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Apple launches iPhone 4 in 17 more countries this Friday. iPhone 4 is currently available in USA, UK, France, Germany and Japan.


Apple will launch the iPhone 4 in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland this Friday, 30 July. For now the countries will be getting only the black version. The white one remains with a "when it's done" status.
The local pricing in all of those is yet to be announced. Apple plans to expand the iPhone 4 availability in many more countries later this year. But we are sure users will be more cautious now with the Antennagate scandal going on for several weeks now.

gaming on Android


Nothing fills in those moments of boredome quite like a good emulator on your phone, living your glory days of games gone by you can quickly get absorbed and forget you were ever bored in the first place. The PSX4Droid app, from ZodTTD and yongzh, will allow you to do just that with PlayStation games now that it has launched in the Android Market. It's not free, but at $5.99 its not going to be breaking the bank and given what it can do is sure to be pretty popular. Its not 100% perfect at the moment, there are some glitches, but for the most part it looks to be working pretty well and you can check it out in action in the videos below. The first video shows a Samsung Galaxy S running Final Fantasy VII and Ridge Racer, whilst the other two show off a Nexus One running Crash Bandicoot and a Dell Streak being used alongside a Wii controller.


Check Video Below

htc screen



Where HTC has seen fit to release a PR blast informing the world of what it already knew: the Desire and Nexus One are getting Super (duper) LCD displays to fill demand that Samsung AMOLED division cannot. HTC statement says nothing of the Droid Incredible, a close sibling to these 3.7 inch devices, but the global Nexus One and Desire are getting hooked up CEO Peter Chou has also helpfully explained that the visual experience on the new SLCD screens is comparable to AMOLED, but offers better battery performance. Color us curious to see and hear more. New Displays to be integrated into HTC Desire and Nexus One

Taoyuan, TAIWAN  July 26, 2010  HTC Corporation, a global designer of smartphones, today introduced Super LCD display (SLCD) technology into a variety of HTC phones including the HTC Desire and global Nexus One later this summer. The SLCD display offers an exceptional natural balanced colour, clear contrast, broad viewing angles and improved power efficiency. 

"HTC is experiencing high-demand for many of our phones, specifically our phones with 3.7 inch displays. The new SLCD display technology enables us to ramp up our production capabilities quickly to meet the high-demand" said Peter Chou, CEO of HTC Corporation. "The SLCD displays provide consumers with a comparable visual experience to HTC current 3.7 inch displays with some additional benefits including battery performance."

SLCD is the latest generation of LCD technology that offers improved performance from earlier LCD panels including approximately five times better power management. SLCDs also offer an enhanced viewing experience with wider viewing angles that are enabled by Sony's new VSPEC III™ technology.



MeeGo is an open source platform hosted by The Linux Foundation that brings together Intel Corporation and Nokia's previous projects and is designed for computing device types including smartphones, netbooks, tablets, mediaphones, connected TVs and IVI systems. Adoption by this major automotive alliance is a testament to the cross-device, cross architecture advantages of the MeeGo platform. GENIVI is a nonprofit industry alliance with founding members BMW Group, Delphi, GM, Intel, Magneti-Marelli, PSA, Visteon and Wind River.

IVI is a rapidly growing and evolving field that encompasses the digital applications that can be used by all occupants of a vehicle, including navigation, entertainment, location based services, and connectivity to devices, car networks and broadband networks. MeeGo will provide the base for the upcoming GENIVI Apollo release that will be used by members to reduce time to market and the cost of IVI development. MeeGo’s platform contains a Linux base, middleware, and an interface layer that powers these rich applications.

"We are pleased to see GENIVI choose MeeGo to power their software platform," said Jim Zemlin, executive director at The Linux Foundation. "MeeGo has been built from the ground up for these types of applications. Because MeeGo is a truly open platform, the work GENIVI will do to extend the platform can benefit the project and all who use it. For developers, this is a great opportunity to harness the power of the MeeGo APIs to target a variety of devices and architectures and extend their work on handset applications toward vehicles."

"We selected MeeGo as the open source basis for our platform because it is technically innovative and can provide the cross architecture build support we require for our references," said Graham Smethurst, President of GENIVI. “Working with MeeGo we expect to establish a solution that effectively merges IVI needs with those of the other MeeGo target device categories.”

"Access to a thriving ecosystem and engaging applications for an in-vehicle infotainment system is vital to our customers," said Gerulf Kinkelin, GENIVI Director and Innovation Area Manager for Electronics and Telematices, PSA Peugeot Citroen. "PSA supports GENIVI’s decision and believes the rapid innovation associated with open source and a rich network of contributors available with MeeGo can enable us to define and deliver a faster time-to-market, outstanding IVI experience in our upcoming products."

An initial release of the MeeGo platform is available now from Interested parties can download and contribute to the project. The MeeGo project encourages all automakers or industry groups to participate in the MeeGo project or make use of its software to power their own distributions.


Windows Phone 7 isn't far off now, by some estimates the launch is a mere three months away and you know you're getting close when the leaks start appearing. HTC have had one of their handsets make an unexpected appearance on the web and it's running Microsoft's latest OS. The handset, as yet unamed, is interesting, not just because it's running Windows Phone 7, but also for the fact that HTC's signature SENSE UI overlay is nowehere to be seen. It was just the other day that we were hearing that SENSE would be making an appearance on HTC's Windows Phone 7 handsets so either it simply hasn't been installed on this one yet or not every HTC Windows Phone 7 device will have it.

The handset itself is sporting a 3.7 inch SLCD screen, in keeping with HTC's decision to move away from AMOLED technology due to supply problems. The only other specifications mentioned are the incusion of the seemingly obligatory 1 GHz Snapdragon processor and an 8 MP camera. The handset is apparently ready to launch so we're assuming it won't be too long now before you see this thing officially.

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