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Google new photo-sharing service Photovine has just landed in the App Store. Strangely enough, Google has picked iOS over its own Android to be the carrier of the first mobile app of its new service.

So here is the deal with this new social/photo service that Google is launching. You can create vines of photos by uploading one and giving it a caption. Your friends are than able to add more shots to the vine, making it a constantly growing album.


Of course, each of the photos can have a description of its own, but all of them share a single title. Google describes this as "a fun way to learn more about your friends, meet new people and share your world like never before"


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The Google+ social network definitely appears to be taking off and the search giant has just updated its Android app to includes some new features and to fix some bugs.

The Google+ Android app 1.0.2 now includes:


  • - Customize your Stream to show streams from individual circles (Stream>Menu>Manage Views)
  • - New UI allows adding multiple people or entire circles to an existing group Huddle
  • - Set photo as wallpaper (when viewing photo)
  • Good Fixes
  • - Fixed some issues with the Swype keyboard
  • - If someone you’ve never huddled with before invites you to a group Huddle, you can now dismiss the invitation
  • - Performance improvements and bug fixes throughout the app


Thats a nice little start and check out the video below for an example of what you can do with the service with the Android app.

Video Below!


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Google Plus has reached 10 million users already, despite being less than three weeks old. The influx of people was so large that Google had to shut down the invitation system for a while.

Thats right that many people got in before the service is officially open to anyone. One problem though girls do not seem to be into it. According to some statistics, as much as 87% of Google Plus users are male. Thats according to website, though lowers that estimate to 74%.


Follow me @Josephws


Google continues its offensive on the social networking world with a new photo sharing service called Photovine. Today they are released a quick teaser video (it used to be just a two line description and a mockup image), which gives us a basic idea of what the service will be about.

The tagline of Photovine is "Plant a photo, watch it grow" basically, you post a photo with a two or three word description. Then other people send back photo requests of their own on that topic. Its not clear right now what social networks Photovine will support. Google Plus is almost a given, but maybe the big G will connect their new service to Twitter and Facebook too.


Follow me @Josephws

Bill Gross, the founder and CEO of the business incubator Idealab, as well as the Twitter app companyUbermedia, has high hopes for Google+. "I predict that Google+ will go from 0 to 100,000,000 users faster than any other service in history" Grosswrote on the service this morning.


A bold prediction indeed, but there is a very good chance that he is on the right track. Once Google+ becomes available to anyone with a Google account, the amount of users on it will undoubtedly explode. Gmail alone has over 200 million users globally, and Google reach via search and other services adds hundreds of millions of other potential users just waiting to jump into G+.


Currently Google+ is available to people with a public Google profile, and the search giant resumed sending out Google+ invitations last week after closing them for a few days due to what it said was "insane demand."


Gross is no stranger to social networking. He launched the Twitter aggregation startup TweetUp last year, which eventually became Ubermedia as Gross added features to the company core app and purchased mobile Twitter apps Echofon and TwitDroid. Ubermedia was also reportedly in negotiations to acquire the popular client TweetDeck before Twitter snapped it up.


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