Your iPhone may not be compatible with iOS 13

The recent rumor about the upcoming operating system update by Apple for iPhone is relatively shocking. A French technology blog reported that iOS 13 will not be compatible with the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, or iPhone SE, and support for the original iPad Air and iPad mini 2 will also be dropped. This is the second time we are hearing this rumor. Earlier an Israeli website The verifier reported that iOS 13 will be expected in this June at the Worldwide Developers Conference and may drop support for a number of iPhones and iPads. The site had a similar list of the iPhone for which iOS 13 won’t be available. As for iPads, The Verifier believes Apple will drop support for the iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, and possibly the iPad mini 4.

If the rumor is true, it would mean that Apple dropping support for its three generations of iPhone at a time. This is rare and unexpected. As Apple used to provide software updates for its iOS for as long as possible. Even iPhone 5s and newer had support from iOS 11 and iOS 12. At the time iOS 12 launched some of the devices were already 5 years old. If Apple drop support for everything up to the iPhone 7 would leave only devices from 2016 or later on the list.

In the previous post we talked about Apple’s new advertising campaign which encourages users to give back to their iPhones to Apple while upgrading for their iPhone. Many users would still choose to sell their old iPhones over eBay but after this the old iPhones would get their prices down in the market and more people would choose to trade-in for new iPhone now. iOS 13 is expected to be unveiled at Apple’s annual WWDC keynote on June 3, so till than we can’t say anything for sure. This is a rumor in question.

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