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Color introduced its flagship application for real-time sharing of photos, videos and text from your Android and iOS device. Color does more than upload your content to a remote website, it locates other Color users in the area and shares your content with them. While you are visiting the Washington Monument in DC taking in the Cherry Blossoms, you can share your images and thoughts with other people in your immediate vicinity. Likewise, you can receive pictures or texts of interesting items from other nearby users. This real-time, dynamic public sharing is what sets Color apart from its competition.

The community application takes photo-sharing applications like Instagram and pushes them one step further. Unlike Instagram which stores your images on a server, Color shares your content with the public, no privacy settings required. Color is an interesting concept, but the application has raised the hackles of the privacy community which questions the safety of the public sharing features.


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sportstacker Sports Tracker coming to iPhone and Android! [Watch out RunKeeper]



Sports Tracker is an application who has a history thats almost as interesting as the app itself. It started out as a hobby project made a few Nokia engineers. They polished it up in their free time, released it as an application for Symbian devices, and its maintained a cult following; with good reason too. We have tried almost every sports application available, for nearly every platform, and Sports Tracker is simply the best due to ease of use, quick glanceable information, and it just plain looks pretty. After Nokia decided to let the Sports Tracker project die on a vine, the engineers who made it decided to leave the Finnish handset maker and start their own firm. Oddly enough, Nokia agreed to pay them to keep the Sports Tracker project living, and from what we hear the engineers are making more by having their own company than they were when they had 9 to 5 jobs. Anyway, many people who have been burned by Nokia latest flagships, mainly the N97 and N900, have switched to either the iPhone or something running Android, and in the process had to find a replacement to Sports Tracker.

Today that changes since Sports Tracker has officially announced that they are coming to both the iPhone and Android. The release date is said to be in the near future once some final testing has taken place.we are confident that this app is going to become an instant hit for all you fitness buffs. Its a shame that Nokia let such talented engineers escape, and with the resignation package they offered a while back, many people who knew they could easily get a job somewhere else left as well, resulting in one of the largest brain drains to ever happen at a technology firm.


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Opera 11

Opera is still busily working on its set of popular browsers even if you may not have heard much from them of late. They are releasing new versions of Opera Mini and Opera Mobile, versions 6 and 11 respectively. The new versions bring the browsers up to speed for the modern smartphone age with features like pinch to zoom, interfaces more suited to tablets, improved sharing functionality and a new browser version for TVs. There are also new tools being made available for devs looking to create apps for Opera TVs.

If you are too lazy to actually go and download a version yourself to try it out just check out the
videos below!


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telenav iphone TeleNav GPS now available as a free download from the AppStore


Location-based service provider TeleNav is now offering its GPS navigation app for free for the iPhone4 users. The application includes free maps and local search with more than 22 million Places that are continually updated and include details such as ratings, reviews and merchant information.


For the first 30 days after downloading, customers will also get access to advanced navigation features, such as spoken turn-by-turn directions and 3D moving maps. After the period, you can continue using the advanced navigation features for a pay-as-you-go cost of $2.99 per month or $21.99 per year. Alternatively, there is also the option to stay free and use only GPS map and local search capabilities.


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shazam friends Shazam Friends lets Shazam users share music with their Facebook buddies

Shazam is updating its Android and iOS apps with a new feature called "Shazam Friends" to allow users to discover and share new music with their Facebook friends. You get to access a real-time feed of songs your friends have tagged, from where you are supposed to find some cool new music.


After Shazam is updated, a new "Friends" tab will appear, allowing you to manage what you want share with friends and see what your friends have shared. Once logged into your Facebook account, confirm you would like to connect and share with friends, so you can:


  • Browse all of your friends tags, listen to previews, watch music videos, read reviews, access biographies and get artist tour information
  • See all recent tags from a particular friend in one list
  • Add friends tags to their Shazam history and playlist
  • Purchase the track
  • Where available use streaming services to play the song from their playlist
  • Post tags to Facebook and Twitter, add comments, and give their friends a chance to listen and comment

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