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Today opera released the final version of their latest Opera 11 desktop web browser. Despite introducing lots of cool new features such as tab stacking, extensions and visual mouse gestures it took this version less than a month to graduate from beta. The key feature brought by Opera 11 is tab stacking allowing better management of your open tabs. All you need to do is drag one tab on top of another to create a new stack.

Next come extensions, which as the name suggests, are nice little plug-ins that extend the functionality of your web browser. Since the release of the Opera 11 beta version more than two million of those have been downloaded.

Mouse gestures are also improved and now offer visual mouse gestures. That means you will see a colored trace behind your mouse, helping you perform the gestures more accurately.



DEMO Below!


You know all those great services that Google gladly provides to all of us, internet users for free? Stuff like Gmail, Google Maps, Picasa, Latitude, etc. Well they would not be here if it was not for today birthday 10 Google AdWords, which just turned 10. The Mountain View company flagship advertising product celebrated its birthday in style by dedicating an incredibly funny video to each of its clients.

Over the past year Google AdWords gathered more than $23 billion of revenue, allowing the rest of the cool stuff to remain free. And while no one actually likes ads, they are probably the only way to get some quality product without having to pay for it, so its not all bad.


See Video Here



As many of you will have already seen today Gawker and its various websites have been hacked and their user database compromised. The database contains details of more than a million members and includes information such as their email addresss and passwords.

Gawker says that the passwords are encrypted, but the group claiming responsibility for the attack, Gnosis, have already claimed that they have unencrypted some passwords. Gawker are advising their users to immediately change their Gawker password and the password used for any other sites that was the same as their Gawker password.

Any of our readers who use any of Gawker websites are advised to change their password immediately.


The Gmail web app for iOS and Android has been updated today. The latest version of the mobile Gmail is now available in 44 different languages.

The supported languages are Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian (Bokmal), Polish, Portuguese , Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (for both Spain and South America), Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukranian, Urdu and Vietnamese.

If your language is in the list, just go to from your Android/iOS device and you will feel at home.

Chrome OS


In all the recent excitement over Chrome OS unveliking it might have been easy to forget that many an industry watcher has ben asking just how Google new OS will fit in alongside Android. Indeed some have been asking if there is even a point to it given that Android can be, and indeed is being, used for tablet devices.

Fresh criticism in that vein has come from no less than the man who created Gmail, former Google employee Paul Buchheit.
He did not mince his words in his appraisal of Chrome OS:

"I was thinking, is this too obvious to even state?, but then I see people taking Chrome OS seriously, and Google is even shipping devices for some reason."

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