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You may not believe it, but the model has been delayed again! The new date now is March 2011. Apple haters claim that the company cannot sell its model in another color. Surprisingly, everybody happy! Apple sells black iPhones as hot cakes and do not care about the offered colors, while its critics were proved to be right once again. Boy Genius Report quotes its sources and claims that Apple has no plans for the white model until the introduction of iPhone 5. It is also possible!

If I were the CEO of Apple I would have offered the white model to Verizon. It could be nice if ATandT sells the black model, while Verizon boasts white. Everybody will be satisfied to some extent. White model will not be sold in Europe then.



New Xseires Phone leaked the Nokia X2-01 is an S40 phone with a hardware QWERTY keyboard that is indeed very similar to the Nokia C3. It support 2G-only, with 2.44-inch QVGA landscape screen, microSD card slot, FM radio and Bluetooth.

The camera has grown to 3.2MP and yet there is no mention of Wi-Fi. The Nokia X2-01 has two dedicated keys one for music and one for messaging.






iSuppli has torn-a-part the Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab and found 205.22 USD worth of components inside it and estimated assembling costs some extra 9.37 USD. Thats just over 30% cheaper than a 3G 16GB iPad.

At their heart, both the 
Samsung Galaxy Tab and the Apple iPad are more or less an overgrown version of their respective company top phone. iSuppli estimates that the biggest cause for the price difference between the iPad (264.27 USD) and the Galaxy Tab is the screen.



Samsung have stepped in with their rumour squelching boots and put an end to the, brief, speculation that it was cooking up a successor to the Google Nexus One, apaprently originally titled the Nexus S or Nexus 2.

A mock-up of the Nexus S appeared just last week and bearing a striking resemblance to the existing Galaxy S it lent some credence to the notion that it was real. Add in to the mix the fact that it is not beyond the realms of of believability that there should actually be a successor to the Nexus One and you had yourself a tasty little rumour cooking there. Well as mentioned Samsung have firmly put that one to bed saying that the rumour was "simply not true".



Leading companies are said to announce their first Chrome-powered smartbooks later in November 2010. But what is even more exciting, word is Google is about to present its own notebook based on the Chrome operating system as well.

The first Google-branded Chrome-running notebook is said to be manufactured by a company called Inventec. Rumor is initial shipments will reach 60 000-70 000 units.


The smartbook will be build around an ARM-based platform and will not be available through retail channels.

X10 Eclair



X10 owners had reason to rejoice yesterday as the long awaited Eclair (Android 2.1... where Everyone else is waiting for Froyo) update was finally released and started to roll out across Europe. They have even more reason to cheer today as the boffins at, Where The speed of the root belies the months of waiting that X10 owners endured for the update.

BTW, you will not be getting 16M colors or multi-touch support, but that we knew already. Sony Ericsson already made it clear that those were hardware rather than software issues.


Its not perfect at the moment though as there is apparently a bug that causes continous loops in program. t
he advice given is that should a loop appear you should switch between USB Debugging whilst the program is running.



The release of VLC player in Apple App Store was greeted pretty much positively by everyone... well not quite everyone. The chaps at Videolan, the devs who built VLC, are not exactly cheering and in fact they are hitting Apple with a lawsuit.

Well basically it comes down to copyright infringement because VLC is distributed under the GPL, which the devs say is incompatible with Apple DRM based app store. So why did the devs submit their app to the app store in the first place? Ok, in fact They did not. The app was ported to iOS by a third party, Applidium. There is precedent for this too, with a chess game that was covered by the GPL having been removed from the app store earlier in the year so that would seem to set the stage for the outcome with the VLC dispute.

So if you want it get it now before its pulled!!!


Research firm Canalys released some very impressive numbers for Android back in Q2, showing growth of 886%. It was always going to be hard for Android to beat that and some wondered how sustainable that pace of growth really was. Well it seems that it is sustainable for another quarter at least as the latest Canalys figures show that Android growth was measured in four figures during Q3 is 1,309%.

That astonishing figure translates into a 43.6% share of the U.S. market. It was not doom and gloom for the rest of the pack though, well not all of them anyway, as Apple managed to secure 26.2% of the U.S. market, which made it the number one hardware choice for smartphones ahead of RIM, which slipped to 24.2%.

Globally Apple also overtook RIM, with 17% versus 15%. Even so Apple pales in comparison with the continuing market leadership of Nokia and Symbian, with a still hefty 33% share of the market. Down from 38% in Q2 it has to be said though. Microsoft only managed to scrape up a 3% market share in these figures, but of course their new Windows Phone platform has yet to make a splash so the next round of figures will be most interesting to see how much of an inroad they manage to make.




White iPhone4



Want to know More about Apple White iPhone ?... Want to know why the White iPhone is So Late ?.. Thats Why! Watch Video Below lol



X10 Family



X10 owners are a pretty patient bunch of people. they would have to be to stick with a device thats saddled with a version of Android three generations out of date for so many months! Well the long wait for the Eclair update is almost over as Sony Ericsson announce that it is due to beging rolling out TODAY 31/10 Sunday. The update will include not just the X10, but also the X10 Mini and Mini Pro.

The update will hit the Nordic countries first and trickle out to other countries on Monday with more following as the month of November progresses. The first people to receive the update should see their devices notifying them of an update Sunday evening (Europe time).

The main features of the upgrade are as follows:

Xperia X10: 
• HD video recording with continuous auto-focus for high quality videos 
• Upgrade of the Android platform to Android 2.1 
• New back up and restore application, with extended content back up 
• 5 homescreens for apps, widgets, shortcuts and folders 
• Social phonebook which automatically syncs contact pictures from Facebook and shows when your friends are online Xperia 


X10 mini and X10 mini pro: 

• Improved Bluetooth functionality with support for sending and receiving pictures, contacts and more • New backup and restore application with extended content back up 
• Automatic synchronization of your contact pictures between Facebook and your phone book 
• Improved ways of handling pictures, audio, text and numbers in your messages 
• Upgrade of the Android platform to Android platform 2.1



In what might very well be he lamest put down ever Nokia have been mocking Apple for their inability to get a white iPhone out the door. Nokia India made the following tweet today:


There were two things that struck me about this attempt at a bitch slap from Nokia. The first was that the N8 colours are not exactly what I would call "brillian", but thats a matter of personal taste. The second thing, and the more important, is that Nokia are promoting their flagship product, not only through a weak attempt at insulting another company... but by talking about the fact that it comes in different colours!



With Windows Phone 7 now official many are looking to what the apps and services on the platform will be like, especially the apps that are liekly to be used every day. With that thought in mind the official Twitter app for Win Phone 7 has been announced and its looking pretty sweet.

The app comes with the sort of features you would expect from an official Twitter app e.g. direct messages, suggested followers, user lists, etc. The really nice thing about the app, in our opinion anyway, is that it blends right in with the standard UI of Windows Phone 7. For many a long while Twitter did not bother itself with mobile vlients, relying on third party efforts, some good, some bad, so its great to see them really embracing that aspect of their service and providing a consistent experience.


Galaxy S Froyo




As you probably know last Month that Samsung pulled-out the froyo Update files of the Samsung Galaxy S from its servers due to Many System Bugs that Made the Android froyo unstable and laggy. And Samsung UK confirmed on its twitter Status that the Froyo Update is Coming on November on its Final Version and to All Network operators and No More Delays...No More pulling-out!!



SamsungUK on Twitter




We Got Some Information that the Release Date of the Galaxy S Froyo update for USA Carriers and UK Carriers is somewhere around 11th November,2010 as a FINAL Release Date. Worldwide release will follow in few days after the Official Release of the Froyo ROM for Samsung Galaxy S, which Means that All Galaxy S users Worldwide (Include Middle-East and Arab gulf users) will get the update on November along with UK,USA Carriers too.

So The Update is Coming Finally and NO More Delays AT ALL... More Stable... More Smoother, its a matter of time right Now. As I always say "Waiting for the froyo to come-out, better than waiting for it to load!".



Updated Phone (German)



Nokia C7 was just launched in nokia World 2010 last Month and its belong to Cseires the Economic series Cheap-High-Features Devices. The lead designer of the C7 talking about the process he went through. Its interesting to see what goes on on the other side how those phones that we’re reviewing get to be the way they are?

The design process of the Nokia C7 started with choosing its measurements the weight and most importantly, the size of the display. Once Tomas Ivaškevičius, the lead designer for the C7, had picked a screen size that fits well in the hand, he designed everything else around it.





Video Interview Below!



Google are not known for standing still when it comes to keeping their Android apps updated and the latest app to get the treatment is YouTube. Lets start with the bad news first though, if you are running any version of Android below Froyo (Android 2.2) you won't be able to get the update.

Google have not made the update available to Android 2.1 users the boffins at XDA Developers have! Its not as simple as just downloading the update as you might expect, for starters your device has to be rooted. You also need to make sure the previous version of the YouTube app has been deleted. You can then download the XDA version and install it.

Nokia N8 Web browser




The web browser on Symbian^3 is in dire need for an update ever since we saw it back on the Symbian S60 5th edition. Nokia is about to fix it. A video just surfaced demonstrating the new version of the browser that the Finnish engineers are working on.


The new web browser improves on so many things that we do not even know where to start. For one the address bar has been moved on top and you can type right from the same screen, seeing the currently opened page in the background.


The address bar itself is also quite improved with better address suggestions and search shortcuts. The bar at the bottom is removed and is replaced by two smaller virtual keys, one of which opens a visual history mode.


Next we can notice that the browser opens the homepage right away and does not go through the bookmarks menu as before.



Demo Video Below!

STEP-BY-STEP Installing

MeeGo1.1 on Nokia N900



MeeGo1.1 logo



Alright then, I tried. These steps work for Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 too, Lucid Lynx. N900 + MicroSD card required. Flasher-3.5 required. For Fedora, use the wiki but compile the flasher from GIT NOT the repo, and use my m-i-c command in the script below. and Make sure you have the SIM card on the phone and its Fully Charged 90% or higher!


Download MeeGo1.1 Files




1) Grab the N900 MeeGo kickstart file from HERE.

2) Move it to where you will be building all of this. If you copy/paste from my script below, that's going to be in ~/build

3) Add the Ubuntu MeeGo repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list. 

deb /

4) Script. Copy/paste this to a terminal.

#Create work area
mkdir ~/build
cd ~/build
#Get python-elementtree
sudo dpkg -i python-elementtree_1.2.6-14_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
#install syslinux and dependencies
sudo apt-get install syslinux=3.85
sudo apt-get install mtd-utils qemu-arm-static git-core kpartx
#build latest meego-image-creator, the one in the repositories don't work
git clone git://
cd image-creator
sudo tools/mic-check-alldeps
make clean
sudo make install
cd ..
#create N900 image
sudo mic-image-creator --run-mode=0 --cache=mycachedir --format=raw --arch=armv7l --save-kernel --config=meego-handset-armv7l-n900-nokia-closed-

5) Connect your booted N900 to your computer. Select "Mass Storage mode". In Ubuntu, determine which device it assigned your SD card. Mine did /dev/sdc.

6)Copy filesystem to N900 SD card. Replace "DEVICE" with your N900 External SD Card device (change XXXX's).

sudo dd bs=4096 if=meego-handset-armv7l-n900-nokia-closed- of=DEVICE

7)Mount the SD card, replace /dev/sdc1 with your device and first partition.

mkdir mount
sudo mount /dev/sdc1 mount

8)Edit rc.local:

sudo vi mount/etc/rc.local

9)Add the following line, above the touch line

echo 255 > /sys/class/backlight/acx565akm/brightness


sudo umount mount

11)Disconnect and shut off N900.

12)Run flasher (change XXXX's)

sudo flasher-3.5 -l -b -k meego-handset-armv7l-n900-nokia-closed-

13)When prompted for USB device, connect N900, turn on and hold "u"



Meego1.1 Home


Enjoy MeeGo1.1 till the MeeGo1.2 Released!

iphone4 Dual-Sim Adapter



Chatter is rising about the posisbility of Apple releasing iPhones that have SIM cards embedded in them, the idea being that customers choose their own network rather than buy their iPhone from a specific carrier. The report, from GigaOM goes like this:

"Its rumored that Apple and Gemalto have created a SIM card, which is typically a chip that carries subscriber identification information for the carriers, that will be integrated into the iPhone itself. Then customers will then be able to choose their carrier at time of purchase at the Apple web site or retail store, or buy the phone and get their handset up and running through a download at the App Store as opposed to visiting a carrier store or calling the carrier. Either way, it reduces the role of the carrier in the iPhone purchase. Gemalto and Apple have not responded to requests for comment."

An iPhone sold on its own without any subsidies can set you back £500+ ($600-$700). Thats a pretty steep price for the average consumer and it's hard to see many giving up the temptation to get their hardware from a network where there is a generous upfront subsidy to take the sting out of the purchase.


Google have added a handy little feature to their search page rendered on the iPhone. the ability to search through iPhone apps. The new search option is accessed just like any of the other search options like Video, Finance, etc. The results are displayed just like a standard Google search, but with the star ratings alongside the apps and the first line or two of the app description.

The really nice part is that when you click on one of the results you are taken into the app store all ready to download the app. Great to see Google rolling out this kind of functionality for platforms other than Android.

Click to View larger




Motorola promised here Droid 2 users for an Update with many Hotfixes for known Droid 2 bugs and some New Improvements on Android OS of the Moto Droid 2. About the Update...


  • Improved battery life.
  • Heightened proximity sensor accuracy to enable faster screen response.
  • View the Weather widget in both landscape and portrait orientation.
  • Simpler setup, improved user interactions, and better notifications for Visual Voice Mail.
  • Background Email Sync during display inactivity for better user experience.
  • Support for email domain suffixes containing more than three characters.
  • Keep text messages organized with chronological in-box screen.
  • Edit text messages after you’ve inserted a video file.
  • Improved audio sound during recorded video playbacks.
  • Stream Guided Tour videos on device in Help Center application with ease.
  • Faster location tracking during GPS navigation.
  • Faster transitions between Wi-Fi and 3G in data connection.


  • New ability to add pictures from your Gallery to a contact.
  • Export all your contacts to the SD card.
  • View details of Social Networking contacts.
  • VZ Navigator is now preloaded on device.



If you try to register a new HTC Sense account today, you will discover a new phone among the Desire HD and Desire Z. Its the HTC Mecha, an unannounced handset that looks a lot like the now aging Hero.

Since its on the HTC Sense website, we guess the Mecha will probably run on Android 2.x, but besides the small picture and the name, there is no other information just yet.


this article is not available

MeeGo1.1 on N900




After MeeGo 1.0, which was unveiled back in June 2010, you can now welcome the MeeGo 1.1 for handsets. It is now available for download so you can give it a try straight away if you have a Nokia N900 and you are feeling adventurous enough to dual boot it along with Maemo. As we said on our Previous Leak Here ... MeeGo 1.1 is coming to N900 on October, And it Does!



MeeGo1.1 logo



As the video below reveals, the new MeeGo 1.1 brings U-Boot support to the Nokia N900, which means dual booting MeeGo and Meamo is finally possible as it was announced some time ago. This OS will Makes you Forget All about Maemo... brings Cool New features and Great Simple GUI on a very smooth platform. Any Question about installing Instructions please let us know in the Comments!


Video of N900 Running MeeGo 1.1 Below!


Update! Screenshots of MeeGo1.1






MeeGo1.1 Apps


MeeGo1.1 Web browser


MeeGo1.1 Music player


MeeGo1.1 Home


Meego1.1 Menu


Meego1.1 Videos

This Release includes:

  • Core OS 1.1 – consolidated common base operating system for all UXs
  • Netbook UX 1.1 - complete set of core applications for netbooks
  • In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) UX 1.1 - includes a sample IVI home screen and taskbar built with Qt 4.7 and speech recognition
  • Handset UX 1.1 - technology snapshot implements basic development UX for voice calling, SMS messaging, web browsing, music and video playback, photo viewing, and connection management
  • SDK 1.1 Beta - SDK for MeeGo Core OS and supported UXs will be released during the coming days before the MeeGo Summit conference in Dublin.

"The 1.1 Core OS provides a complete set of enabling technologies for mobile computing. The MeeGo stack contains Linux Kernel 2.6.35, server 1.9.0, Web Runtime, Qt 4.7, and Qt Mobility 1.0.2, supporting the contacts, location, messaging, multimedia, and sensor and service frameworks. It also includes a number of leading edge components, such as the oFono telephony stack, the ConnMan connection manager, the Tracker data indexer, the Telepathy real-time communications framework, the Buteo sync framework, and many more.

These technologies are brought to application developers through the MeeGo API, which is based on Qt and other technologies, such as the MeeGo Touch Framework. Furthermore, with the latest Qt version 4.7 the MeeGo developer experience is now enhanced with the introduction of QML, the easy to use scripting technology for animated touch-enabled GUI apps." Source:



Download here

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When the thought of cross platform gaming comes up your first thoughts would probably not be of a Palm Pre and N900 mash-up. However, some intrepid Maemo users have banded together and come up with Pre, which is a package that allows N900 owners to run unmodified webOS games on said N900.

You will need to do the nasty and root your Pre to get at them thar games and your N900 will also have to be rooted if you want a launcher icon for the games, but if you are the type who is givingt his serious consideration we doubt either of those caveats will pose a problem for you.



Videos Below!





A heads up that Samsung are planning to announcing a new Android powered device comes on 8th,November. press conference invitations have been going out for the event, but as too what will be announced its still a bit of a mystery.


Some are wondering of it could possibly be a re-hashing of an existing handset, Still others are getting their hopes up that perhaps it might be the first handset to run Android 2.3, which is not all that far fetched given that a( Gingerbread) man has recently appeared on Google front lawn.


Flash on Winphon7




Windows Phone 7 is most definitely still in its infancy and it can still be forgiven for lacking certain things e.g. copy/paste. Of course that honeymoon period does not mean that those deficiencies should not be worked on and therefore its good to see some progress being made on bringing Windows Phone up to speed with the rest of the smartphone world.

What we are talking about of course is that Adobe have let it be known that Flash 10.1, already available on Android, will be winding its merry way to Microsoft finest in the not too distant future. Whilst Flash support may not be at the top of everyone wish list for the new platform it does at least dispell one area of criticism.


iphone 4 white



The white color version of the iPhone 4 still ca not be found at the Apple stores out there but it seems it should be around the corner now. The elusive white version just popped up in the recently updated Apple Store.



iphone 4 white

Currently, only the black version of the smartphone can be reserved this way  going for the white one will get you to a dead end.


iphone 4 White

But we got a confirmation from an official Apple spokseperson that the white iPhone 4 will not be hitting the shelves before next spring. Fingers crossed that ths will be the last delay and we will actually see a white iPhone 4 before the iPhone 5 comes.

Nokia N900


Its a fine day for Nokia N900 users… Maemo 5 has been given the software update treatment!

Well first up, Ovi Suite support has been added to your Nokia N900 and its become even easier to access and sync files and messages between your device and your desktop.


To complement this, you will find your device has become speedier as Nokia have added hundreds of tweaks and fixes that will make your N900 run smoother than ever.

Be sure to also check out the latest games and apps from Ovi Store, like Angry Birds Level Packs 2 & 3, Kroll, Tower Boxx Deluxe 3D and Joiku WiFi Hot Spot. All these Apps will run Faster on your N900 After the Update!!


Software Version

V 20.2010.36-2 - Maemo 5-2 OS



Nokia NSU News

"This software release brings Nokia Ovi Suite support to your device. With Nokia Ovi Suite, you can easily back up and synchronise files and messages between your device and PC. There are also many performance improvements that make your device run more smoothly. To get this software through your device, select Applications > Software Update, and choose the software you want to update. Alternatively, this software release is available through the Nokia Software Updater."



You will know that the software update is ready to install when you see a white exclamation mark in a yellow box appear on your device’s screen. Just touch on that icon and follow the instructions.


Note: If you receive a "Not Enough Memory" message, just uninstall a few apps,Restart the phone and try again.


Update NOW!


Follow Me!


According Google Forums the next major Android OS release is 2.3. But will it called Gingerbread?

The bomb was dropped in a support theme on the Google Code forums, so the source is reasonably trustworthy. Apparently 2.3 is the next major Android version, but this doesn’t necessary mean it will be the Gingerbread.

As you know both Android 2.0 and 2.1 are Eclair, so 2.3 could be easily another Froyo release. We will wait and see how things unfold, but it seems Android 3.0 is not as close as we thought.

Lets wait and Hope that the upcoming Android will have More New Features we will like.

Sony logo

Speculation has been running rampant over comments made by Yoshihisa Ishida, head of Sony TV division, to the effect that they are looking to use Android in more devices:

"We are thinking about using Android in more consumer electronics products."

The obvious jump in logic here are Android powered tablets and media players. Of course that is very much speculation, but given that Sony joint venture in the mobile business, Sony Ericsson, is aiming to be the biggest supplier of Android handsets in the world it is not that far a leap of the imagination to see Sony themselves jumping on the tablet bandwagon. Indeed it seems almost incredulous that Sony will not have some representation in the burgeoning tablet market at some point so perhaps the real question is whether it will be a Sony effort or a Sony Ericsson badged product?


Android logo


Sony Ericsson already have Mediascape overlays for their Android devices and whilst the UI layers have received something of a mixed reception perhaps they might translate better to a device with a bigger screen? Certainly Timescape would look pretty snazzy on something with a 7 or 10 inch display.


What a world we live in when overclocking your handset now no longer requires geeky credentials or really any knowledge of the underlying firmware. Instead all you have to do is download an app and a higher clock speed is a finger jab away! Well at least for Droid X and Droid 2 owners.

The hubbub comes courtesy of the DX/D2 Overclocker app for Android, which works to overclock the afore mentioned handsets. The app, released by Unstable Apps (perhaps not the best choice of names for a company releasing an app that could potentially ruin your handset) allows the user to run their handset at either a low voltage setting, the default setting or two designated voltages that are above the recommended limit. The upper limit of the app apparently being 1.3 Ghz.


The app is available in the Market For $0.99





Two hot Android devices are coming to T-Mobile UK this November. The 7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab and the tough IP67-certified Motorola DEFY are already listed into the carrier's website and you can register your interest right now.



There is not any info on the pricing and exact availability, but November is just around the corner so it should not take long.


Interestingly, the Samsung Galaxy Tab processor is mentioned as a 1.2GHz one, but according to Samsung the ARM A8 Cortex runs at 1GHz. Most probably T-Mobile UK has made a mistake.


Lumigon T1




Remember the sleek Lumigon smartphone we told you about yesterday? It turns out its name will be T1 and it will be running the latest version of the Android OS 2.2 Froyo. The Danish company finally took the time to announce the handset properly and confirmed most of its specs. There is also a live photo of the device and several videos demonstrating its home-brewed interface.


Lumigon T1


The aluminum-clad Lumigon T1 will be powered by a 1GHz Freescale CPU and will pack a 3.5-inch capacitive touchscreen of WVGA resolution. A universal remote control feature will allow the T1 to control a variety of appliances straight out of the box.

Connectivity is well covered with HSDPA, Wi-Fi, FM transmitter, 3.5mm headset jack. There is no official confirmation on the GPS receiver just yet but we can not imaging they have left that one out. A 5MP camera with LED flash is what the Lumigon T1 offers on the photography end.



Lumigon T1


If you get the external dock you can also enjoy HD TV-out through HDMI.



The HP Slate 500 runs Windows 7 Professional and it has an 8.9-inch touchscreen with overall weight of just 680 grams.


Hp Slate 500


The Slate 500 is powered by an Intel Z540 CPU clocked at 1.86GHz and has 2GB of RAM. A dedicated video decoder will take the weight off the CPU, so you can watch 1080p problem-free. Internal storage takes the form of a 64GB SSD.


Hp Slate 500 Back

The 8.9-inch screen on the HP Slate 500 has 1024×600 pixels resolution and it features a Wacom digitizer you can use your finger or the stylus. The customized UI we’ve seen before is gone its just plain Windows 7 Professional. There are two cameras a 3MP main one and a VGA video-call one.


Full Specs Document


Click to View Larger



The HP Slate 500 will initially launch in the US, with availability in other markets depending on how its sales stateside go.

Galaxy Player 50


The YP-G50 Galaxy Player was announced back at IFA 2010, but there was no release date mentioned. It seems Samsung is ready to rival the iPods Touch because its shipping the first batch of YP-G50 Android-based players as we speak.

Samsung YP-G50 Galaxy Player packs 3.2-inch WVGA capacitive touchscreen, 2 megapixel camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, 8/16GB onboard storage and microSD card slot. The player supports DivX playback and runs on Android v2.1 Eclair, but there is no info whether it will get Froyo or not.

There is no official information on pricing and availability yet, but Samsung is already selling the YP-G50 Galaxy Player in France. I suppose it will become available in more countries for the holiday season.



Demo Below!

22 October, 2010 Android

Acer Metal



The following leaked pics suggest that Acer will be the next company to make a major announcement before the holiday season. The Taiwanese company is obviously next to completing the work on a couple of hot Android smartphones and an Android tablet.

The first of those is an old friend of ours, going by the name of Acer Liquid Metal. Packing an 800 MHz CPU and Android Froyo inside its aluminum shell it makes a second appearance, following the cameoback in September.

Acer Pad

In the End we come to the Acer tablet that too remains nameless for now. Its screen measures 9 or 10 inches in diagonal and it will too be running the latest Google OS currently available. Its announcement is rumored to come in early 2011.


Many people remember Winamp glory days the veteran of the desktop PC has now made the transition to Android. Back in the early days of the web as Winapm was the Most popular Music player on the web, Well in the past!

The Android version is available right now in the Market and works on versions 2.1 onwards. The app comes with some pretty nice features, such as integration and a syncing mode with its desktop counterpart that allows you to manage your music library either via USB or WiFi.

Download it by scanning the Barcode below:

Nokia MeeGo tablet


To Stop the rumors and Speculations around MeeGo OS,, Nokia CEO has just announced on the Q3 earnings call that its first MeeGo device will not be coming this year. In no uncertain terms, Stephen Elop the New Nokia CEO said that Nokia, "First MeeGo device will be the 2011 event."


A device rumored to be the N9 (Picture up there!). In general communications about new Nokia products will be made far closer to product availability. Elop added that his first impression of Nokia MeeGo work "inspires both confidence and excitement.". Also he Added that the Latest tablet from Nokia Which is Nokia N900 will get the New MeeGo OS as well but with limited capabilities and thats May mean No Dual-boot (Except for Developers ofcourse).


Lets hope so, in Q1 2011 Nokia MeeGo smartphone OS will be battling resurgent webOS and Windows Phone 7 devices in addition to the Android, iOS, and BlackBerry incumbents at the high-end of the market.




Stay Tuned for More info!



MeeGo1.1 logo





Nokia has just published its Q3 financial report and things are looking healthy. The company also let us in on their new plans concerning their smartphone platforms and changes ins software development.

Nokia managed to ship over 110 million handsets, bringing in over 7 billion euro in the process. The numbers of units sold is 1 percent down from the same quarter last year, while the revenue is 5 percent up.

The achieved operating profit stands at 403 million euro, which sounds much better than the 426 million euro loss recorded in Q3 of 2009. Mind you, the mobile division actually earned over 800 million but NAVTEQ and Nokia Siemens Network continue to lose money.

The average selling price of the Nokia feature phones is 42 euro (a 3 percent increase YoY), while smartphones cost 136 euro on average (28 percent decrease YoY).


The New software plans

And the company is taking measures to catch up too. As of today the company is adopting Qt as its sole development platform. This means that all apps made available for Symbian from now on will be compatible with MeeGo and vice versa. So developers will not need to make the tough choice between the two operating systems used by Nokia.

Qt will also be getting HTML5 support for development of both web content and applications. The Nokia devices web browser will support the HTML5 standard as well.

Next Nokia announced that you will not be hearing any more talk of Symbian^4 from them. The improvements that were planned for Symbian^4 will be introduced as soon as they become available so instead of one big release, its going to be more of a series of iterative updates to the existing platforms.


Video Below!




T-Mobile will release the HTC HD7 the Most waited HTC Windows phone 7 in November,8th will be available with 2 years contract for as low as $199.99 So get ready to change your Mobile phone as soon as it will arrive to USA.

There is No info about any other carrier like ATT or Verizon that will get any WP7 devices or an HTC to be More Specific.

Customized Android




If you want to make your own customized smartphone with Android on it, you can get to Synapse where you can build your Android Dream phone, Synapse offers you to completely customize the hardware of the phone point by point.


Prices seem reasonable, too. They start from 299 euro. Sadly, the company website is currently down but thanks to Google cache you can still take a look at the diverse feature options.


For instance, you can go for a 5, 8 or even 12MP camera. The 8MP snapper will cost you 20 euro more than the 5MP, while the 12MP sharpshooter calls for 35 euro extra.


If you want, you can order your phone with 1GB RAM, 32GB of storage, support for WirelessN and Bluetooth 3.0, a promising 1500 mAh battery, a 3.5mm audio jack, a 2MP front-facing cam, a Xenon flash, etc. but all those come at a price.


Swype for Symbian is graduating from beta and is making its way to Ovi Store clients as we speak. The Nokia C7 is the first device to get it but for Nokia N8, 5800, N97, C6 is Coming soon!

Swype Beta for Symbian was available for some time, but the first final release comes to Nokia C7. All C7 owners can get it from the Ovi Store.


The beta version released in September supported N97, N97 mini, X6, 5800, 5230 and C6-00. Nokia promises its working on Swype for N8 too and the update for all related devices should be ready to roll out within a few weeks.


Stores are starting sales of Windows Phone 7 mobiles as soon as the Sun rises over the horizon New Zealand already marked the first sale of an HTC 7 Trophy, Telstra in Australia and Orange in the UK have the HTC 7 Mozart on sale as of this morning too.


HTC trophy


One lucky New Zealander was the first person in the world to by a Windows Phone 7 device an HTC 7 Trophy from Vodafone NZ, which go for 430 euro or 600 US dollars on a contract or 480 euro or 670 USD on Pay as you go. Telstra is selling the HTC 7 Mozart for free on a 34.5 euro or 48 USD a month 2 year contract.


HTC Mozart


One of the longest running iPhone rumours has been the ever present hope amongst many that Apple would release a CDMA version of their handset. The rumour has been doing the rounds for as long as the iPhone has been around, but over the past few months it has been picking up some speed and today some pictures have cropped up purportedly showing the mythic handset itself.

Now the picture below is definitely the most interesting of those leaked as it shows a designation of N92DVT. John Gruber, of Daring Fireball fame, had previously commented that the CDMA iPhone had an internal designation at Apple of N92, which ties in nicely with what we are seeing here. The DVT portion of the designation stands for Design Verification Testing.



The pictures were reportedly taken at an undisclosed Vietnamese repair shop, but beyond showing a device that bears a resemblance to an iPhone 4 and an onscreen designation that ties in with a previous piece of speculation there is no definite proof that this thing is the real deal. It could of course be a hoax, but for Apple fanboys hoping for a CDMA version of their pride and joy it will likely just be more fuel on an already very hot fire.




Regular readers will be well aware of my penchant for infographics. Well Retrevo have been conducting a survey across the United States to guage customer uptake of iPhones, Blackberries and Android smartphones and the results are pretty interesting.


First of all I should explain the system used to present the results because it is not quite as straightforward as you would imagine. There are two categories used to analyse the results, the first, and simplest, being a simple count of which platform is most popular in which state and then assigning each platform a total number of states won.


The second, and more complicated, category is the Gadgetoral Votes. For this Retrevo calculated smartphone ownership per capita for the whole of the U.S. and then compared it with the per capita ownership for each individual state.


Samsung Foryo


As you probably know last week Samsung released the official update that takes the I9000 Galaxy S to Android 2.2 for the Scandinavian region. But just as we thought that worldwide availability is a matter of days now, the company pulled the files from it servers.


There is no official statement yet so its unclear what are the reasons behind this move but unstable behavior seems the most probable reason. A number of users reported that their Galaxy S units became laggy and experienced lots of bugs after the update and if Samsung found the reason to be within their own code, it might have returned it to their developers for some more work.


SamsungUK on Twitter




At any rate Samsung UK branch has just confirmed via Twitter that they will be releasing the Galaxy S Froyo update in early November with carrier-specific versions following after that. Lets hope they get everything right this time and Bo More Bugs!

T-Mobile G2



Though on paper it might not seem like the fastest phone around, the T-Mobile G2 800 Mhz CPU is actually pretty frigginspeedy. Of course, that has not kept the hacking community from trying to get things moving even faster and they have done it. Oh, have they done it.


T-Mobile Benchmark

With a bit of voodoo, sorcery and good fashion elbow grease, handset hacker coolbho3k has managed to overclock his handset from the stock 800 Mhz all the way up to 1.3 ghz. While it was a wee bit shaky at first but later found that bumping up the juice flowing to the CPU by just 0.1V seemed to stabilize things. In fact, it stabilizes it so well that it should actually be possible to crank things all the way up to1.4 Ghz. Either way, those are some pretty massive speed boosts.



Check Video Below!



We Know Many things about the 7-inch BlackBerry PlayBook tablet from its announcement. Some new details have been reported at the GITEX expo in Dubai. They include the tablet’s battery capacity and its onboard storage. It seems like BlackBerry PlayBook will have similar storage versions to the iPad 16, 32 and 64GB.

Besides the dual-core 1GHz processor, 1GB RAM, the 3 and 5 megapixel cameras, sweet 1080p video encoding/decoding and the already mentioned onboard storage, BlackBerry PlayBook will pack a 5300 mAh battery. Lets hope it will provide enough juice for long-time work with the BlackBerry Tablet OS.

And this Makes it the First Multi-Core, Multi processing, Multi-Tasking Tablet on the Market!



Video Below!

HTC DesireHD



The HTC Desire HD is Now available in the online UK stores for several carriers and have SIM-free version too.

Some Sites has the HTC Desire HD on sale with a handy configurator to choose your plan (carrier, cost, minutes, texts, mobile Internet, etc.) and Also they have it SIM-free for 465 pounds (530 euro).

Expansys offer the Desire HD as well 499 pounds (570 euro) or on a two-year Vodafone plan for free (35 pounds a month). On some other sites like, the HTC Desire HD is still on preorder but is expected to go on sale next Monday (October 25).



HP have stepped forth and ended the speculation surrounding the Pre 2... by announcing it. The new handset, as seen in leaked pictures before now, will launch on SFR in France this Friday with Verizon in the U.S. and an unnamed Canadian network getting their hands on it in the coming weeks. No word as yet of availability on any other networks or in any more countries.

The handset keeps the same basic design as the original Pre, but there are some tweaks here and there, not to mention some hefty improvements beneath the hood, The display will be glass with a sleeker, streamlined design or to put it another way its a Pre only thinner. The processor has been beefed up to 1 Ghz and the camera will also see a boost to 5 MP.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the Pre 2, like the original, is the underlying OS powering the device. webOS 2.0 will see some new features introduced such as HP Synergy for linking up email and social media accounts alongside support for Adobe Flash 10.1 beta. HP are also promising users true multitasking.


So stay tuned for More info about this phone Soon!

Android Menu


We already know the names of the next two upcoming Android versions 3.0 Gingerbread and 3.5 Honeycomb. As Google is following an alphabetical order, its no big secret the 4.0 version will be called I-something. Well, a today’s leak has it that the I release will be code named "Ice Cream".

There is no confirmation from Google on this information, but the Ice Cream name was mentioned by the ARM president Tudor Brown!



So if you looked at the Android Versions Names you will discover an Alphabetic order:












Cool, Right!


The P1000 Galaxy Tab has only just hit the shelves in a couple of European countries and Samsung is already working hard on another Android-running tablet. The Samsung P9100 is basically a Tab with a new design and slightly downgraded specs sheet, headed to the Japanese carrier KDDI.

The Samsung I9100 retains the 7-inch WSVGA (1024×600) screen of the Galaxy Tab, but adds the Ocean Observation UI, which should be a better fit for the Japanese consumers. Samsung has dropped the front-facing camera and the primary one has been downgraded to 2MP resolution. The day-to-day battery life also took a pretty serious hit as its reduced to measly 2 hours.

Steve jobs



Apple has just published its financial report for the quarter ending in September and things just could not be better. The company posted revenue of 20.34 billion US dollars, of which 4.31 billion were net profit.


Not only are those the best results ever achieved by Apple, they are also immensely better than the one for the same period last year. In Q3 of 2009 the numbers stood at 12.21 billion and 2.53 billion dollars respectively.


The main driving force behind this spectacular success is the iPhone 4, which generated more than 14.1 million sales . In other words, they have almost doubled their iPhone sales. Now Apple has a worldwide market share of over 5.5 percent, which is really something considering the average selling price of 629 dollars. Plus, shortages have been plaguing the iPhone 4 ever since it was launched.



The Android-compatible final version of the popular Angry Birds game was released last Friday and now, two days later, more than two million people around the globe are already enjoying it.

But while some people were having fun playing, others were waiting for the crashed GetJar servers, which hosted the download to be brought back to life.

The fact that the game is a free download sure helps for its popularity too. If you happen to own an Android-powered device and still have not downloaded the top-notch Angry Birds game, feel free to follow that link or drop by the Android Market.

16 October, 2010 Android

Who does not love a good infographic!...Especially, when this infographic all about Android!. This Info graph shows how Android will take over the market in the upcoming two years on Mobile Marketing So watch it or Download and Get a brief look at it on your computer.


Click to Download Full Resolution

Tweetdeck beta



TweetDeck for Android is finally out of beta and into the Market for all to enjoy!... Its not got quite the same rich feature set as the more familiar desktop client, but nevertheless it does offer good functionality albeit without the iconic multiple column approach. Instead the Android app merges different streams into one so as to offer you a single united feed of all your social media goings on e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Google Buzz. The app is free so you can pop along to the Market this very minute and give it a bash yourself.



Watch Video Below!


Angry Birds is probably the most eagerly anticipated game for Android this year, arguably ever in fact and it is finally available in its full form. The game had previously been released as a free beta product for Android users to try out, but today saw the release of the real deal, but not in Android own Market.

The game went live on getjar and it seems that they were not up to the task of handling the enormous demand for the game. "getjar" website has been experiencing problems all day and actually downloading the game has been impossible for many given the current demand. Its a popular game sure, Well probably because it has been released free on "getjar".




Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 owners have been waiting in the firmware upgrade lounge for what seems like ages. But Eclair is almost done cooking and it will be served with 720p video capture with continuous autofocus for an extra-sweet result.

The update was pushed back until the end of October, but a release candidate has already been sent out for testing. The Sony Ericsson product blog has a quick video demo of the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 with the new firmware.


Video Sample below!

I9000 froyo update


We All was waiting for the Samsung Galaxy-S to get froyo Now the dream comes true.. Samsung has finally released an official Android 2.2 update for the Galaxy S. The Froyo upgrade is acquired via Samsung Kies or PC Studio application and follow the application instruction.


Updated Device


The update is thus far only confirmed to be available in Sweden, Denmark and Norway (Scandinavia). but it will be Release WorldWide very soon during this week (16-23 October 2010).


. The updates that have been Noticed on the New Froyo Firmware is:

  • Android 2.2 JIT compiler

  • Adobe Flash Player 10.1 compatibility

  • New Android Market with auto-updating

  • Speed improvements

  • Pinch-to-zoom homescreen flyover

  • Improved default keyboard

  • Quick links to “GPS” and “Auto rotation” toggles on notification bar added

  • Slightly different graphics and transitions with app drawer and default icon dock

  • Colored icons in settings

  • GPS Fix

  • Colored settings icons

  • Media Hub

  • Darker menu theme, navy blue color

  • Better Exchange support

  • Video records in MP4 format

  • New Search widget

  • New Gmail application



Froyo update message


Froyo 2.2 on Galaxy S


Froyo 2.2 on Galaxy S


If you are already tired of waiting for a carrier unlock solution and want iOS 4.1 on your iPhone 4 right now, you can have it. There is a way to update your phone without updating the phones’s baseband along the way.

iClarified has a complete walkthrough for the update process. You need a regular iPhone 4.1 firmware, the application TinyUmbrella and iTunes. The method works on both Windows and Mac. Check the iClarified tutorial to see how its done.

When you arere finished, you can jailbreak your iPhone 4 running iOS 4.1 with either limera1n OR greenpois0n and then you can unlock the regular way with the New ultrasn0w.



The long wait is almost over, dear Nokia N900 owners. The Finnish company developers are almost done porting MeeGo to the sweet QWERTY slider and promise to release it to the general public in a few days.



The update will be available on the MeeGo site, which should enable dual-booting of Maemo and MeeGo on the Nokia N900 so you can get a taste of the upcoming MeeGo mobile OS.



There is no exact date mentioned for the PR 1.3 update but its Very soon as our previous leaks of the Release date document last Month that shows Meego1.1 will be released to the N900 on October 21-27.



MeeGo1.1 Release date for N900



The bad news is that this is a try-at-you-own-risk kind of deal so Nokia will not be offering support for the MeeGo-enabled N900 officially. This is not to say they won't be releasing updates or fixing bugs, but you will be the one taking the risk of something going wrong with the new OS.




MeeGo1.1 official logo



Official Press release from


"After many busy months of MeeGo development, we have finally come to a stage that justifies proud blogging around our MeeGo for N900 adaptation project. As you may already suspect, or have heard from IRC or discussion forums, we now have 3G audio call functionality with proper ofono signaling and pulse audio stack working on N900, including our brand new open source modem adaptation for N900!

The achievement was possible because of extensive co-operation between our MeeGo N900 adaptation team and Nokias Telephony and Audio team. Special thanks for this goes to people like Kai Vehmanen, Ameya Palande, Pekka Pessi, Jyri Sarha, Jouni Peltonen, and Sami Sirkiä. There has been a lot of work done around this topic by many people, I am not even aware of many of them, so a big thanks to everyone.

At this point, I need to remind you about the basics: MeeGo is an open source project and if you choose to install the MeeGo image to your N900 device, you do it completely at your own risk. If you are not confident that you know what you are doing with it and why, please don't use it at all. Especially now, if you start playing with call software under development, you need to watch after your phone bill, as well. Also, please use the latest repositories only, or the next weekly image that is downloadable from the MeeGo repositories every Monday.

There has been huge amount of work done in all areas during the summer and fall. Ameya Palande, Carsten Munk, and Marko Saukko managed to handle kernel updates, x-server update, Compiler update, SGX update, and so on. We are now running .35rc5 kernel with support for most devices on N900. Markus Lehtonen fixed the BME for us, so now we have battery loading working. There was also a bug in the wlan driver that was relatively hard to find. After Carsten had proven his theory about the bug, we got good support from Teleca Russia. Big thanks for Juri and others there for fixing that.

Later, during the fall, we have had hard time with some sticky bugs, and filling some smallish but time consuming holes in MeeGo core implementation. One of the hardest ones was the fight with the fennec browser. The ARM compilation of it proved to be especially tricky with the version of gcc compiler that we are using in MeeGo. After weeks of work, it now somewhat works, but we can’t get the latest version onboard before some nasty gcc compiler bugs are patched on MeeGo.

On the Maemo side, there have been interesting, supporting developments going on, as well. The PR 1.3 update is quite close now, and with that you can easily dual boot between Maemo and Meego on your N900. There is also a possibility of developing applications supporting both operating systems, based on Qt and Qt Mobility APIs on the Maemo side. It means that you can develop once in PC with Qt Creator, and test your applications on both Maemo and MeeGo, directly on your N900 device!"

Nokia C5-03


The increasingly complicated Nokia model numbering scheme just received a new entry meet the Nokia C5-03. Its a Symbian^1 touch phone with 5MP camera, Wi-Fi and GPS and its really lightweight  it weighs only 93 grams and its Cheap too.


Nokia C5-03


The Nokia C5-03 runs Symbian^1, which is to say Symbian S60 5th edition. Anyway, it has a 3.2-inch nHD (360x640) resistive touchscreen and it measures 105.8 x 51.0 x 13.8 mm.


Nokia C5-03


Demo Video Below!

The new C5-03 has a 5MP camera (fixed-focus not AF which is better than FF) and comes with a 2GB microSD card in the box. Wi-Fi and GPS are on-board and of course Ovi Maps with free voice-guided navigation. For mobile connectivity and the Nokia C5-03 offers quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE and tri-band 3G with HSDPA (10.2Mbps) and HSUPA (2Mbps). The Nokia C5-03 has a 1000mAh battery, which promises impressive battery life up to 25 days of standby, 11.5 hours of talk time and up to 35 hours of music playback.


Full C5-03 Specifications

13 October, 2010 HTC

HTC Trophy



A Video have posted up on the WEB a nice little hands-on video with the HTC Trophy, one of the Windows Phone 7 handsets announced yesterday. Its a short video, just over a minute, so nothing in-depth here, but nevertheless an interestingly little walkthrough for what should be the most affordable Windows Phone 7 option at launch. The Trophy is due to launch in Europe later this month.


Video Below!


The greenpois0n jailbreak is now available and does its magic to every iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad and 3rd and 4th generation iPod Touch. It implements the GeoHot exploit used in hislimera1n jailbreak tool that was released this weekend.

The limera1n jailbreak was released only a few hours before the promised premiere of greenpois0n. That was the reason for its delay the Chronic Dev Team who is behind greenpois0n did not want to reveal its exploit to Apple and saved it for the next time. The Chronic Dev Team implemented the limera1n exploit in the greenpois0n tool instead and its now available for public consumption. They claim greenpois0n is safer and more user-friendly, than the limera1n.


Download Here!

13 October, 2010 HTC





This Video consider be The second hands-on videos is definitely the more exciting given that it focuses on the HTC HD7. The HD7 is the heavy hitter of the Win Phone 7 handsets announced yesterday with a 4.3 inch screen and stereo speakers. It also sports a 5 MP camera with dual LED flash. There is a 1 GHz Snapdragon under the hood, 8 GB of inbuilt memory and all the usual connectivity features e.g. WiFi, GPS... and More!

The video is about three and a half minutes long and gives you a nice run through of the handset with some of the apps and services being tried out. There is also a nice size comparison with the Sprint EVO 4G, also made by HTC. The HD7 coming out of the comparison a little slimmer.

13 October, 2010 WebOS


A French network has been letting slip some details about the next iteration of Palm Pre, un-originally titled the Pre 2. The biggest piece of information in the leak of course is that there is even a Palm Pre 2 at all. Until now there hadn't been any sort of official confirmation that the handset even existed. The leaked info is rather sparse, but there are a few choice snippets to pour over:

  • 1 GHz processor
  • 512 MB RAM
  • webOS 2.0

SFR also comments on webOS 2.0 supporting Push for the likes of Facebook, which presumably means that messages, notifications, etc will be pushed to your handset. The picture used in the leak looks remarkably like the original Pre, which may or may not be a good thing depending if its the Pre 2 shown here and your point of view. Some may have hoped for a different design whilst others may still pine for its pebble beauty. At any rate its coming, we just don't know when yet.

Win pho 7



Microsoft have posted up the video of yesterday Windows Phone 7 launch in New York and its definitely worth a watch, if for nothing else than the demo of the various services. The video starts out a bit slow with Steve Ballmer giving the usual corporate shtick, but it soon gets into a full blown demo so you might want to skip ahead.

Dell WP7



Dells also joined the Windows Phone 7 party today with the announcement of Dell Venue Pro. Its a portrait slider with full QWERTY keyboard and 4.1-inch AMOLED touchscreen.


Dell Venue Pro was previously rumored as Lightning. Despite its official status we still do not know all specifications beside the obvious 4.1-inchs capacitive AMOLED touchscreen with Gorilla Glass, a 1GHz Snapdragon processor, 8GB internal memory and 5 megapixel camera with LED flash and 720p video recording.

windows phone


Here is some of the First Real Hands-on windows phone 7 devices that spread on the web for the last two days. The Hands-on shows 3 windows phone 7 devices from 3 different Manufactures Samsung, LG and HTC.

The Devices are (HTC Surround), (
LG Quantum) and (Samsung Focus) All runs Win Phone 7 OS.


Videos Below!


The wait is finally over. The limera1n iOS jailbreaking tool is here to make it rain again. The newly released software tool is still in beta but if you dare to give it a try it would jailbreak your iOS 4.1 iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPod touch 3G and 4G. However, you should know a few more things about it before you go for it.

Meanwhile, the greenpois0n, the other upcoming jailbreak tool that was due for a yesterday launch, is getting delayed.

Now, lets get back to the limera1n. First off, do not use GeoHot limera1n if you’ve already used the ultrasn0w to unlock your device since you might lose (possibly forever) your unlock. In this case you should wait for a new version of the PwnageTool.

You should also keep in mind that the limera1n is still in beta so there might be some issues. For example, some users report some icons missing. Even a restore wasn’t able to bring back the icons for the App Store, Maps, Game Center and Calendar. Luckily, GeoHot is working hard on fixing the bugs.

The limera1n is said to successfully jailbreak iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, Ipad, iPod touch 3G and iPod touch 4G devices running the iOS 4.0-4.1 or higher. Technically, the Apple TV is also supported but there are no apps yet so having it jailbroken won’t give you anything at the moment.

The limera1n jailbreak tool is a completely untethered way of freeing your iPhone’s shackles. According to GeoHot the method is unpatchable by Apple so ity should work on further versions of the iOS too.


Windows Phone


Here is the Ads and Commercials of the New Microsoft Windows phone 7 for Smart phones. The Ads has just been released on Youtube and Many other TV Channels. In addition to the two adverts above Microsoft have also released some short presentations more aimed at the technorati amongst us by the looks of things.


Videos Are Below!

Windows phone 7 logo


HTC Logo 2010



HTC was the biggest player in the Windows Mobile game and they plan on staying at top in the age of Windows Phone too. The Taiwanese company announced no less than 4 WP7 devices today, all of which will be available in time for the holiday season.







Probably the most interesting of the bunch is the HTC HD7, which leaked earlier today. Coming with a 4.3-inch WVGA screen and a 1GHz CPU, its basically an HD2 with a different OS. The rest of its key features include a 5-megapixel camera, capable of 720p video recording, 16GB of internal storage and a kickstand on the back.

The available RAM stands at the very impressive 576 MB, while the connectivity options include anything from Bluetooth to Wi-Fi 820.11 n. Even the hefty weight of 162 grams can't turn us off the HTC HD7.

The HTC HD7 will be available thought T-Mobile in the US, while in Europe O2 and Movistar should get it. SingTel should be the first Asian carrier to get the phone.


See Full Specs



HTC 7 Surround


HTC surround


Moving on to the HTC 7 Surround, we see a funky sliding out speaker and another 5 MP shooter, capable of doing 720 video. Come to think of it, the only thing that sets the HTC 7 Surround apart from the HD7 is the smaller 3.8-inchs display. Not that we could have expected great variation given the insanely high minimum requirements of WP7.

The HTC 7 Surround will come to ATT in the US for 200 bucks on a contract, while Telus will distribute it in Canada at an yet unspecified price. No word on European availability yet.


See Full Specs



HTC 7 Mozart


HTC Mozart


The HTC 7 Mozart comes with the best snapper of the WP7 gang. It is able to capture 8 megapixel stills, HD video and has a xenon flash to assist its low-light capabilities. The 7 Mozart also packs an exquisite aluminum unibody, which will potentially attract a lot of customers.

A 3.7-inch WVGA LCD screen and a slim 11.9mm waistline are the other key features of the 7 Mozart. Its internal storage is limited to 8GB, though.


See Full Specs



HTC 7 Trophy


HTC Trophy


The final HTC announcement for today is the 7 Trophy. It should be the most affordable of the bunch, though the Taiwanese company has not revealed any details just yet. Its WVGA LCD touchscreen measures 3.8-inch, while its camera does 720p videos and 5 megapixel stills.


See Full Specs




Today big news if of course the launch of Windows Phone 7 and Microsoft have done their best to hit the ground running. They've unveiled nine handsets that will kickstart the platform and they have also revealed that thye have some 30 network partners around the world so far.

Windows phone 7 Devices:

  • HTC Surround - 3.8 inch screen, 16 GB storage, slideout speaker
  • HTC HD7 - 4.3 inch screen and the successor to the much praised Windows Mobile powered HD2
  • HTC 7 Trophy - 3.8inch screen, will be the lowest specced of HTC's launch handsets
  • HTC Mozart - 3.7inch screen, should be launching globally
  • Dell Venue Pro - 4.1inch screen, slide out QWERTY keyboard
  • Samsung Focus - 4inch AMOLED screen, a rebranded Cetus
  • Samsung Omnia 7 - 4inch SAMOLED screen, the previously rumoured i8700, will launch in Europe
  • LG Optimus - 3.8inch screen, previously known as the E900
  • LG Quantum - 3.5inchs creen, slider, debuts on AT&T

It certainly a bigger lineup than Android had when it launched back in 2007 with just a single handset, the G1. Adding to that choice is the number of networks that these handsets will be available on around the world.

  • North America - AT&T, T-Mobile, TELUS, America Movil
  • Europe - O2, Orange, SFR, Movistar, Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone
  • Asia-Pacific - Sing Tel, Telstra, Vodafone


Samsung first Windows Phone 7 devices are now official. I8700 Omnia 7 puts the Galaxy S power into a Wave body and seals it with Microsoft new mobile operating system. The ATT Focus shares the same specs as Omnia 7, but comes in a rounded plastic body, and will be ATT US exclusive.



Samsung Omnia 7 and Focus share the 4-inch Super AMOLED screen, 5 megapixel camera with LED flash and 720p camcorder, 8GB internal memory and 1500mAh battery. Surprisingly, Samsung has used 1GHz Qualcomm QSD8250 Snapdragon processors instead of their own proprietary 1GHz Hummingbird CPU.



Expectedly, the Omnia 7 Focus duo packs every connectivity option you may need 3G with HSPA support, Wi-Fi b/g/n, GPS, Bluetooth 2.1 and FM radio. There is also a 3.5mm audio jack on board.




The biggest surprise is that the Samsung Focus has a microSD card slot. Omnia7 lacks that and we have always though that all Windows Phones 7 phone will do without one.

There is still no info on the Omnia 7 RAM, but the Focus will rely on 256MB RAM and 512MB ROM. The phone will be available on 8 November


See Full Omnia7 Specs

winpoh7 homescreen



A modern smartphone OS needs to be balanced drawing on excellent cloud services and standing on the cutting edge of software. The Windows Phone 7 OS is nothing like Windows Mobile. Its got a trendy, almost magazine like new look and it is incredibly simple to use despite its different approach to just about everything.



games center



Key features:

  • Premium mobile OS (high-minimum hardware requirements)
  • Clean, uncluttered interface with distinctive design language
  • Easy and thumbable user interface
  • Smooth operation with cool animations and transition effects
  • A fresh start with no legacy support needed
  • Backed up and developed by one of the largest software companies in the world
  • Excellent MS Office mobile implementation
  • Top-notch social integration
  • Excellent cloud services integration (SkyDrive, Windows Live, Xbox Live)

Main disadvantages:

  • No system-wide file manager
  • No videocalling
  • Limited third-party apps
  • No Bluetooth file transfers
  • No USB mass storage mode
  • No memory card support
  • No multitasking
  • No copy paste
  • Too dependent on Zune software for computer file management and syncing
  • No music player equalisers
  • No Flash or Silverlight support in the web browser
  • No sign of free Bing maps Navigation so far
  • No DivX/XviD video support

contact profile

Microsoft is not fossilized in their own mythology. They are finally looking competitive in the apps and services part of smartphoning and Windows Phone 7 is their ticket out of the mold.






The Windows Mobile Today screen is gone and gone is the Start menu. We told you, Windows Phone 7 is unrecognizable as a descendant of Windows Mobile. But do not worry theres actually only a couple of things you need to learn before you feel right at home with the new UI.



file manager


web browser


The interface has a cool cover-of-a-magazine feel to it. At first glance, the similarity is obvious font size ranges from large titles to small labels to direct your attention as needed. Some of the hubs even have a dynamic visual background that makes them look like a page in a magazine.









Bing search is integrated into Windows Phone 7, just like Google Search is part of Android. It offers suggestions as you type too, but it has one nifty little feature the background picture.



bing maps



Like the Bing website, there are new photos every day to serve as background, but on WP7 these have an extra feature three squares on the photo, which give you three interesting facts about whats on the picture. The copyright sign in the bottom right also reveals the location of the photo.



bing maps

Nokia N8



The Nokia N8 hit the shelves less a few days ago but the N8 got a disassembly treatment. The metal-clad handset has been given a rating of (8 out of 10) for easiness of repair. Unless you need to replace the glass over the display you can tear the Nokia N8 flagship apart with nothing but a set of Torx screwdrivers.


And you would only need one such screwdriver to take out the standard BL-4D Nokia battery. Its by far not that hard to change, despite the Finnish company claiming that it is not user-replaceable. Still this will probably void your warranty so you might do better taking your N8 to a Nokia service center if needed.





Latest Registered Mobile Devices from Federal Communications Commissions site Friday (3/9/2010).


Read - Samsung C3222
Read - Samsung SCH-W169
Read - Samsung SGH-A307
Read - Samsung i9020
Read - LG L-02C
Read - LG E500
Read - LG E720K
Read - LG VM670
Read - LG A310F
Read - Lenovo Shark 32
Read - ZTE C76

Read - LG LPU-2100TI
Read - Plantronics BT300



The Motorola US Website uploaded the DROID 2 Global info on the site before the official announcement. The page was removed almost instantly but most of the information has already escaped in the wild.


The successor of the Verizon DROID 2 is a dual mode CDMA/GSM device with slightly improved specs. It will pack the world first 1.2GHz mobile processor and will sport a redesigned QWERTY keyboard.


It seems Verizon latest DROID is going global. Do not get this wrong, DROID 2 Global is still a Verizon only device, its just capable of working on GSM networks too.


The revealed specs so far include a 1.2GHz processor, quad-band GSM support, a 5 megapixel camera with dual-LED flash , 8GB internal memory, all-round connectivity with mobile hotspot capabilities, redesigned thinner slide-out QWERTY keyboard and improved touchscreen technology and they got our curiosity at improved touchscreen technology.

Firefox beta



We have been hearing for a long time years about Firefox Mobile. The app for Android has now hit beta status, and its available for download. Keep in mind that we are talking beta and not a Full release, so you can expect some Bugs or non-response. But we recommend that you give a try!

its beta quality, It only runs on Android 2.0+ devices and it takes up a whopping 32MB on-board + an additional 12MB on your SD card.

Download it Here.


Looks like iPhone Dev-Team are ready to launch the iPhone iOS 4.1 Jailbreaker aka GreenPis0n, a jailbreak for iOS 4.1. This is not an unlock but a jailbreak that cannot be undone by Apple through updates, only hardware changes thats what makes this jailbreak the Smartest ever. The Spoil pf the iOS 4.1 was made by Pod2g an iPhone hacker.

The Upcoming Jailbreak will arrive on 10/10/10 @ 10:10:10AM (USA Time)


Nokia N8 will be officially released in UK on 22 October and will hit all major carriers and retail stores. Nokia is already taking pre-orders, which will start shipping on 15 October a week before the official premiere.


Nokia N8 is available on pre-order from the official Nokia UK online store. You can get it on two-year contract from Vodafone/T-Mobile/O2 for free on 30 pounds monthly tariff. In case you prefer the unlocked contract-free N8, you can get it for 429 pounds.


LG Tablet



LG will likely delay the unveiling of a tablet computer until next year to focus on offering handsets that can rival Apple iPhone, an LG official said.

LG will probably introduce the product running on Google Android operating system at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January, said the official, who asked not to be identified because the plan has not been announced. While the hardware is ready, LG is still working on the devices software, the official said. The company said in July it planned to sell its first tablet computer during the fourth quarter.

In the past month, the South Korean electronics maker replaced its chief executive officer and overhauled management after LG failure to capture the booming demand for smartphones led to a record loss at its main handset business. LG aims to sell 10 million units of Optimus One smartphones before it takes on Samsung Electronics Research In Motion and Apples iPad in the tablet market.

"The company may not fully enjoy the expected boom of tablet computers next year" said Im Jeong Jae, a fund manager in Seoul at Shinhan BNP Paribas Asset Management which oversees $28 billion of assets. "Now is the best time to launch such a product to become top-tier sellers."





The HTC Legend was one of the prettiest handsets out there even before but now it closes on perfection. HTC has just announced a new "Phantom Black" color option for the Android-running device and the official shot really makes me drool.

The aluminium unibody is as sleek as always but now the back is in unison with the plastic patches on top and on the bottom. Other than the new color though this new version doesn’t bring any functionality changes to the HTC Legend.





Sony has showed two of the latest Technology on Mobile phones Caemra Sensors up to 16.4 MegaPixel and another one 8.1 MegaPixel. The two sensors IMX081PQ (16.4MP) and IMX105PQ (8.1MP) use Sony Exmor R technology, which so far has been used in still and video cameras. The 16.4MP module has a 1/2.8 back illuminated CMOS image sensor with the smallest pixel size 1.12 microns. The second module has a 1/3.2 sensor with pixels 1.4 microns in size.


16.4MP sample


Sony is aware of the common problem but they say their proprietary technology and unique photo diode formation compensate for the small size they even provided a couple of shots to prove it. Of course, we'll believe it when we see it.


8.1MP sample


Both camera modules can shoot 720p and 1080p at 30 frames per second, while the 16.4MP sensor can do 720p@60fps too. Sony has developed a couple of lens modules too, which have been downsized enough to fit in a mobile phone.

7 October, 2010 HTC


HTC has launched their new service, which offers users the ability to remotely operate and locate their handset. The service also offers such standard features as backing up data, but its the location service and the ability to remotely lock or wipe a lost or stolen handsets that will undoutedly prove the biggest attraction. The service was announced last month at a London event where HTC introduced two new handsets, the Desire HD and the Desire Z.

That leads us to the bad news here because, as launched, only supports those two, as yet unreleased, handsets. Not much use for most people yet, but HTC should hopefully roll out support to more of its handsets as we move forward. Certainly owners of the original Desire would be a large demographic who would almost certainly appreciate this service.


LG E900 Optimus 7


After series of live photos and a thorough demo video, LG E900 Optimus 7 Final Version now leaks in some official press shots. Thats Mean No More Proto-types and Expectations... Samsung own WP7 smartphone, the Samsung I8700 Omnia 7, poses for a video shoot.


LG E900 Optimus 7


We previously saw Optimus 7 showcased Many times by LG itself and the first leaked live pictures and video. Now its time for the official press photos. There is No More Details but the official announcement will be later this month for the complete details.



LG E900 Optimus 7

Samsung i8700 winpho7



The Samsung i8700 has been getting the video walkthrough treatment in a thirteen ad a half minute video. The handset, which some are speculating will be known as the Omnia 7, is not entirely unfamiliar to the regular reader of course, but the video is definitely worth a watch, especially as you get to see the camers in action, which is an are aof Win Phone 7 devices previously left untouched by most of these videos and pictures.


Watch Video Below!

Win7 Store




Windows Phone 7 is just around the cornerand as we get closer and closer to launch day the final pieces of the store are being put into place. One of the most important pieces, perhaps even the most important piece, is the app store. No modern smartphone OS can get by without an app store and Microsoft has been finalising its Windows Marketplace for the launch.

Microsoft have taken a very pro-active stance when it comes to launching with a good selection of apps, even going so far as to pay developers to code apps for its new platform. Starting from today Microsoft will be sending forth invitations to registered devs asking them if they want to participate in an early submission process. Its estimated that a few thousand devs will be able to gain early access and get their apps published in time for the launch of the handsets, which most now believe will take place in either late October or perhaps early November depending upon region.

Microsoft Press Release:

"There are several app store models out there today, but we’ve been given a unique opportunity to start from scratch and launch a Marketplace with one great year of experience under our belt. As I said earlier, our approach is philosophically the same. But now we know how to do it better. We’re focused on enabling a broad developer community to create quality apps and games that take advantage of the unique features of our phone, and we’re providing better tools and guidance to do it. We continue to keep our certification standards high and our policies transparent, while keeping the door closed to more questionable content. We also continue to improve the speed and predictability of our certification process so developers can more accurately plan."

NSU beta



Today Nokia Beta labs Released a few minor updates regarding the Nokia Software Updater (NSU) beta to Support more New devices Like N8 and Also to be much faster on Downloading and Installing by some UI changes.

Changes in the latest release (version 3.0.156) include:

  • Automatic device SW checker
  • Improved download time estimation
  • Improved download reliability
  • Support for widget type application updates (N8)
  • Minor UI changes

The improvements in both the download time estimation and download reliability have been influenced by the testing that has been done within the beta community. So Expect a Final Release Soon!


Finally Skype is Available for Android phones. It can be installed on Any smartphone running an Android OS v2.1 (Eclair) or higher. The new Android app has all the usual functionality you would expect from the official mobile application.

With Skype for Android you can chat, manage Skype contacts, and best of all, make calls over Wi-Fi or even the 3G mobile network . The app allows both free Skype-to-Skype calls and paid SkypeOut calls. but so far the mobile Skype app has been reserved for Verizon Android smartphones only.


See Skype Android Demo Below

Android Phone 7


Tired of your Android phone (GalaxyS, HTC Evo, HTC Desire... etc) not looking Pretty like the New Windows Phone 7? Ok, Do not worry anymore because we have a Solution!

its named "
Android Phone 7" the theme borrows a good amount from Microsoft latest mobile OS. Its not a Fully Copied theme but it looks Exactly like the WP7 with some similar fonts and icons (The font is not Provided).


The theme creator was nice enough to put up the theme and some basic install instructions over at XDA-Dev. If you are interesting to get this Theme on your Android Phone whatever Android version you are using as this theme works on All Android OS Versions Follow Instruction and Download Here

my touch

In the first it was the T-Mobile myTouch 3G, then came the myTouch 3G Slide and now you can welcome the myTouch. It features Froyo, multiple connectivity options and a large touchscreen plus under its hood there is a a Snapdragon. Meantime, the Motorola DEFY showed up on the T-Mobile USA website listed on coming soon section

Moto Defy

The T-Mobile myTouchHD is quite reminiscent of the myTouch 3G Slide but one thing is missing a full QWERTY keyboard. You get a larger 3.8-inch touchscreen, instead of the 3.4-inch one on the myTouch 3G Slide.

The T-Mobile myTouch runs Android 2.2 Froyo and has a secondary camera for video calls plus support for HSPA+ up to 14.4 Mbps and 802.11/n Wi-Fi.


Windows Phone 7 logo



Microsoft have confirmed that Windows Phone 7 will be launched on 11th October in a series of worlwide events. The main party seems to be taking place in New York where Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, will be joined by ATT head honcho, Ralph de la Vega to give a presentation.

ATT will be in attendance as they are Microsoft preferred launch partner in the USA. T-Mobile would also be making an appearance at the New York Event. That is true in so far as T-Mobile will be making an appearance at an event that is for Microsoft customers only. Both ATT and T-Mobile will have Win Phone 7 handsets ready for launch, with AT&T reported to have 3 separate handsets ready to fly off the shelves.

On the subject of handsets its worth noting that even though the platform is launching on 11th October the handsets will probably not. Rather they are expected to go on sale over a week later in Europe on 21st October and even later still in America on 8th November

HTC Mozart

The HTC Mozart, slippery eel that it is, has finally had its specifications pinned down for the world to see and as expected they are looking pretty. The specs come from a cheeky snap taken from British retailer Phones4U internal inventory system. The specs have of course been speculated over and discussed before now, this is still the first time that they have been definitively printed down in black and white.

HTC Confirmed Specs Yet:

  • 3.7 inch LCD screen with 800x480 resolution
  • 1 GHz CPU
  • 8 MP camera, Xenon flash and support for 720p video
  • 8 GB of memory
  • 3.5mm audio jack
  • GPS with a-GPS support
  • Wifi with support for g/g/n
  • Dolby Surround sound

So there we have it. Its due to launch this month, late this month to be slightly less vague and of course that all ties in with what we expect for the Windows Phone 7 launch itself.

wave 2



Samsung S8530 Wave II is REAL. The screen has grown to 3.7-inches and all the great features have been preserved. And we thought only Nokia's naming scheme was a mess.

The Samsung S8500 Wave was an impressive phone - the first SuperAMOLED we had seen had quite an impression on us and the other features were very high too. The next two Bada phones were aiming for a wider market with mid-range features, so understandably they didn't live up to their predecessor.


Wave 2



The Samsung S8530 Wave II brings Bada OS back to the high-end 3.7-inch screen WVGA screen, but Samsung made the switch to "Super Clear LCD".

The Samsung S8530 Wave II will be available in Europe this November with a confirmed German price of 430 Euro or $590


See Full Wave II Specification

3 October, 2010 Nokia

Nokia N8



This an Early Review of the Nokia N8 From, It show the this Great device in Action with unboxing Video and Photos samples. The device is really Great in Features and performance too... and do not forget the 12MP camera and the Good looking shape with various colors too.

Here is a Detailed Pictures of the device...







Nokia N8 Back


Nokia N8 Front



Unboxing N8




Unboxing Video Below!


Video Sample Below!




Google is finally rolling out paid Android apps to more countries. Until now there were only 9 countries that could submit paid apps to the Market and only 14 countries could actually buy them. Not very good when you are trying to make your platform into a global success. Well Google have beefed up the submission list to include another 20 countries and the number of countries that can buy the apps they submit has increased to 32.

Android is very rapidly expanding around the world and whilst its obviously important for more people to be able to buy paid for apps, its arguably even more important at this point for more people to be able to submit apps. Android Market has been increasing in volume steadily and the 100,000 marker is not far off now, and that's with just 9 submitting countries.



Samsung Announcement



Symbian has had another crutch removed from it as Samsung have just announced that they will no longer be developing products for the platform. The announcement came in an email to developers stating that Samsung would be shutting down its Symbian forum and removing its Symbian content by the end of the year. It comes not long after Sony Ericsson also announced a similar move, saying they would no longer be developing Symbian handsets.

Both Samsung and Sony Ericsson are to remain members of the Symbian Foundation, but presumably thats so they can get an invite to the annual booze up and stay on the Xmas card list. Otherwise Symbian is looking more and more isolated from the the reality of the modern smartphone market.

Is it the End of this Great OS!?


Samsung Continuum is another Galaxy S phone to hit Verizon this month. The interesting thing about this one is the two Super AMOLED capacitive screens on its front. The smaller unit is dedicated to all kind of statuses icons such as new messages, emails, missed calls, weather, etc.




Samsung Continuum specs are pretty much the same as all previous Galaxy S phones big Super AMOLED capacitive WVGA display, a 1GHz Hummingbird processor, 336MB RAM and all kinds of connectivity features.

optimus 7


Some people have gotten a chance to have a play with Windows Phone 7 ahead of its official launch later this month and they have recorded the experience on video for you to gawk at. Note though that the handset they are using in the video is not a final production unit, so cut it a little slack.

They go through things like the Xbox Live view, the contacts list, bing voice search, the Zune player and more besides.


Video Below!

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