Phone notifications can really be annoying at times. Sometimes, all you want to do is have a peaceful nap or play your favourite online casino games at online casinos sa or anywhere without any disturbances. The great thing about Android phones is that they have various tools that you can use to turn off notifications. Below, we list a few of the ways to turn off phone notifications on Android.
Screen your calls with Do Not Disturb mode
Activating Do Not Disturb keeps your phone from giving you notifications. However, we know that now and again, you may really be tempted to check your phone for any new notifications. Excitingly, this feature allows you to let only the most important calls and text messages to come through. This means you won’t get disturbed by messages or calls that are not really very important.
Enable ‘VIP’ alerts for email messages
We are human and now and again, curiosity gets the best of us and we are tempted to check our phones, even when we are in important meetings. There is a solution, though, for allowing only the most important emails to give you flash alerts. All you have to do is make use of Gmail’s Priority Inbox. You can turn it on or off, as required, in order to determine which email messages actually give you notifications.
Turn off unneeded lock-screen notifications
It can really be frustrating to get disturbed by your phone when the phone’s lock screen lights up. By default, you will have to check the display in order to see what’s going on. At times, it’s really nothing important, which leaves you annoyed. Well, Android has a solution for this. You simply have to minimize your lock-screen notifications, or completely turn them off. This feature allows you to select only the notifications that are important to you to light up the screen. If you prefer, you can turn off all notifications. But if you are a gambler, don’t turn off your best sports betting websites app notification for latest sports updates. This feature is quite handy as it means fewer disturbances.