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Qualcomm, the company behind Snapdragon, teased its successor the MSM8960 has two cores, five times the performance, better graphics and a multi-mode 3G and 4G modem. They also have a couple of other dual-core systems using the current Snapdragon core but at higher frequency.


Two Systems on a Chip (SoC) we will be seeing next year are the MSM8260 and MSM8660. They pack two Scorpion cores but run at 1.2GHz and they are shipping to manufacturers already.

The MSM8960 SoC steals the show however. It is based on a newer core and it has two of them and they will have 5x the performance, compared to a single-core Snapdragon SoC. The new Adreno GPU gives a 4x boost to the graphics compared to current Adreno GPUs and Qualcomm claims the performance will be similar to that of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.



Its a pretty bold claim, considering the MSM8960 also boasts a 75% reduction of the power consumption. Anyway, besides the CPU and GPU the SoC also includes support for all 3G modes and LTE Multi-Mode.

Remember the problems Samsung Focus caused when you try to use a new card in its non-hot-swappable slot? Well, the things have finally started to make sense. The cards cannot be read on any other device not because they are dead, but because they are secured on a deep system level.

When you configure a card to work with Windows Phone 7 device the OS generates a secure password and stores it within the Flash memory. Then your card is being formatted and becomes password-secured. It can work only with device that has the right password stored.

Although the SD is meant to be used that way, today there are no mainstream digital devices that make use of the feature. Because of this, there are very few platforms that can recognize a secured card and format it. As it turned out, Symbian^3 is one of them.

Once formatted under WP7, the card becomes inaccessible for other devices. But Symbian^3 smartphones can recognize and format it. You will lose the information, but you will bring the card back to life.

You can get your card back to working order but you still do not know what card to replace it with. As I told you before, the key factor is the random access speed. It turns out that quite unexpectedly high speed class microSD cards usually have higher RAS as a performance compromise. Of course this does not mean you go to the store and buy the cheapest class 2 card as they are not guaranteed to have good Random Access Speed either.




An inventive USA teenager has found a way to import to the US lots of original white iPhone 4 panels from Foxconn. He is now selling the complete white conversion kit for 280 USD. Its not cheap, but that is because it comes with the Retina display included plus you will be one of the very few showing off with original white iPhone 4 thats worth something on its own Just do not hesitate too long, the guy may soon end up in jail.

The 17-years old student Fei Lam knew some guys in Foxconn, which supplied him with the original white iPhone 4 panels. He made a website to sell them and has been enjoying a thriving business. So far Fei Lam has reportedly earned over 130,000 US dollars money he intends to use for college.






Justice is finally served and Google Voice is available at the App Store with its Full Features. Apple, with their no duplication of native functionality rule, kept the app out of iPhone-land for a pretty long time but they finally let it in.

And as was to be expected the native app works way better than the than the HTML5 web app clever Google used to sidestepped this App Store rule so far. Google Voice on iPhone is finally on par with Voice for the other platforms. It still offers cheap international calls, free texting and voicemail transcription among other things but now, since Google Voice for iPhone is a native app, it can receive push notifications for new messages.

It also supports Direct Access Numbers, which speed up the dialing process with Voice by eliminating the need to contact Google servers over the Internet before initiating the call.





Your iPhone 2G is probably starting to feel old and they have not gotten an OS update in a while. You might be thinking its time to retire its not so fast, you might be able to give it a new jolt of life with Android.

You heard me right Android. And not just any old Android, its 2.2 Froyo. It may not be ready for day-to-day usage but it’ll sure earn you some geek points.


We have already covered Bootlace 2.1, which installs Android 2.2 Froyo on your iPhone 2G/3G. But Lifehacker have put together a really nice tutorial on how to do it from start to finish.


It does take a few steps to get there jailbreaking, installing Cydia and Bootlace and several other things you will need. Its nothing too complicated but its always nice to have a step-by-step guide.



Step-By-Step Video Below!



Facebook went live two days ago with its Messages service that promises to gather all your correspondence together. That includes email, Facebook messages, SMS and even some other IM clients. Sound like a real time-saver if you are using all those services. While you are indeed getting a email address, Facebook Messages actually does not quite try to replace your regular email provider. It lacks features like CC and BCC fields and groups all your correspondence with one person in one huge thread. What it tries to do instead is give you a speedier way of managing all your quick messages from a single hub.

By incorporating advanced message filtering and social inbox Facebook Messages will certainly appeal to the younger audience out there. I cannot quite see anyone giving away business cards with @facebook email on them, though.







Nokia have announced that their Ovi Store is now recording some 3 million downloads per day. Now whilst many may sneer at that figure given how popular Android and iOS have become it is still impressive when you consider that the Ovi Store only has 18,000 content itles currently available.




The 3 million mark also comes just a month after Nokia broke the 2 million downloads per day barrier so again not too shabby at all. Nokia has also managed to persuade 400,000 devs to join its developer programme over the past year. Some of the devs represented in the Ovi Store have even managed to see their content downloaded more than in Apple App Store. Crazy Hamster, for example, hit 200,000 downloads faster through Ovi than it did through Apple.

All of this is good news for Nokia of course, especially as the company hopes to attract an additional 50 million Symbian users over the next year. However, Symbian marketshare has been declining, recent figures from Gartner show that Android is drawing closer at a rapid pace and of course both Apple and Android have app stores that dwarf Nokia's Ovi Store, both in terms of volumes and in mindshare.

With manufacturers like Sony Ericsson and Samsung having effectively dropped Symbian Nokia is pretty much the only game left in town when it comes to Symbian handsets. That will not be helping Ovi any and Nokia may find that the going gets tougher as it tries to make sure that the Ovi Store continues to see those download numbers rise at a brisk pace.



Samsung Omnia 7

It was not too long ago that Samsung were saying that Windows Phoe 7 was not on top of their to-do list in terms of their commitment to it. Head of Marketing YH Lee told Reuters that "There is still some professional, specialised demand there for Windows Phone 7." That did not sound like a ringing commitment to produce a multitude of handsets.

Fast forward to the present and Samsung are now giving a different spiel:  "Next year, Samsung will introduce 15 to 20 new smart-phone models using Android, Windows, and Brada operating systems. For every 50 smart phones using Windows, it will make 24 using Android and five using Brada."

Android is still heavily featured in Samsung line-up, but its Windows Phone 7 that now seems to be dominating their smartphone plans. Bada, their own OS, seems to be relagted to being a niche player. As for Symbian, well that is effectively been dropped by the wayside if you recall.


Gingerbread is just around the corner, Eric Schmidt himself said so at Web 2.0 just the other day, but exactly what the newest version of Android will bring still isn't exactly clear.

However, it does look as if the Marketplace will be getting some much needed love and a slew of welcome changes, which will probably launch alongside Gingerbread. The changes include higher resolution graphics, no doubt to coincide with Android making an appearance on devices with larger screens such as tablets and televisions.


Devs will also be given the option of including a YouTube video in their app promo and there will also be the option of submitting up to 8 screenshots of the app, the maximum resolution of which will be 480x800. Not only would that mean that devices with larger screens are created for it might just be a signal that a web based interface for the market is on the cards.


So far the popular Google Docs supported only viewing text documents but now Android and iOS users get to enjoy the recently added editing feature which is easily accessible through the web browsers of their mobile devices.

The spreadsheet editor has been available for a while but as of yesterday you can edit your text documents on the go. Just visit using your device web browser and start editing your docs by tapping the Edit button.

All iOS 3.0 (or higher) devices can edit Google documents now, including the iPad. Unfortunately, when it comes to Androids, only handsets running Android 2.2 (or higher) and can take advantage of the new Google Docs feature.



Demo Below!



Following yesterday appearance of the Nexus S comes a bit of odd gossip its display is curved. In the middle, the phone is thinner than at the top and bottom, making the whole screen concave, it's not just a chin.

Apparently, Samsung did some research and concluded that concave displays have better usability than flat displays or at least give the impression of better usability. This technology is not new the rumorstates that Samsung has been working on it for a while and they even got Sprint interested in it.

The deal fell through because Samsung could not manufacture enough curved displays to fill Sprints needs for this holiday season. So, what is this display doing on the Nexus S? It could be better a hands on will decide that but if Samsung really can not manufacture enough, then the Nexus S doesn't stand a chance of becoming a mass market device?






Sony Ericsson once said multi-touch is not ever coming to the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 smartphone but now, under the users and developers community pressure, the company finally found a way to enable pinch zooming on the X10.


Sony Ericsson first said that there were some hardware limitations stopping its team from enabling the multi-touch support on the XPERIA X10 but as it turned out a couple of weeks back, the company did not give its device the multi-touch blessing just because Sony Ericsson did not want to.


But now, thanks to the numerous unhappy customers, the company finally decided to start working on enabling the pinch-to-zoom on its Eclair-serving toy. The multi-touch input method will be enabled in the web browser and the Google maps app and is coming some time in Q1 2011 via an Over-the-Air software update.




Video Below!

google docs

Google Docs is going mobile with the ability to edit documents on your mobile device being rolled out over the coming days. It will initially be available to English speakers using Android devices running at least Froyo (Android 2.2 or Gingerbread 2.3) and iOS devices running at least iOS 3.x.

All you have to do to start editing your documents is hea don over to on your device. You can then create and edit documents. A little extra for Android users, voice recognition! You can use voice recognition to edit the text in documents.





Internet Explorer is not exactly everyone favourite browser, but if you are using Windows Phone 7 then you are stuck with it right? A new browser has appeared in the Marketplace, but it looks to have been built upon IE's code.

The new browser, called Browser+, adds some extra features over whats available with the default IE option such as integrating a Google search box into the user's view of the webpage. There is also a private browsing mode.


Blackberry CEO Jim Balsillie was on stage at the Web 2.0 conference today and he managed to drop in a little nugget about the forthcoming Playbook. Balsillie mentioned that the device featured a module cavity, which would allow for extra functionality to be added to the device.

He did not specify exactly what would be added, but he did suggest the posssbility of WWAN. He also talked about NFC, as had Google CEO the previous day. Balsillie mentioned that RIM would be fools not to embrace NFC, adding that "... we are not fools." Could we see NFC being added through the module cavity perhaps?

At any rate Mr Balsillie did not have a Playbook on hand to show off, unlike Eric Schmidt and his Nexus S demoing ways. Ah well, patience is a virtue as they say.




Some rather exciting footage from the Web 2.0 summit today as Google CEO Eric Schmidt showed off an unannounced device, much speculated to be the Nexus S.

Google have said that there would be no Nexus Two and if you watch the video Schmidt does not use the term Nexus S at any point, however, he does make a point of saying that he has never said there wouldn't be a successor to the Nexus One.

Mr Schmidt also commented that Gingerbread would be released in the coming weeks and we got to see it in action on the unannounced device.

Mr Schmidt reason for showing off the device was demo its NFC (Near Field Communications) capabilities, something he said Google wanted to support now so expect to see it cropping up in more devices as we move forward.



long video below it will worth a watch!

google shopper



The relentless march of updating its apps continues unabated at Google. Google Maps for Android has now been updated to version 4.7, just a few weeks after version 4.6 was released actually.

The update to Maps launches Hotpot, which is Google's newest 'local recommendation engine that helps you discover places you'll love based on opinions from you and your friends." The updated version of the Maps app is available for every Android user running Android 1.6 and above.

The Google Mobile blog gives a rundown of Hotpot:

Now you can write and publish ratings and reviews from your mobile phone. We make it quick and easy with a new rating widget designed for rating places on the go. Install it from your homescreen by going to Menu > Add > Widgets > Rate Places. You can also post ratings and reviews directly from any Place page. So, when you polish off the crispiest carnitas taco you’ve ever eaten, you can pull out your Android phone to celebrate the event and give that taqueria the public love it deserves.

Why rate the places you’ve been? First, your ratings will personalize your search results by customizing them according to your tastes. Even better, when you add friends to the mix using Hotpot on your computer, your ratings will point them in the direction of the best enchiladas in town the next time they crave Mexican food, wherever they happen to be.

Google Shopper has also been updated, now up to version 1.3. The update brings new filters for search, 'brand' and 'price'.


The LG Star looks to be the latest member of the Optimus family and its packing some pretty serious heat.

The camera is an 8 MP affair and supports 1080p video recording with a dual core Tegra 2 processor (dual-core) to power it all. Interestingly the handset is said to be running an unmodified version of Android, in other words you will get it as Google intended, which should please the purists amongst you.

Speaking of Android the version on the handset that Engadget saw was not confirmed, but the final release version of the device should hopefully ship with either Gingerbread, or if we're very lucky Honeycomb.




Microsoft has pursued a rather aggressive strategy when it comes to getting apps up and running for its new Windows Phone platform, even offering cash incentives to developers to bring their apps over.

PopCap Games, who make Plants vs Zombies, has revealed that Microsoft had a cool $100,000 on the table if PopCap brought the game over to Windows Phone. As enticing as that offer was PopCap declined, citing various strings attached to the offer that they said they would have trouble accepting.

PopCap did bring Bejweled to Win Phone 7 and as they commented to GigaOm, "
We were not sure we could meet the commitment but we already identified we wanted to be on there. If the platform succeeds, the dollars we were kicking around the table will be peanuts."

Foursquare was another company offered cash upfront to develop for Windows Phone. Originally Foursquare had decided that they would wait until Windows Phone hit 10 million sales before developing an app for it, but they changed their minds when Microsoft decided to pay for the development costs.

Whilst some may criticise Microsoft for paying to win, it does meant hat early adopters of Windows Phone 7 have access to many of the most popular apps found on other platforms. It also means that Windows Phone gets out of the starting blocks looking ready for business, a re-assuring sign that many customers may look for.






Web 2.0 throws up something interesting stuff and Aro Mobile definitely fits into that category, showing how smartphones could be performing if they basically had unlimited access to our data.

It takes all the data you have and meshes it together in a way that allows you to essentially access a continous stream of data based on a single point a text, a reference to someone, etc. It\'s more of an evolutionary step rather than a revolutionary step.

To make the whole shebang work you have to use Aro web browser, contacts, email, search and phone applications. They all tie together in a cloud service that uses natural language processing to facilitate some of the action you see in the video.


Welcome a new IM application named KIK. The startup is associated with the person, who took part in the development of Blackberry Messenger. The concept of KIK is slightly different from that of other IM clients. The company claims to have found the replacement for text messaging. The client is very simple and today it can only send SMS. Every message has its status sent, delivered and read. It is easy to use, but so far we have no settings to customize these confirmations. If you have read the message the sender will know about it. There is no black list as well, but we are promised to see it in forthcoming versions.


The interface is undemanding and the concept is easy to understand for any mobile phone user. Unlike other IM clients you cannot set a status. You cannot be invisible or busy. SMS are delivered no matter what you are doing at the moment.


In KIK blog several feature boosts are promised for the next months. The app is supposed to work faster and need less power (this parameter is already acceptable for Android as the battery does not become dead within hours). Interestingly, we will get a chance to use profile pictures and geo tags will come to the frame. Probably, people or places could be detected in real time, but it is still not clear.

I would be happier if the contact list had been broken into groups to classify people. On Twitter I tested the application and asked people to send me several words. Surprisingly, my KIK list contains around 100 contacts. During the day I talked to everybody who replied. I had extensive discussions with some, while others got only an emoticon. It cannot be considered as a fully fledged testing, but the app showed its strengths during these 24 hours. I liked the simplicity of use above all.




A report from the Financial Times reveals that Apple will launch their iAd mobile advertising platform in Europe later this week. It is also going to unveil a list of prestigious advertisers, including "L'Oreal, Renault, and Nestle, with two or three campaigns running on iPhone and iPod Touch apps in early December." Apple indicated that most ads will not start running until 2011.

Apple iAd was only announced back in April of this year. They last week released iAd in the UK and Japan with their marketing partner, the Dentsu Group. Although Apple is certainly positioned to take a large share of the mobile ad market, there have been some stumbling blocks. Advertisers are forced to get approval for their ads from Apple, or are encouraged to use Apple-made ads instead. At least two of the initial 17 advertisers have pulled out due to Apple restrictive policies.




A Nexus S day would not be complete without a leak detailing a few specs that we can expect when the next Google-branded handset launches in the coming the weeks. While this particular shot remains mum on goodies such as processor speed and internal storage size, we get a detailed look at the handsets radio bands, which, just as expected, are primed for T-Mobile network. EDGE/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 and HSUPA 900/1700/2100 bands are supported, the latter capable of up to 5.76mbps in uplink and 7.2 in downlink speeds. Still, no HSPA+ is present for the carrier now claiming it constitutes a 4G network.

The 5.0MP camera suggested by pics uploaded by GT-i9020 devices is confirmed on the spec sheet, and the phone will pack a 1500mAh battery. Still missing are all the juicy details that could make or break this phone in the minds of many, but we are digging deeper for more dirt.




James Murdoch, head of News Corp in Asia and Europe, is not a big fan of news apps it seems, having described them as cannabalising newspaper sales. Mr Murdoch did offer praise to iTunes and the iPad for what he called a 'frictionless' experience in selling their content.

However, he was not so chuffed at the prospect of mobile phone apps, which he saw as engaging customers more than news websites and thus supplanting the newspaper itself to a greater degree. Mr Murdoch said:

"The problem with the apps is that they are much more directly cannibalistic of the print products than the website. People interact with it much more like they do with the traditional product."

The comments come on the back of News Corp setting up pay walls on its newspapers websites. The move has cost News Corp around 90% of their online readership and apparently they have just 105,000 paying subscribers for their websites. A far cry from the millions that visit the Guardian free site.



Gartner have released their figures for Q3 2010 and its basically good news if you are in the mobile phone business. 417 million mobile phones were sold during Q3, a 35% increase year on year, and smartphones saw a very healthy 96% increase in sales.

The picture at the top of the market is essentially unchanged, Nokia is still the market leader with Samsang and LG in 2nd and 3rd place respectively. However, whilst all three companies managed to maintain their overall rankings their marketshare fell, Nokia, for example, dropping to 28% whereas a year ago they commanded 36% of the market.

One of the big success stories is Apple, which saw its star rise to become the fourth largest manufacturer by marketshare. Its an astonishing feat considering Apple has one, or at most two, phones on sale, and they are both high priced smartphones. Apple's 4th place means that RIM slipped to 5th and Sony Ericsson brought up the rear in 6th.

When we look specifically at smartphone we see the familiar patern of incredible Android growth, with a year on year figure of 1,439%. That dizzying number means that Android is now the second most popular smartphone OS in the world. Symbian is still in the number one spot, but even with a, frankly surprising, growth rate of 61% it doesn't look like it will hold onto its crown for much longer.


Nokia delivered on its promise to extend Swype availability to all Symbian^3 devices. Nokia N8 just joined the C7 in the list of supported handsets and owners of the Finnish flagship can now get the app from the Ovi store.

As before, Swype comes for free, but there is still no support for portrait mode or split screen input. I really hope Nokia gets round to fixing that second part soon after all it can’t be that hard if a Chinese third-party app already does it.

Anyway, the Nokia N8 users better head to that Ovi Store client of theirs and give Swype a try. The creators say you should be able to reach 40 words per minute with that one if you train hard enough.

Macinfool (Click to view bigger)


Well we Heard about Many Funny things about Apple... Steve jobs videos... iPhone 4 Antenna gate from "laugh or die" and "College Humor" But This!!... its a Full Design for a Funny Concept of the Apple Macintoosh Called the Macinfool ... Sounds funny ("fool" means "beans" in arabic and  "Stupid" in English). not just that but the fOS is released too for the iFool and the iFool 3G F. Very hilarious deigns, If you like you can Enjoy it in High Resolution by clicking on the pictures below.




iFool (Click to view Bigger)


iFool 3G F (Click to view bigger)




Also Coming Soon the iFol, iFal, iFool 4F! lol

Mobile phone blogger Eldar Murtazin has a long history of getting his hands on devices well before anyone else, so when he tweets out some info, we tend to listen.


Today, he tweeted that he was playing with both the recently spotted Sony Ericsson Anzu, as well as a previously unknown dual-core Samsung Galaxy 2 GT-i9100


You have probably heard the rumours about the Nexus S  the Samsung-built follow up to the Nexus One and its delays.


Could the "hardware issue" causing the delay actually be the addition of a dual-core processor? Could the Galaxy S be to the Nexus S what the HTC Desire was to the Nexus One? That is, a skinned, branded version of Google "pure Android" device?




Apple is trying to rekindle the interest in video calling with Face Time but it is only for iPhone 4 and Mac users and only over Wi-Fi. Devs are already tearing down those restrictions a new app called FaceIt-3GS enables Face Time on the, you guessed it, iPhone 3GS…

What yo will need to run FaceIt-3GS is a jail-broken iPhone 3GS running iOS 4.1 and Cydia. Follow the instructions on the Application info to install the app and you will be having Face Time talks with your iPhone 4 friends who cannot tease you about video calls anymore.



Video Below!

Froyo Update



Samsung Galaxy S users in Middle-East and Arab Gulf has Got the Arabic Froyo Update of Android 2.2, So if you are in Middle-East region Check for updates OTA or by using your Arabic Samsung KIES... you will Automatically receive the Update with Arabic Language Enabled, Check Features and Screenshots Below!


Froyo Arabic ROM


Android 2.2 JPM for the Galaxy S reportedly adds the following:

  • Android 2.2 JIT compiler
  • Adobe Flash Player 10.1 compatibility
  • New Android Market with auto-updating
  • Speed improvements
  • Pinch-to-zoom homescreen flyover
  • Improved default keyboard
  • Quick links to GPS and Auto rotation toggles on notification bar added
  • Slightly different graphics and transitions with app drawer and default icon dock
  • Colored icons in settings
  • GPS Fix
  • Colored settings icons
  • Media Hub
  • Darker menu theme, navy blue color
  • Better Exchange support
  • Video records in MP4 format
  • New Search widget
  • New Gmail application

Screenshot From Arabic ROM

Froyo Arabic ROM

Froyo Arabic ROM

Cortex A9



This is Samsung new ARM Cortex-A9 processor. Probably, I expect, the processor that will be in the next generation of Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab type of products from Samsung and from manufacturers who will want to use Samsung processor in their products. My guess is it may also be fast enough to power Samsung laptops with Chrome OS or some other type of embedded Linux. It seems also to be the first demonstration of Mali-400, to be confirmed. Samsung representatives were not able to confirm anything on this processor at this point.



Video Below!


The Dell Streaks will be jumping from the past to the future they will start ditching Android 1.6 Donut and going straight to 2.2 Froyo very soon. Along with the usual updates that come with Froyo, the Streaks will receive a new UI as well.

Dell will start rolling out the Android 2.2 Froyo update in the UK by the end of November and move on to other regions from there. It will not be available for all regions simultaneously, instead it will be done in stages. Performance improvements, Flash 10.1 and Wi-Fi hotspots are of course on the list of new features, but there is the new Stage UI for the Dell Streak as well.

We first heard of Stage UI when Dell droids were announced. Now the new interface will be replacing the current custom UI of the Streak. Here’s a 7 minute video of Android 2.2 Froyo with Stage UI running on the Dell Streak.



Video Below!


Yesterday we posted that HP latest smartphone, the Palm Pre 2 will be available SIM free in the UK from November 15. This smartphone will be available soon on the airwaves of Verizon Wireless in the US. But the good news is that, Palm Pre 2 is already up for sale in Germany. If you live in Germany, then you can get this handset easily from the Palm website.



Palm Pre 2 is the first smartphone which runs on the HP latest operating system, the webOS 2.0. It comes with a 3.1 inch touchscreen display, 1GHz processor, 5 megapixel camera with LED Flash, slide-out QWERTY keyboard, Wi-Fi, 16GB of internal memory, Bluetooth 2.1, GPS, Stereo Bluetooth, 3.5mm headset jack, Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Beta, 5.5 hours of talktime and so on.



Palm Pre 2 has the model number 1075EU-UMTS and it is listed in Palm's website for €499 ($690).







Verizon Wireless version of the LG Optimus S, the LG Vortex, is coming soon! The phone will be FREE with a two-year agreement with Verizon Wireless. Although this Android device will come with Android 2.2 OS out of the box, it is still considered an entry-level device aka perfect for any beginner Android user!


Specs include:

  • Android 2.2
  • 600 MHz processor
  • 3.2-inch touch screen
  • Bing search


No official release date has been announced, but we will keep you posted as information about the LG Vortex continues to be released.



Where the hell is Netflix for Android? you probably Ask this Question alot...Well Its been a fleeting rumor formonths and months, and still we don't have it. But now we at least know why.


Greg Peters of Netflix product development took to the company blog tonight to explain why the iPhone and Windows Phone 7 get streaming movies, but Android shut out. It comes down to "the lack of a generic and complete platform security and content protection mechanism available for Android", continuing with:

"The same security issues that have led to piracy concerns on the Android platform have made it difficult for us to secure a common Digital Rights Management (DRM) system on these devices. Setting aside the debate around the value of content protection and DRM, they are requirements we must fulfill in order to obtain content from major studios for our subscribers to enjoy. Although we don’t have a common platform security mechanism and DRM, we are able to work with individual handset manufacturers to add content protection to their devices."


The good news? Peters says "we will launch select Android devices that will instantly stream from Netflix early next year," and they will keep working with carriers and manufacturers to develop a better solution for the entire Android platform.





Latest Registered Mobile Devices from Federal Communications Commissions site Friday (12/11/2010).




Read - Kyocera E4100
Read - Kyocera S2100
Read - Sharp 003SH
Read - Huawei U7520-5
Read - Huawei F360
Read - Lenovo T90
Read - Fujitsu F-05C
Read - Fujitsu F-04C
Read - Fujitsu Toshiba TSI04
Read - Samsung SGH-i987
Read - Samsung SGH-T340G
Read - ZTE Venus

Read - Huawei E583C
Read - Novatel Ovation MC547
Read - Motorola P6LT1


Dell Streak




Dell UK just announced on its official Facebook account that it will start pushing Froyo update to Streak users before the end of November. The update will start from UK and will be later pushed to other regions.



Dell also mentioned that it will be an OTA (Over the Air) update. It how ever did not commit any fixed date for the Android 2.2 rollout.

We All Know Froyo Features Flash 10.1, New UI...etc!




We all have heard aboutthe Nokia upcoming MeeGo handset but have been wonder what will be its Name?... And how its specs will be like?.. Now we can Answer all of these Question after we got a Confirmation About the Nokia Z500 Leaks.


Nokia Z500 on Ovi

Nokia Zseries will Focus on the New MeeGo OS and this will help this OS to grow and Take his place on the Market with other competitors. We Know MeeGo OS Need a lot of changes and Development Stages yet.. MeeGo1.1 was very Cool OS with smooth GUI and Fast Muti-tasks.


Nokia Z500 leaked on Ovi


Nokia First Zseies Tablet Device leaked on Ovi Early this Month with the Name of "Z500" which was leaked two Months Ago with the Name of N9 and it was running MeeGo OS and fans was very Exited for this Device and it we had feeling about this Device too and we thought that Nokia will Introduce this Device on Nokia World 2010 but As usual, Nokia Left this phone to April, 2011 along with the MeeGo1.2 to be the Big Nokia Event of the 2011



Nokia Z500 (Click to view larger)

We still have the leaked Specs of the Device but some changes and the Name is "Z500"... STAY TUNED FOR MORE!!

Check the Specs Here




According to whispers today was to be the big day for iOS 4.2 to start hitting iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads everywhere. As the daylight burned, however, a new rumor popped up: due to WiFi issues on the iPad build, the launch was being pushed back a few days.


And sure enough, we are told an ever-so-slightly modified version of iOS 4.2 for iPad has just hit the Developer Center, rockin a build number of 8C134b instead of just 8C134.

While this does not positively confirm that iPad WiFi issues are the cause of the delay, the fact that this new Gold Master is solely focused on the iPad and the fact that our iPad has been having one helluva time staying connected to WiFi lately just fit too dang well to think otherwise.




Windows Phone 7 retail units have only been out for a few days, but a proper jailbreak is not that far off now that some devs gained root access to the system. Its not like anyone really thought Windows Phone 7 would be locked up forever, It was only a matter of time.


Developers swarm high-profile platforms with fun and profit in mind. Microsoft cannot be that upset. A good chunk of Winphone7 sales will come just because the owners will be able to use the device how they want. Hackability was one of the reasons the first Xbox succeeded. Creating a garden with impenetrable walls sounds great in boardroom discussions, but can ultimately hurt sales and hinder 3rd party developers.






A Very Cool Video Gets you the Top 3 Mobile phones of 2010 currently on the Market iPhone 4 the latest Apple Flagship, Windows phone 7 from HTC and the T-Mobile G2 with Android OS Also from HTC. its Showing How the Devices Can Take the High Temperature by "Grilling" these three phones and see which one will shut down or Blow up first from the High Temperature... But Sadly there were No Survivals!




Watch Video Below!


Another Windows Phone 7 running device is proven guilty of using hidden microSD slot with embedded card instead of integrated flash memory. HTC Mozart storage turns out to be an 8GB microSD SanDisk Class 4 card.

In case you want to upgrade it, you will first need to tear down the whole phone and then do some software tricks to make it work.


ScanDisk MicroSD


In case you are an HTC Mozart owner and you are determined to replace the 8 gig card with something better you will first need to open the phone and access the memory slot. If you manage to assemble your phone back properly, then reset to factory settings and you’re ready to go.


Palm Pre 2



Palm have been dealt a heavy blow in the UK as it emerged that all of the UK major networks have turned down the Palm Pre 2. The device will of course be available for British customers to buy SIM free, but none of the networks will be stocking it in their portfolios.

Orange said they had no plans to stock it and Vodafone followed suit, even though their French division, SFR, does offer the handset, Vodafone UK will not be putting it on their shelves. Even O2, who bagged an exclusive deal to sell the original Pre last year are distancing themselves from it, and that's despite the fact that they will continue to offer the Pre Plus and Pixi.

Its not the sort of start HP would have hoped for its handset division after purchasing Palm, but with more devices on the way perhaps they can change the networks minds.



We previously told you how to get Swype on your Nokia N8 even though Nokia claimed it was only meant for the C7. Today, a version of Swype for the Nokia N8 is officially available at the Ovi Store. Just to be safe, uninstall the previous version before installing the new one.


If you need reminding, Swype lets you swipe your fingers over the letters to type instead of pressing them individually. It works really well after learning how to use it. Unfortunately at this time, QWERTY keyboard in portrait view is still unavailable.



Download Swype for Nokia N8 Here

OLD Fb inbox



Rumours are circulating that another Facebook press event to be held on Monday will usher in a new web bsed email service from the social network. The new service, supposedly codenamed "Project Titan", is thought to make use of the new domain that Facebook is thought to have registered.

Facebook employees use the standard domain in their email addresses, but presumably the company would want a different domain for use by customers. BGR did a little digging around and found that the domain was controlled by a company called MarkMonitor, which manages online presences for large companies, including Facebook.

BGR admits that this is of course pure speculation, but given the strong talk of a possible webmail offerring its not all that far fetched.


Nokia N97,N97mini


We All Now the Previous Nokia Flagship from Nseries family the Nokia N97... The N97 released with v1.0 and then v1.1 then 1.2... and the N97 v2.0 released among with the N97 mini and the 2.1 and then 2.2...


Nokia N97


What happens Next ? No updates since the 2.2 Released Early this Year, it has been 5 Months No updates AT ALL which drives N97 Users Crazy on All over the Web especially (Froum Nokia) and (NokiaN97Forum) which the Biggest Existing Community for this Devices Users.

We Got Some unconfirmed Info that Nokia N97 V30.0.026 (N97 Original) or V20.0.026 (N97 mini) is now on BETA Stages! Its kind of late but thats very hopeful for N97 users that it will be released in the upcoming Months "Later this Year!"



For All N97 Users


"I know you All are tired of Waiting but if you love your phone and you have to stick with it for some time I recommend that you wait for this Update, Nokia is late because V3.0 is Major update will not bring New Features ONLY but System Stability too... these things take time to Develop and test! HANG ON!

if you do not want to wait get one of the New Symbian^3 devices (E7,C7,C6 and the N8)...

Good luck,




The Microsoft KIN phones may have become zombies as they are apparently back from the dead and into a leaked Verizon roadmap for Q4. The zombified KIN One and Two have lost their pricey data plan maybe now they will be more competitive. Mind you, you would be still buying a canceled product…

The Microsoft KIN phones survived a mere 48 days before they were pulled off the US market and they never reached Europe. Now they are making a comeback and while they’ve dropped the expensive contract, you can still stream Zune Pass music from Wi-Fi hotspots.


The leaked file does not list price for either KIN, but their specs are pretty impressive. The KIN One is a tiny portrait slider with hardware QWERTY, 5MP camera and 4GB of built in memory. The KIN Two on the other hand is a bigger side-slider with QWERTY and 8MP camera with 8GB built-in memory.


Both KINs are built on the NVIDIA Tegra platform running at 600MHz and the Microsoft KIN Two records 720p video. Before you go thats a great deal! keep in mind that their custom OS is rather limited No apps, No games, No calendar and not even IM.




Some developers have snuck in and created Steve Jobs worst nightmare... which is "Android 2.2 Froyo port for the iPhone". If you have a jailbroken iPhone 2G or 3G or even 3Gs you can install Bootlace 2.1 and run Froyo way earlier than some actual Android smartphones. You do not need a computer to do it either…

You have to keep in mind this is as unofficial as it gets and the Android port for the iPhone is not full baked either  there is no power management, for instance, so your battery will run flat pretty quickly. Marrying Android and the iPhone is not a new affair, but its only now that hard-working developers have come up with a an easy seamless way of installing it.

There is no good solution for some hardware incompatibilities namely the keys. Right now, the iPhone home key is mapped to Android menu key, the Power key serves as back, volume up is call key and volume down is the Home key.

Still, a well-designed Android launcher can take care of that problem. iDroid does not have access to the Android Market, but there are other ways to install apps.

ATT Weekend Offer




You know whats better than a high-end smartphone with powerful hardware running a cool new platform. A high-end smartphone with powerful hardware, running a cool new platform that costs a mere penny, of course.

A deal like that could only be valid if you are willing to sign a two year contract, but unless you are working for Microsoft and are getting one of those babies for free, it still sounds like a no-brainer.

The handsets included in this limited time ATT US promotion are the WP7-running HTC Surround and LG Quantum, the BlackBerry flagships Torch 9800 and Bold 9700, Motorola BACKFLIP, Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 and arguably the best looking Samsung Galaxy S or the Captivate.




Two security researchers at Intel have uncovered a rather worrying bug in Android that could allow a malicious sort to pilfer your contacts or other personal data.

Normally when you download an app for Android is presents you with a list of things that the app will have access to if you choose to install it. You can peruse through the list and if you think the app has access to too much information on your handset you can decide not to install it after all. Well the two researchers, Jon Oberheide and Zach Lanier, created an app, an Angry Birds level pack, that looks harmless when it shows you that list of things it needs access to.

However, its a spoof app. It actually goes on to install other apps on your handset that are not very friendly, apps that track your location for example, or apps that give the controller the ability to send paid for texts.

The idea that users can download a seemingly harmless app that is in reality a front for far more malicious software will not be something that Google will want hanging over them so hopefully they get a fix for this out of the door pronto.

For the moment just make sure that that app you are downloading is from a reputable publisher and that it really does what it says on the tin.


Symbian logo


Remember 1800 employees fired from Nokia and Symbian Foundation? European Commission decided to help Nokia in a very sophisticated way. Job cuts increase the unemployment rate, which puts pressure on social services in European countries. It's the worst case scenario for civil servants from the European Commission. If it can be avoided with not much effort this route should be taken by all means.


Instead of Symbian Foundation we receive SYMBEOSE Within 3 years the European Commission will invest around €11 million, while the consortium of 24 unnamed companies will also provide €11 million. €22 million are required to boost Symbian features and insure its leadership position in Europe. It is a good undertaking, which will not have enough of passion.


The amount of money is not insufficient to offer new direction for Symbian. On the other hand I had already described the nature of the technological leadership and why Europe lost it. Attempts to save jobs and help a dead horse cannot bring benefits in future. Every country has its own vision. May be Europe wants to follow the path of the USA twenty years ago and concentrate on outdated resources? Europe has the rights to make this choice and we should not interfere.

12 November, 2010 Technology


Another advertising campaign highlights the dangers of SMS while driving a car or riding a motorbike in a Very Funny way. It does not look really harsh, but it is good that the topic is in the center of attention...

As you can see on the photos above the car crashed but the passenger still Need to send this SMS!! Hope upcoming softwares or Ideas to be included on the Phones that allows Users and Drivers to write a SMS message without holding their phones while Driving.

Over 10,000 Daily Accident is caused by SMS While Driving in Europe!

Samsung Gingerbread Droid



Android flagship for 2011 and its Android 2.3 Gingerbread. The rest of the specs sound too good to be true!


The screen is listed as both 4.3 inches and 4.5 inches AMOLED 2. One of these numbers is wrong, but which one? there is a new 4.5-inch SuperAMOLED screen, however the resolutions do not match. The unnamed Samsung flagship supposedly has WVGA resolution, while the 4.5-inch prototype sports WSVGA (1024x600). WSVGA should be supported by Android 2.3 Gingerbread.

The slides put the CPU at 1.2GHz clock speed, which could be the successor to Cortex A8 that ticks inside the Samsung Galaxy S. And the Samsung flagship will need it, its 8MP camera can record Full HD (1080p) video.


Samsung Gingerbread Droid


Other more down-to-earth features from the slides are 16GB built-in memory, GPS, Wi-Fi b/g/n with DLNA, Bluetooth 3.0 and 14.4Mbps HSDPA and 5.76Mbps HSUPA. All this is packed in a ultra sleek design but keep in mind that the picture of a phone held between finger is a photo of an unrelated VoIP phone.

No Price or Availability Info...

google nexus S



The rumors on the upcoming Samsung-made Nexus 2 or Nexus S have just been reborn. The first hands-on shots of the smartphone have just surfaced and so have some details on it, thanks to the FCC website.


Google Nexus S


The next-gen Nexus phone was first expected to show up on 8 November 2010, but Samsung announced the Continuum instead and we almost lost hope that we will ever see a second Nexus phone.


Google Nexus S


Yet over the past 24 hours the Samsung-made Google Nexus S popped up on a bunch of websites and, most excitingly, we finally got to enjoy some live shots of the smartphone.


Google Nexus S


And while the I9020 Nexus S does not look much like the Samsung I9000 Galaxy S on the outside, those are said to be identical on the inside, save for the Android 2.3 Gingerbread that the Nexus S should be powered by.


We can expect a 5MP AF camera with HD video recording, Bluetooth 3.0 and 802.11n Wi-Fi connectivity and maybe the gorgeous 4-inch Super AMOLED touchscreen found on the Galaxy S.


See Full Nexus S Specs



Rovio has unleashed a new bird and a whole new level board for the Android version of the Angry Birds. The fourth level package is the same as the latest one on the iPhone its called The Big Setup and offers 45 new levels and a few golden eggs.

There is a new bird too the big red one, which has no special power but to smash everything on its way.

With this update the Android version of Angry Birds catches up with the iOS one, so I guess in the future renewals should be released almost simultaneously



You can update your Birds from the Market right now.



Android 2.1 Eclair update is meant only for the US BACKFLIP and CLIQ. Both ROMs are already available via Motorola's support sections and all US users can upgrade right now.

In case you have forgotten, Motorola announced their update schedule a few months back. Its been clear ever since that the Eclair updates will land only on the State-side BACKFLIP and CLIQ.

Whatever the real reasons for this, we are sure Motorola did leave lots of users disappointed. Surely they will think twice before buying another Moto smartphone.


windows phone 7


Microsoft are taking a firm hand when it comes to Windows Phone 7 updates, saying that they, and they alone, will be responsible for updating customers handsets. Its a far cry from Android whre individual manufacturers and networks push out updates when they are ready to do so, often meaning two different people with the same device are running two different versions of Android.


WP7 Wrappanel

In an interview with ZDNet Microsoft commented:

"Microsoft will push Windows Phone 7 software updates to end users and all Windows Phone 7 devices will be eligible for updates."

Of course this sort of universal control is made possible by the minimum specifications Microsoft set for devices as well as their insistence that manufacturers and networks do not tamper with the UI, etc. It will certainly be a great boost to the new platform and immediately removes one of the biggest weaknesses found in Android. 

Nokia N8



A unibody anodized aluminum chassis and a reinforced glass over the panel make the Nokia N8 certainly look like one of the sturdiest smartphones around. And the Finnish company is keen to show just how resistant to the elements it really is.


The Nokia Conversations blog has just published a video demonstrating the drop test that the N8 prototype is subjected to before entering mass production. They have also listed some of the other endurance trials the N8 had to pass.

Those include exposure to extreme temperatures and humidity over 95%. The N8 was also tested in some real life scenarios like simulation of carrying the phone in your pockets plus a buttons durability check, where buttons are tested to last over 1 million clicks.

"Gartner" have released their figures for Q3 2010 and its basically good news if you are in the mobile phone business. 417 million mobile phones were sold during Q3, a 35% increase year on year, and smartphones saw a very healthy 96% increase in sales.

The picture at the top of the market is essentially unchanged, Nokia is still the market leader with Samsang and LG in 2nd and 3rd place respectively. However, whilst all three companies managed to maintain their overall rankings their marketshare fell, Nokia, for example, dropping to 28% whereas a year ago they commanded 36% of the market.



One of the big success stories is Apple, which saw its star rise to become the fourth largest manufacturer by marketshare. Its an astonishing feat considering Apple has one, or at most two, phones on sale, and they are both high priced smartphones. Apple 4th place means that RIM slipped to 5th and Sony Ericsson brought up the rear in 6th.

When we look specifically at smartphone we see the familiar patern of incredible Android growth, with a year on year figure of 1,439%. That dizzying number means that Android is now the second most popular smartphone OS in the world. Symbian is still in the number one spot, but even with a frankly surprising, growth rate of 61% it doesn't look like it will hold onto its crown for much longer.


Google are pretty good at keeping their apps and services updated so it should come as no surprise to learn that Google News for mobile has had a bit of a revamp. The updated focuses on the UI, making it easier to use on the smaller screen of the mobile. Tapping an article opens that article, for example, and tapping a section heading takes you to that topic.

The deafult view has been changed, it used to be the case that stories were expanded, but of course on a mobile device that takes time to scroll through so the new version will have stories collapsed. You can then expand them one by one as you find stories that interest you.


The update has gone live for Android users and also iPhone and Palm Pre users. Unfortunately Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Symbian users will have to wait a little bit longer.



The leak of the X12 from Sony Ericsson will no doubt have many of you a flutter with excitement for the new handset, which is supposed to be announced either late this year or possibly early next.




The device will hopefully be running Android 2.3, even though the leaked picture shows an Android 2.1 setup, but this is probably just for testing purposes. Whilst on the subject of the platform its worth pointing out that the X12 is being described as being in the same category as the PlayStation phone and given similarities in the screen/aspect ratios of the two handsets some are wondering whether or not the X12 may also share the Z-System gaming platform that Sony Ericsson are to launch alongside the PlayStation phone. This might give the handset a boost to help it stand out from the rest of the market.




However, our very own Eldar was not immediately thrilled at the prospects for the handset, or indeed for any of Sony Ericsson other handsets planned for early next year. He described most of them as running older versions of Android, just like the X10, which came in for a lot of criticism because of that, but he did express hope that the X12 would be running Gingerbread when launched.


See Full X12 Specifications

YAhoo logo




Yahoo! have been busy bees updating their Android app to now include support for video chatting. Front facing cameras on Android devices have not actually been that common traditionally, but that has been changing and with the launch of Facetime ont he iPhone it makes good sense for Yahoo! to be supporting this feature.

The update also brings improvements to the mail feature with support for linking multiple accounts and viewing picture attachmnets in a gallery. There has also been support for contact syncing added so that you have access to your Yahoo! contacts.

Now whilst all that is all very good and true there is, as is usually the case, an itsy bitsy tiny weeny problem that completely undermines all that good work the video calls have to be initiated from a computer. Seriously. So the whole point of mobile video calling is pretty much wasted here since you'd be as well as just using the computer you started the call from.


Galaxy S



Just a month after they announced that they had shipped a rather impressive 2 million Galaxy S handsets in the United States Samsung have announced that they have broken the 3 million barrier. That figure is taking shipments from all four of the largest American networks it should be noted.


Galaxy S

Paul Golden, who said that the main hold up was the production of Super AMOLED screens. Demand for Super AMOLED screens has been consistently high amongst various manufacturers for some time now and even with increased production many are finding it tough going to get all that they need, even Samsung who produce them themselves.

Around the rest of the world Samsung is looking at some 7 million units having shipped and they are well on course to meet the 10 million goal.



Google have unleashed their very own search app on the nascent Windows Phone 7 marketplace, or at least they will soon. Not that that is surprising in and of itself, after all Google has a presence on just about every mobile platform going, including iOS, but unlike Apple, Microsoft has some interest in the search market itself with its very own offerring: Bing.

How Google and Microsoft will interact over the long term when it comes to Windows Phone 7 remains to be seen, but with both companies increasingly competing in the same sphere e.g. search, instant messaging, mail, etc it may not be rosy. There is some hope that they will live side by side though, Google having apparently raised no objections to American network Verizon replacing Google search with Bing as the deafult search engine on their Android handsets.





To say that the iPhone 4 has been beset by a raft of problems and controversies would be the sort of understatement that would characterize WWII as a bit of a tiff. Ever since the handset was launched it has been plagued by various complaints and it looks like one of those complaints has reared its head once more.

"Glassgate", or the idea that certain types of case were causing the glass back of the handset to become scratched or even cracked has had its fires stoked by Apple decision to withdraw slider cases from sale at its stores. Apparently dirt or other particles that get trapped under the case cause the scratches when the slide mechanism is employed.

Ironically the move affects manufacturers who had had their cases certified by Apple as "Made for iPhone". That doesn't appear to have protected them from Apple withdrawal decision.

Whether this is a widespread problem or not it does draw attention to the fundamental issue many have raised with the iPhone 4, does it sacrafice function for form? Antennagate was the most famous example of that issue coming to the fore, but Glassgate is being described as a real problem
 according to an unnamed source that spoke with Cult of Mac. The difference this time is that offerring a free case as a quick fix does not look like an option.

Opera Mobile

Opera Mobile 10.1 has hit the Android Market as an open beta as of today and its looking pretty damned sweet we have to say. You get the sort of functionality you wouldd expect from Opera, and indeed from a modern smartphone browser, like the pinch to zoom support, desktop browsing sync, "Speed Dial", which is Opera grid of bookmarks that you can touch to access pages quickly and of course tab management.


Official Promo Video Below!

samsung WP7






Does the Windows Phone 7 platform missing support for USB tethering? As it turns out, it packs that after all some guys managed to enable it on a Samsung Omnia 7.


The Windows Phone 7 is still quite immature and, currently, the devices based on it lack plenty of goodies that even some feature phones could offer you, like USB tethering. But now you could bring the USB tethering back to your WP7 device specs sheet.


Well, as long as you have a Samsung I8700 Omnia 7 or a Samsung Focus. The procedure is quite simple by the way, just follow the source link below to read the instructions.


You only need to enter the Service menu of the handset and tweak a few settings and you'll have the USB tethering enabled on your Omnia 7.

There might be some other tricks to enable it on WP7 smartphones by other phone makers beside Samsung but those are yet to be revealed.

HP Palm




We already know that HP are planning on squirting out a bevy of webOS devices some time in the future, but we now have some kind of unofficial confirmation that reveals a list of 5 codenames for said upcoming devices.


A keen-eyed WebOS Internals user Destinal has dug around the code for the recently released webOS Doctor for webOS 2.0, and came across the references in a string of code that displays "temporarily not restoring logs for newer devices."


The Devices Code-names are Stingray, Mantaray, Broadway, Windsor and Roadrunner (Palm Pre 2).


This only confirms the existence of 4 new devices floating around Palm/HP HQ, and does not even guarantee their release let alone give us juicy details like form-factor or hardware specs.






Nokia Has Announced that it will take over Symbian Foundation and developing by buying all Shares from the Market,Nokia says that its still "strongly committed" to the platform, it just will not be the Foundation throwing it together. Interestingly, the Symbian Exposition is this week in Amsterdam, so we suspect we will be hearing a lot more about this over the next few days. Is it just us, or is Mr. Elop making his presence felt very, very quickly? For what its worth, the Foundation is explaining that a board meeting held just today played a big role in this decision and sudden announcement though there was a call for media.



Press Release


Nokia commits to make the Symbian platform available under an alternative open model

AMSTERDAM, SYMBIAN EXCHANGE & EXPOSITION (SEE), NOVEMBER 8, 2010 – Following a strategy review, the board of the Symbian Foundation has today decided to transition the role of the non-profit organisation. The foundation will become a legal entity responsible for licensing software and other intellectual property, such as the Symbian trademark. Nokia has committed to make the future development of the Symbian platform available to the ecosystem via an alternative direct and open model.

"The founding board members took a bold strategic step in setting up the foundation, which was absolutely the right decision at the time," says Tim Holbrow, executive director, Symbian Foundation. "There has since been a seismic change in the mobile market but also more generally in the economy, which has led to a change in focus for some of our funding board members. The result of this is that the current governance structure for the Symbian platform – the foundation - is no longer appropriate.

"However, the platform enjoys strong support from some of the largest and most innovative device creators in the world. And we continue to see solid momentum behind the platform, with 25 percent of all Symbian-based devices shipping in the last 12 months.*

"I'm immensely proud of the work we've done at the Symbian Foundation. Perhaps most notably, in the last year we've delivered the biggest open source project ever in releasing the entire Symbian codebase under an open source license, and we did it four months ahead of schedule."

The first phase of the foundation's transition will involve a reduction in operations and staff numbers. By April 2011, the Symbian Foundation will be governed by a group of non-executive directors tasked with overseeing the organisation's licensing function.

"Nokia remains committed to Symbian as the most used smartphone platform around the world," said Jo Harlow, senior vice president, Smartphones, Nokia. "The Nokia N8 generated the highest online pre-orders we've ever experienced and we have a family of Symbian^3 smartphones including the Nokia N8, Nokia C7, and Nokia C6-01 which are available now, as well as the Nokia E7 which is expected to ship before the end of 2010. Nokia expects to sell more than 50 million Symbian^3 smartphones."

The Symbian Foundation leadership team will work together with Nokia to ensure that the reduction in operations of the foundation will bring as little disruption to the ecosystem as possible. Further details of this process will be shared at a later date.

Today's announcement does not affect the Symbian Exchange & Exposition (SEE 2010), which will commence on November 9th in Amsterdam. SEE 2010 will bring together attendees from over 55 countries to engage, exchange and explore opportunities offered by the Symbian platform. For more information about the event, visit


Do not give up on the Symbian gaming just yet. Gameloft just launched five games for the latest Symbian^3 platform Asphalt 5 HD, Avatar HD, Hero of Sparta HD, Guitar Rock Tour 2 HD and GT: Racing Motor Academy HD.


As you can guess the HD tag in the names does not mean the games run at 720p or similar, it just marks their premium status.

The smartphones currently running Symbian^3 are Nokia N8, C7, E7 and C6-01, where only the first two are available on the market.


Videos Below!


Well we knew it was coming soon, but if you still needed proof that Gingerbread was on the horizon then a tweet from Open Handset Alliance should be enough to assuage any lingering doubts.

Tweet translation:

"Prepare your Nexus One (Developer version) for Android OTA update 2.3 (Gingerbread) in the next few days :-D"


Nexus one


Nexus One Owners Good luck with the Gingerbread Update 2.3... New Features is coming to you but wait for our review of these features First!


HTC HD 7, HTC Surround and Samsung Focus




The first three US smartphones powered by the Windows Phone 7 are the HTC HD7 and Surround and the Samsung Focus. The HD7 can now be found at the T-Mobile stores, while the Surround and the Focus are now available from ATT. All three can also be purchased online.


Normally, all three are priced at 200 USD (with a new 2-year contract) but if you shop around, you could get the HTC HD7 for as low as 150 USD with a new contract with T-Mobile and the price of the HTC Surround could drop to 100 USD.



Universal memory tool Evernote has finalized the features in their recent 2.0 beta, giving its free application speedier access through offline caching, a dramatically improved look and interface, home screen shortcuts, and Google search bar integration.




Evernote for Android in its first release was, at best, a mostly functional, Android-sized interface for reading notes at a speed that often seemed slower than just pulling up the Evernote site in your browser. The new release makes good on a lot of irksome failings in that release. All the metadata about your notes is now stored offline, so searching for your stuff in the app, or through your phone general search button, happens a lot more quickly. In addition, every time you look at a note, its contents are stored offline, so you can pull it up inside the deepest, most concrete of bunkers.


HTC Sense website



Last Year told as a lesson that you are nobody in the smartphone game unless you have your own app store it seems and working from that logic HTC are apparently getting ready to launch their own store. The Financial Times is reporting that the Taiwanese company is hiring new staff for the project including content editors for the planned store, with plans to sell things like e-books and magazines in addition to the more traditional offerring of apps.

HTC has already launched its service so an app store is not a huge leap of the imagination beyond those cloud based services. It would also take HTC into the ranks of Samsung with its own store and Sony Ericsson, which offers various content through its PlayNow service.


Star Wars



THQ Wireless will release an augmented reality Star Wars game for iPhone later this month.


The game developer, Vertigore Games, has posted test footage on YouTube showing how the game will work.

Star Wars Arcade: Falcon Gunner will put players in the gunner pod on the Millennium Falcon, shooting down TIE Fighters overlaid onto their current location, using a combination of camera and compass.


Its THQ latest attempt to use its Star Wars license in new and interesting ways on the App Store.



Demo below!


The regular reader will be well aware of my love affair with data sets, statistics, graph and infographics of all kinds so I got quite a treat when I came across this report from Chetan Sharma on the growth in mobile data usage in the US

Mobile data in the US is taking off in a big way, usage is way way up and revenues are doing likewise. In fact in Q3 of this year alone revenues were a whopping $14 billion. The total projected service revenue for all of 2010 is a very hefty $55 billion. I should point out that this data revenue is not just being driven by mobile phones, or rather smartphones, but by e-readers tablets and all manner of connected devices.


Its the actual data usage itself though that provides the most striking numbers with a projection that 2010 will see U.S. users eat through a full exabyte of data. Translated into per customer usage thats 325 MB per user per month, or a 112% increase year on year. That level of usage places the US, once one of the backwaters of the mobile data world, second in terms of per capita mobile data usage with Sweden being the only country surpassing them.


According to Sony Ericsson its crown jewel XPERIA X10 does not support the hardware needed for performing multi-touch gestures on the XPERIA X10. Thats why there is no sign of pinch zooming in the Android 2.1 Eclair update despite that the smartphone has a nice capacitive screen.

Fortunately, some developers over at XDA did not buy that story and went on a quest for enabling multi-touch support on the Sony Ericsson flagship and they have succeeded.



Watch the Demos Below of Multi touch Gaming on X10...!!


HTC Legend




The HTC Legend owners also have a reason to smile today as the Taiwanese company confirmed through its Facebook page that the aluminum-clad device is about to get Froyo "in the coming weeks". Its only about the unbranded devices as the update for the carrier-specific versions will take a while longer.



Press Release


"We know that a number of you have been very vocal about wanting an update for your Legend. First and foremost, we would like to apologize for not responding to your ongoing pleas about the update. But we have been listening. We have been working hard to find the most accurate information about how the update is progressing, and when it will be ready for all of you – thankfully, you won’t have to wait much longer! Below you’ll find all the information we can share right now.

The update has been progressing quite well, and in the coming weeks those with unbranded Legends should be receiving the update.

For those of you with carrier-branded versions of Legend there will be a slightly longer wait. Once we finalize the update within HTC, the software must then go through the appropriate approval process at each carrier that supports Legend on their network. This is the same process for all of our handsets, and Legend is no different. Once our update has been approved by your specific carrier, you should then receive your software update. How long this process takes can vary, but our team is close to finishing the update and will then work with individual carriers for approval.

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask here. We will share as much information as we can. Thanks for your patience and for being a HTC customer!"

windows phone 7



A Windows phone 7 User from Middle-East Shared a Video of an Arabic Enabled version of Windows phone 7 OS, The Phone was HTC HD7 and has a Modified MENA (Middle-East and North Africa) ROM. Microsoft Always support Many Languages beside English on her products but this the First Arabic Device for Windows phone 7.

Microsoft also said there will be a Full Arabic ROM Officially Released due to November,2010 with many Great Features for Arabic Users on Arab Gulf and Middle-East.


Firefox 4.0 BETA



If you have been riding along with Mozilla through Firefox 4 Beta period on either Android or Maemo, its time for a refresh. Just a few minutes ago, New Upgrade to the Firefox 4 Beta for Android has been pushed out!


The NEW! Features:

  • Localization: Its now available in 10 different languages
  • Page loads are 40% faster than in the last build, and the Sun-Spider javascript benchmark is clocking this one in at 25% faster than Android stock browser
  • Minor tweaks: Recently closed tabs can now be reopened, the memory usage requirements have been decreased, Geolocation support in Android, and "Improved Text Spacing"
  • This build takes up about 60% less filespace, though you have have to do the uninstall/reinstall dance if you’re coming from an old build and want that space back.
  • Multitouch zoom has been polished up for speed and accuracy




The Windows Phone 7 marketplace opened up a few weeks ago only for early registration, but now any developer can start submitting software at App HubThe process is not however as clear cut as it might appears, with some gothas along the way.


Adam Nathan, who is writing a book about developing for Marketplace, and has submitted more than 30 apps so far, has graciously shared his experience and some good advice.

The Good:

  • The process can be very quick.  Some apps of mine have been live in the marketplace the day after I submit them.  It has usually taken 2-3 days, and sometimes a week.

  • The PNG upload process is slick, as you get an instant preview on the page after choosing each file.

  • All screenshots are visible at the same time in your app listing in the marketplace, so you do not have to stress as much about which screenshots should be your first few.

  • The app testers seem to be really good.  In my first submission of Crayon Cannon, they caught a light-theme-only bug, in which my Instructions page rendered white-on-white text.  In my first submission of Lottery Numbers Picker, they caught a bug in which tapping the pick button twice within a short span caused the app to crash.  Good stuff!

  • When your submission fails, the detailed test results can be pretty nice.  Although the whole download a PDF thing is overkill for me.  Just tell me in the email notifying me of the failure.

  • There seems to be no limit to the number/length of keywords you can associate with your app.





Latest Registered Mobile Devices from Federal Communications Commissions site Friday (3/9/2010).



Read - Samsung S8530L
Read - LG E500
Read - Alcatel OT-355A
Read - Panasonic P-03C
Read - Pantech TXT8035


Read - ZTE 3200
Read - ZTE MF190A

HTC Desire HD



As for the software, its more or less identical to the other Desire. HTC Hub and HTC Likes are here great places to get content, apps and wallpapers and such and HTC Locations, which offers free offline maps and route planning.

And lets not forget the 8MP camera with 720p video recording thats the best the Android world has to offer and its only matched by Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 and the Motorola MILESTONE XT720.

Another thing that the HTC Desire HD has extra compared to the Desire Z is the Reader app - with such a big screen it's natural to include a proper reading app...Booting speed is Redicols fast.


Video Below!



The fact that a large portion of the Android apps do not use the whole available screen estate is probably the main issue of the Galaxy Tab software. The great news is that a helpful hacker has just found an easy tweak that allows you to get fix that.

All that is required is to download the free Spare Parts app from the Andriod Market and follow the instructions from the video below. After a couple of reboots you will be good to go, enjoying all the apps you want full screen.

Note: Avoid messing with the rest of the features of Spare parts if you do not know what you are doing as you might cause some serious damage.



Google Instant




Google Instant, the real time search suggestion service, has become a bit of a favourite amongst Google desktop users and it has been known for a while now that it would be making the transition to the smalls creen, but until now it hadn't been available for too many mobile users. The open beta has now been released on the Android Market for those running Froyo (Android 2.2 or above) and for the iPhone (iOS4).

There is a video of it in action below, but none of this answers the question of how useful this actually is on a mobile device. Smartphones with a large screen are better able to make use of it, but for devices with smaller screens it will be a case of scrolling up and down to see the suggestions.



Video Below!



The Android platform was born on this day three years ago, on 5 November 2007, and the first device based on the platform was introduced nearly one year later on 22 October when the T-Mobile G1 saw daylight for the first time.

However, the story began back in 2005 when Google acquired the Android. Then, it was only a matter of time for the Android platform to show up. Now, a few years later this is one of the fastest developing operating systems.



Android 2.3


As for the applications compatible with the Android platform, currently there are more than 100 000 apps over at the Android Market and their number is continuing growing and growing.

Samsung Galaxy S Froyo




As we All know NOW that Many of samsung Galaxy S users in UK has updated their devices to froyo as we said Here , We think many of you know wants to know when the update will be available on your country or carrier...




Well we got the Answer as we have the Full schedule of the Rolling-out dates For the Galaxy S Users Worldwide. As we said before Everyone will Get the Update During November,11th in UK and US.






UK (All Carriers):  5/11  to  11/11

Europe (Rest):  15/11  to  30/11

USA (T-Mobile, AT&T):  11/11  to  29/11

Middle East and Arab Gulf (STC, Other Carriers):  20/11  to  30/11

Rest of the World:  11/11  to  30/11



New Features


- New Galaxy S Player

- Divx and DLNA certifications

- Flash 10.1 integrated with the Browser

- Updated User Interface

- Android 2.2 Froyo



*Note that these dates may change but with in range from 11/11 to 30/11 as Everyone will get the update During November but with different dates.


So Get Ready for the Update to hit your country and Download KIES Latest version to be able to Update your Galaxy S... Wait for Our Review of this New Update!


UK Users Download KIES and Connect your phones to get the Update!


Galapagos 003SH


Sharp today SHowed the so-called Galapagos 003SH and the Galapagos 005SH. Both phones share one major selling point: they both feature a No-Glasses-Required (naked-eye) 3D display.


Galapagos 003SH Specs (pictured above)

  • 3.8-inch touchscreen with 800×480 resolution
  • Android 2.2
  • 1GHz Snapdragon CPU
  • 9.6MP CCD camera with 720p video recording
  • Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
  • electronic wallet function
  • digital TV tuner
  • size: 121×62×12mm, weight: 139g




Galapagos 005SH Specs (pictured above)

  • 3.8-inch screen with 800×480 resolution
  • QWERTY keyboard with 4-way D-pad
  • Android 2.2
  • 1GHz Snapdragon CPU
  • 8MP CMOS camera with 720p video recording
  • Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
  • electronic wallet function
  • microSDHC slot (32GB)
  • digital TV tuner

Samsung Galaxy S





YES its TRUE! The iPhone is NO longer Japan top selling iPhone but only over a one week span. Samsung Electronics Galaxy S outsold its archrival the Apple iPhone in Japan last week. The 32GB iPhone has held the top spot for the last 18 weeks since it debuted in June.

According to a ranking by Japanese market researcher BCN, Samsung flagship smartphone dethroned the 32GB iPhone 4 as the top-selling cell phone for the last week of October, its debut week there. 

Apple, however, remained at the top when including sales of the 16GB iPhone 4, which took third place. The two iPhone models had occupied the top two spots on the ranking for 18 weeks since their release in Japan in June. 

The Galaxy S was launched through Japan largest mobile operator NTT Docomo. 







Some interesting comments on Windows Phone 7 from Michael Dell, CEO of his namesake company, during an event in Hong Kong appear to have been redacted. Mr Dell apparently said that it was easier to make a Windows Phone 7 handset than it was to make an Android handset and given that Dell has produced devices for both platforms he will have seen it from both sides.

The quote itself has now been removed from the Reuters article covering the event, perhaps to save any embarassment? Dell are unlikely to be ditching Android any time soon so they undoubtedly will not want their relationship with Google to sour. The interesting thing though is that if the alleged quote is correct then its quite the coup for Microsoft who are hoping that their nascent platform will be a hit, not just with consumers, but also with device manufacturers, the very people that have been so instrumental in helping to push forward Android rapid growth.



The CNET Asia page on the SLCD (left) and AMOLED (right) Desire .





According to HTC Southeast Asia product manager Wayne Tang, this does not mean the company is abandoning AMOLED and we "can expect to see both types of displays in current and future HTC devices". 

In the case of battery performance, Tang said an AMOLED screen would be more efficient when the image is largely black in color. This is because AMOLED technology does not draw power when displaying black pixels. However, in situations with a high proportion of white pixels, SLCD has an advantage. This is partly due to better power management as it is an improvement on the already matured IPS LCD technology. 


As for the visual differences between the two display technologies, Tang stated that it is difficult for most people to tell one from the other. HTC showed us two devices side-by-side so we can judge for ourselves. The SLCD version is on the left while the AMOLED Desire is on the right in all the photos. 

Here's how an article with text and an image looks.

The first impression we got was that the whites were cooler for AMOLED. It tended to have a bluish tinge while the whites on an SLCD can be described as yellowish. 


More Color Tests!











this article is not available




Yet another 3rd party web browser stormed the App Store yesterday. SkyFire 2.0 was made available yesterday, allowing iPhone users to enjoy Flash-videos without a jailbreak for the first time.


Of course its not quite the real thing, but its about infinite times better than what the native Safari offers in this aspect. The magic is done by the Skyfire servers that automatically convert embedded Flash videos to HTML5 before streaming it to the iPhone.


There are also some other cool extras that Skyfire offers like Facebook and Twitter sharing, desktop mode and related content... Go get Skyfire browser from Apple Itunes app store, it will cost you 2$ ONLY!



Demo Video Below!

Nokia C6-01


Today Nokia announced that another of the devices unveiled at this years Nokia world started shipping. Nokia C6-01 is the most affordable Symbian^3 handset to date and also the most compact one.


The most interesting part of the Nokia C6-01however is its 3.2-inch AMOLED display. Its the first publicly available unit to use the new Nokia ClearBlack technology that promises to improve the image quality significantly.


It all sounds pretty decent actually considering the estimated retail price of 260 euro before taxes and subsidies.



LG has been working on a tablet of their own and Join the Tablets Race! But they made a hard choice Android 2.2 Froyo is just not suitable for tablets as they and Google said and even though the hardware was ready, the tablet got delayed, waiting on the software.

So it may be running Android 3.0 Honeycomb and the Device will be Called the LG Optimus Pad... Cool Name huh!


The leaked slide is promising superior performance and the rest of the rumors are in the same vein the 8.9-inches tablet will be running on NVIDIA Tegra2 platform with a dual-core processor away better than the iPad A4 and the Intel Atom 1.66Ghz.





LG will give away free applications for its Windows Phone 7 users ONLY So,If you own any Windows Phone 7 running LG smartphone such as Optimus 7, 7Q or Quantum, you will get a package of free apps every 60 days.


Those subsidized packages will include all kind of software social-networking, business, games, etc. There will be 10 new apps, which should amount to more than 30 US dollars. As soon as a new package is released the old one will stop being available and So ON! But 60 days sounds more than enough. I think LG is just trying to Sell More WP7 Devices like the Optimus 7 and the E900. LG has also Announced the First WP7 CDMA version called the Optimus 7cdma.


BB 9700


Good NEWS Blackberry Fans... A super early build of BlackBerry OS 6.0 for the Bold 9700 just leaked out. Are you going to risk sacrificing your handset, damning it to a future as little more than a paperweight!!


It seems after previously only seeing OS6 leaks for devices with 512mb device memory we finally have broken through to 256mb devices! With that being said, does this mean we will see OS6 developed for other 256mb devices?.


Download links (From Crackberry):

Deposit Files


Follow Instructions Here




Motorola New Falg-ship device DEFY Hits All T-Mobile stores on USA right after the myTouch 4G...The life-proof Motorola DEFY is IP67-certified, meaning it has protection against water, dust, accidental drops and the 3.7-inch touchscreen of WVGA resolution is covered with a Gorilla Glass. Underneath you will find a MOTOBLUR-ed Eclair served with a 5MP autofocus snapper, an 800MHz CPU, 512MB of RAM and good 2GB of storage.

Here, in Europe, the DEFY is priced at 350 euro (without contract) while over at the T-Mobile USA stores it is selling for only 380 US dollars or 270 euro without contract). And if you don't mind signing a 2-year contract with T-Mobile you could get it for 100 US dollars or 71 euro.




Sony Ericsson XPERIA X8 is going to have a nice piano black version in addition to its white and white-dark blue models. And also, if you already own an X8, you should know that the Android 2.1 Eclair update will be released before the end of the year.

A few official pictures of the black XPERIA X8 have leaked recently, but its just today when we see an actual black X8 in action. The front is matte black, while the back is glossy  think piano black. BTW, SE promises X8 users to get an Eclair 2.1 update before 2011.





So, X8 Owners Do NOT be Jealous... you knew this was coimng!!




Watch Video Below!

My Touch 4G




T-Mobile myTouch 4G, it looks a lot like the Full-QWERTY T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide with one obvious difference. The myTouch 4G lacks a hardware QWERTY keyboard. But its screen is larger (3.8-inch) !

On top of that, the myTouch 4G is HSPA+ capable runs the Android 2.2 Froyo and comes in 4 colors (Black, White, Red and Plum).


The contract-free price of the T-Mobile myTouch 4G is 450 USD (320 euro) but it can drop down to 200 USD (142 euro) if you sign a new contract with T-Mobile.

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