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Android Euro



it looks like France Telecom, Vodafone and Deutsche Telekom are getting together in Paris on a Conference next month to see if they cant come up with their very own smartphone OS. Seriously.

At the risk of editorializing mobile network operators do not exactly have a great track record when it comes to creating and pushing their own operating systems, one need look no further than Vodafone's 360 efforts to see the truth in that. Why they would want to pump more resources into the same strategy is a bit baffling. Then of course there is the very pertinent question of whether the market needs, We already have Android, iOS, Symbian, Blackberry OS, MeeGo, Bada, Windows Mobile and the forthcoming Windows Phone 7. Thats a lot of Confusing for users.

Of course this probably has more to do with the networks wanting to regain some control rather than increasing consumer choice. For years the networks were able to dominate handsets with their own branded content and services, but iOS, Blackberry and Android have been eating into that control.



An ATT paper leaked From a Retailer shows some dates. Given dates proximity points to the presumed Windows Phone 7 launch, it may be correct that at least one of these is likely the Samsung Cetus o the HTC HD3 or another Microsoft-powered handset from a Windows phone 7 Manufacture s Asus or LG to kick off ATT Stores in a month from Now. So we hope that widows phone 7 is that SOON!




Latest Registered Mobile Devices from Federal Communications Commissions site Friday (17/9/2010).


Read - Samsung SGH-T959D
Read - Samsung SC-02B
Read - Samsung SCH-R580
Read - Samsung S6888
Read - LG VS760
Read - LG T320G
Read - LG GU297
Read - LG P500h
Read - Fujitsu F-02C
Read - Fujitsu F-03C
Read - Haier C1100

Read - Huawei E1815
Read - Nokia RD-14
Read - Motorola TZ700




18 September, 2010 Microsoft




Microsoft has gone on the record as saying that they are not planning on their own handset any time soon. The comments came from CFO of mobile communication during a conference call: "We are in the software business nd that is where our business will be focused". The move is not all that surprising really given Microsoft failure with their much publicized Kin  (Kin one, Kin Two projects has been canceled) devices. That little venture pretty much crashed and burned before it had even gotten off the ground and reportedly cost Redmond a not very cool $240 million.


windows phone

Contrast this with other companies in the smartphone space who are increasingly taking on both hardware and software roles. Most famously of course there is Apple, but even HTC is paying more attention to their UI and related services these days. Microsoft then is going in the opposite direction and it is in the fact the exact same direction they took with regards to the desktop computer market back in the 80s and 90s.

App Store


Google Voice applications have had a pretty tumultuous history in the App Store. At first, Apple approved them and People were happy with it but then Apple pulled them out saying: "duplicating features that the iPhone comes with (Dialer, SMS, etc)."

And Today Apple put the Application back again! and after a while the application link went down and says "Application Not Found" but Finally, The Application is available on the Apple App store and its up and running again do get to the app store and Download it before its gone again!


Download Here

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