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Steve and Eric


Its easy to forget that at one time Google and Apple made a pretty cosy couple.The two companies were on friendly terms, so much so that Eric Schmidt was even sitting on Apple board of directors. You would not know that now of course given the increasing anomosity between the two, especially when it comes to the massive global patent war Android find sitself embroiled in. However, we saw something of a harking back to former times in an interview Eric Schmidt recently gave where he rated Steve Jobs as the best company boss of the last century.

Schmidt was speaking on stage at the Dreamforce conference when he made the comments. He saisd that Jobs was "probably the best" company boss in 50 or 100 years, responding to a question from the audience. Justifying such exalted praise Schmidt cited the fact that Jobs had built up Apple into apowerful company, not once, but twice.


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Google plus


Google is killing off its Slide team and shutting down most of the mobile apps that the team created in order to focus more on Google plus.


Google purchased Slide last year for about $200 million and the team was thought to give the search giant a much-needed boost in the social side. Since then, Larry Page has taken over as CEO and has implemented a majorreorganization. The Slide team had been operating independently and apparently did not have a real role in Page Google. Slide former CEO, Max Levchin, will be leaving the company.


I cannot say I am really surprised, as Google is all-in with Google+ and Page is really focusing the company efforts on fewer products "more wood behind fewer arrows." Slide created apps like Pool Party and the just-released Photovine and these duplicated features that are in the Google+ apps. In fact, the Photovine app did not even work with Android.


Follow me @Josephws

Google TV

Believe it or not, its going on a year now since we were first introduced to Google idea of bringing the internet to your TV, with soft launches of its Logitech Revue and Sony TV products last September. Now, apparently Google is working on bringing its system to the UK within the next six months according toa Telegraph report sourcing Eric Schmidt.

Anyone who is followed Google TV knows that its been a pretty turbulent year to say the least. Not too long ago prices were drastically slashed by Logitech and Sony to help move its products off the shelves at Best Buy-retailers, which is great news for UK buyers looking to get the Google set-top-boxes at an affordable price.

For those of you out there who do not know much about these set-top-boxes, allow me to help fill you in. Google TV is a connected TV platform from the search giant, which integrates Google's Android operating system and the Linux version of Google Chrome browser, which creates an interactive television overlay on top of existing internet television.


Follow me @Josephws



One of the cool features of google plus mobile app is instant upload i.e upload the pictures or video as you shoot instantaneously to the google+ social network.


 As cool as it sounds, sometimes it is not welcomed by everyone. By default instant upload is turned on in your google+ mobile application. Now for example, lets say you are using a limited data plan or have less battery, when you take a picture or a video, your google+ mobile app will immediately upload the media to your google plus account which might cause you run data overages or drain your battery.


If you are running into above constraints, the good news is, you can disable instant upload or configure to upload photo or video only when you are on a WiFi / mobile charging.


Here are the steps of how to disable or configure instant upload settings:

  • In you google+ application, go to Settings
  • Goto the bottom section where you wil find Instant Upload (You can uncheck to disable Instant upload altogether)
  • If you choose to use Instant Upload only through WiFi, click on the Instant Upload Settings option
  • Click on the Mobile Uploads settings and choose Photo and Video via Wi-Fi only
  • If you choose to save battery, Check the Battery uploads option (This will enable to upload photo, video only when charging)

Follow me @Josephws


gsmarena 001 Google Plus adds games (including Angry Birds), wont clutter your stream like Facebook games do

Games are one of the biggest time-wasters on Facebook and now Google has announced that they have added a Games section to their Google+ social network. Unlike Facebook however, gamer-related messages in Google+ will not spam your stream.

A Games tab should appear in your Google+ page, just like there are tabs for Home, Photos, Profile and Circles. Ones there, you will see game updates and invites from people in your circles and check out what games they’ve played recently. Those updates do not show up in your regular stream, only in the Games tab, which avoids clutter.


gsmarena 002 Google Plus adds games (including Angry Birds), wont clutter your stream like Facebook games do

The games update is rolling out right now, so its not available for everyone. It should be soon though.


Follow me @Josephws


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