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2023 is a new year which also means that we can look forward to the launch of the next major Android update - Android 14. While it will still be a while before Android 14 is available to the general public, Google has since launched the developer preview which gives developers early access so they have an idea of what to expect.


Realme UI 3.0, in light of Android 12, coming quite close to weeks


The good news is that this developer preview will also give us a hint of what's to come. Keep in mind that seeing as we are this early in, there is a chance that some of the changes might not make the final cut or might see a rework ahead of its release, but either way we should still be able to get a slight idea of what to expect.


One of the things that Google is continuing to push in Android 14 is customization. This includes the ability to resize fonts where they are now increasing the max font size to 200%, up from 130% on Pixel devices. They will also apply non-linear font scaling to prevent already-large text from getting ridiculously larger.


Users will also be able to look forward to per-app language preferences. This might be useful for people coming from another country where they might still have some apps developed in their native language and want to keep it that way. Most of the other changes are largely catered towards developers which will affect how apps will behave.


According to the timeline Google shared, they expect that the beta for Android 14 will launch in April and reach platform stability around June and July before it is eventually released. More details and changes should also be revealed in the coming months, particularly at I/O 2023, so check back with us then for the updates. For those who are curious about the technical aspects of Android 14, you can find those details on the Android 14 developer site.

Android users will soon be able to force app icons to match the theme of their phone


One of the main changes that Google brought to Android 13 was Material You. This is more or less an aesthetic feature where apps could change their icon to match the overall theme and color scheme of their phone, giving it a more uniform look.


The downside to this feature is that as far as third-party icons are concerned, developers will need to support the feature and supply the icon. So, depending on the apps you use, there may be one or two apps that do not support this feature which could "ruin" the look you are trying to go for.



The good news is that according to a tweet by Mishaal Rahman, it appears that in the latest Android 13 beta, Google is introducing a new feature that will basically force app icons to match the color scheme that you have chosen by generating an icon to match. We're not sure if these generated icons will provide the best results, but if you're a stickler for uniformity, we suppose it's not a bad alternative.


That being said, the feature isn't live yet so Android users will have to wait until the feature becomes available to them, which at this point in time we're not sure when that will be, but it might be something worth keeping an eye out for.


At the point when another update is delivered, there will undoubtedly be clients who hurry to introduce quickly, and afterward there are some who hold off as far as might be feasible. This is on the grounds that there have been numerous occurrences where an update can break a phone, whether it be extreme battery channel, lagginess, or simply messes with that make the gadget unusable for everyday undertakings.


Future Android smartphones could at last be compelled to embrace consistent updates


Accordingly, it is reasonable that a few clients should hold off until it's been entirely screened by others. This can be an issue, particularly for basic updates or significant updates, however that will change from now on. This is on the grounds that Google is presently expecting that gadgets that boat with Android 13 help consistent updates.


For those new, consistent updates is an element that Google presented back in Android 7.0 Nougat yet the organization has consistently made it discretionary with regards to whether OEMs needed to take on the component. Fundamentally what it does is that it makes virtual A/B segments where one parcel will be the ongoing rendition you're utilizing, and the other being the new update.


The update can be downloaded and introduced behind the scenes, and when your phone reboots, it will be refreshed to the most recent rendition, consequently lessening the free time clients experience while performing framework refreshes, making it consistent as the name proposes. Eventually, this technique guarantees that clients get the most recent updates at whatever point it is accessible and that is by and large something to be thankful for.


Since Android 13 was just barely delivered, this implies that phones delivered in 2023 will undoubtedly accompany the new element.

Chrome for Android will before long make it more straightforward to reestablish numerous tabs


Chrome on work area has a really valuable component where you can undoubtedly return tabs that you shut, particularly different tabs on the double. Sadly on portable, it's a totally different story as it isn't exactly as direct, however that is supposed to change from here on out.


As indicated by an as of late found trial banner in the Chromium Gerrit, it appears to be that Google is dealing with a personal satisfaction update to Chrome for Android where clients will find it more straightforward to reestablish different shut tabs on the double.


At the present time, reestablishing shut tabs on Android must be done individually. On the off chance that you're the sort that has numerous tabs open immediately, reestablishing every one of them can be a tedious cycle, so this update ought to make it much more straightforward. It is indistinct now the way that it will work in light of the fact that the passages give off an impression of being very new.


This recommends that Google could have just barely begun dealing with it so it very well may be some time before we see it accessible to all clients. It is a decent sign however in light of the fact that taking care of different tabs on Chrome's versatile application isn't exactly as consistent contrasted with work area. It was recently that Google rolled out certain improvements to make it harder for clients to unintentionally close all open tabs, so this forthcoming update ought to be an effective method for permitting clients to reestablish those tabs assuming that at any point occurs.


Back in the beginning of the smartphone, there were such countless various stages to browse. There was Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone, etc. Nowadays, it has truly reduced to only two - Android and iOS, with Google's Android stage basically ruling the smartphone market.


Yet, it appears to be that no lord runs always on the grounds that as per the most recent information introduced by StockApps, apparently more than a long term period, Android has really lost 8% of its worldwide OS portion of the overall industry. At its pinnacle, Android instructed 77.32% of the market, yet it has since dropped to 69.74% in January 2022.


Android has lost 8% of its worldwide piece of the pie in the beyond five years


Interestingly, Apple's iOS stage has seen an expansion in portion of the overall industry, going from 19.4% in July 2018 to 25.49% in January 2022. That being said, Android's plunge in portion of the overall industry is something fans don't have to stress over. First off, the hole is still excessively wide for Apple to make up for lost time at any point in the near future, if by any means.


Also, with Android being open source, it makes it simpler for producers to construct smartphones, which thusly assists Android with acquiring strength in the smartphone market. Likewise, as indicated by StockApps examiner Edith Reads, except if Apple thinks of something unprecedented, it appears to be improbable that the organization can at any point close that hole.


The report likewise separates the notoriety of the stages in view of district, where it was observed that Android is the most prevailing in Africa, while over in North America and Oceania, iOS really orders the greater part.

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