Why the Fingerprint Scanner is Placed on the Galaxy S8’s Back so Awkwardly

We all know that the biggest gripe most people have with the Galaxy S8 and the S8+ is the awkward location of the fingerprint scanner. While I think the 3,000mAh battery on the regular S8 is a much bigger problem, that is not the point of this article. It seems that The Investor from South Korea actually has a decent explanation for the strange decision by Samsung.

The under-the-screen fingerprint scanner revealed by Synaptics a few months ago was apparently funded mainly by Samsung. They were supposed to be a part of the Galaxy S8 and S8+ but unfortunately, the technology just wasn’t ready before the mass production of the Galaxy S8 series of smartphone began. As Samsung could not place the fingerprint scanner on the front anymore and the middle of the back wasn’t an option because the design wouldn’t permit it, they had two choices. The first was to exclude the fingerprint scanner altogether, and the second one is what we are seeing now, an awkwardly positioned fingerprint scanner right beside the camera. Additionally, this could also be the reason as to why the S8+ doesn’t feature the initially expected rear dual camera module. The whole affair makes sense too. Samsung is a market pioneer and industry leader; to think that they would simply opt for a stupid location for the fingerprint scanner voluntarily is a silly concept in itself.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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