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A new set of projections from research firm Gartner has reinforced the prediction that Android is heading to the top of the smartphone market, largely at the expense of Blackberry and Symbian. The research suggests that Android will overtake Blackberry by the end of this year, however, that lead will grow and by 2011 Android NO.2 will have a commanding lead over RIM. Symbian is predicted to remain in the NO.1 spot through to 2014, but the projections say that Android will be a whisker behind them. iOS market share drops a few points in the projections, but it manages to retain the number three spot ahead of Blackberry, which falls to fourth position in the smartphone stakes. Perhaps the most interesting prediction concerns Windows Phones 7, which Gartner are projecting to essentially be a non-event, steadily declining into obscurity.

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Three recently unveiled smartphones are coming to T-Mobile UK very soon. Those are the Symbian^3-based Nokia C7 and the Android-running HTC Desire HD and LG Optimus One P500. Two of the phones are expected to head for the T-Mobile UK stores in October, while the other one should start shipping a month later. There is still no word from T-Mobile UK on those phones prices but its Coming soon. You see Full specs for all 3 phones below!



desire HD

Full Desire HD Specs




Optimus 1

Full Optimus one Specs





Full Nokia C7 specs

webtab - Click to view Larger


There were rumors about the WeTab that will launch a new tablet based on Meego OS the Mobile Operating System that developed by Intel and Nokia. In the IFA 2010 WeTab demonstrated the new tablet with the customized Meego UI and it was very Great and fast as it will be powered with Intel Atom 1.6Ghz CPU Chip.

WeTab will be on-sale in late September:

See the 16GB version here in

See the 32GB version here in




Sanyo new Innuendo clamshell replaces Incognito launched earlier this year on Sprint. its Specs is 3.2MP camera and adding an extra 0.2 inches of real estate on the WQVGA internal display, which compliments a hidden 1.3-inch OLED display out front paired with a full set of touch-sensitive buttons for those times when QWERTY is not a priority. Its available now for $49.99 with a 2 years contract with sprint and after $50 rebate. its a Big step on hte Design and Shape for Sanyo.



 Ar you Embarrassed by your "dumbphone" push-button cellphone?. Do not worry any more a New software could offer users of cheaper push-button phones access to some of the features usually found only on the more pricey smartphones. Called TouchDevice, the program renders the entire casing and LCD display of a standard phone sensitive to touch or, rather, the sounds of touch. And it needs no new hardware, so can be applied to most existing phones, its creators claim.

The Touch Device software is developed by Input Dynamics of Cambridge on UK and this New tachnology will let users scroll through menus, browse or zoom and all by swiping, tapping or scratching a fingertip, touchscreen-style, along the side of the phone.

Instead of selecting onscreen icons with a joypad, they can tap the icons as if the traditional display was an iPhone-style capacitive touchscreen. Tapping the phone casing a number of times activates pre-selected functions like the address book, texting service or camera.


Video to Show How Below!







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