a 12-month subscription for $19.99.


Follow me @Josephws


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