Nokia Begins to Shift its Focus Towards 6G Technologies

The onslaught of 5G-enabled hardware during the start of the 2020s was certainly something to remember. At the time there was a bit of uncertainty as to how 5G technology will progress (remember the memes?), although at this point in time, it’s clear that it’s become a staple of modern consumer electronics, smart homes, and more.

With that in mind though, Finnish telecommunication giant Nokia believes it’s time to start investing in the next generation of internet connectivity. For those unaware, the company invests a considerable amount of funding and R&D into its networking hardware, and it recently announced that it was working towards the development of 6G technology.

In a lengthy post, Nokia states that it’s been busy with its Bell Labs research division in collaborating with various partner institutions for 6G testing, including companies such as NTT, Docomo, and SKT. Part of its official post from Chief Strategy and Technology Officer (CSTO) Nishant Batra reads:

“We are partnering with industry powerhouses and enterprise-solutions makers to examine how new wireless technologies will redefine the workplace. With Bosch, Nokia Bell Labs is evaluating industrial use cases for 6G joint communication and sensing. And with Hololight, we are investigating how new wireless technologies will allow networks to support multiple simultaneous XR sessions without sacrificing quality of experience.”

“Nokia aims to create a broad 6G ecosystem. To that end, we are working closely with Qualcomm to explore the potential interoperability challenges between 6G networks and devices – then innovating ways to overcome those challenges. And just last week, Nokia and Nvidia announced we are investigating how the power of a digital twin could be used to simulate the entirety of a 6G network without ever venturing outside of a lab.”

It’s clear that 6G technology still has a long way to go before becoming readily available for both manufacturers and consumers, but given how fast the modern consumer electronics industry adapts and evolves, it shouldn’t be too long now before we see 6G sail into view.

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