Galaxy S5 on Verizon starts to receive its Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow update

After T-Mobile updated its version of the Samsung Galaxy S5 last week, Verizon has now decided to do the same. After downloading and installing the update, the flagship smartphone from 2014 will be upgraded to firmware version MMB29M.G900VVRU2DPD1 and base Android version 6.0.1 Marshmallow. Famous features like Google Now on Tap, customizable app permissions, Wi-Fi calling, revamped…

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Why you should Upgrade your Galaxy S III to a Galaxy S5 ? [Video]

It’s been two years since Samsung release the Galaxy S III (2012) and you probably ready to renew your contract if you bought it from a carrier. Now, Samsung started an Ad campaign on YouTube to encourage Galaxy S III users to upgrade to the Samsung Galaxy S5. You’ll get more performance, better camera, better display, more features, latest Android…

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