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OnStar is going to help, expanding its Volt-specific controls to the entire 2011 lineup of GM cars. When we saw OnStar\'s Volt app earlier this year we loved how it not only let you control recharging but also unlock the doors and monitor system specs from anywhere. While monitoring recharging status obviously won\'t be much good if you\'re rocking a good \'ol ICE vehicle, you will still be able to start the car remotely, unlock doors, and also monitor stats like tire pressure and oil level from your iPhone, BlackBerry, or Android handset, as demonstrated in a video after the break. Yes, you\'ll need to be an OnStar subscriber to use the app, with rates currently starting at a somewhat steep $18.95 per month. 

galaxy S


There is no doubt Samsung Galaxy S is one of the most threatening competitors against the iPhone 4. It seems Samsung won't stop with the nagging ads, but will step even further give away a free Galaxy S to unsatisfied iPhone 4 users. Beat that, Apple!




Samsung UK offered free Galaxy S to a few angry iPhone 4 users on Twitter. Those people posted some complaints about the reception issues and later received a message to send their details and receive a free Galaxy S. This comes directly from the official Samsung UK Twitter account. Nice, eh?

I got my iPhone 4 a few hours ago and the first call I made dropped due to my natural handgrip. I’m certainly not surprised but really – the first one?! And it happened in an area with some perfect network coverage. A further inspection on the “death spot” shows all bars dropped to one, just by touching it on that special spot.

So if anybody tells you there are no reception issues, take it with a pinch of salt. And if Samsung wants to give you a Galaxy S because of your iPhone 4 problems



 Unfortunately, He Exclusive white iPhone4  is being delayed again. The new due date? Sometime (later this year) Here's the full, and unsurprisingly brief, Apple Official Announcement:

"Statement by Apple on White iPhone 4

White models of Apple's new iPhone 4 have continued to be more challenging to manufacture than we originally expected, and as a result they will not be available until later this year. The availability of the more popular iPhone 4 black models is not affected."



Just as Jobs promised last week at an emergency press event, this program will ensure that anyone who purchases an iPhone 4 prior to September 30th will be able to receive aniPhone 4 Bumper or select third-party case from the company at no charge. 'Course, you need to be located in a country or territory that Apple actually ships to, but if that's all squared away, feel free to hit up the App Store to download the iPhone 4 Case Program app. Once there, you'll need to sign into your iTunes Store account, select your Bumper or case and wait oh-so-patiently (read: "3 to 5 weeks"). Better hurry wouldn't want the servers to get overloaded.




Also be aware that if you're one of those wise guys who purchased an iPhone 4 right away just to sell it, you can forget about getting a free case for the handset you no longer own. Apple has arranged this so that only one case can be ordered per iPhone 4, so even if you ordered two under your account name, you'll need two phones to place both of those orders. Check out the error message below if you still don't believe us.





You'll remember that yesterday Microsoft was being uber generous by providing all its 90,000 employees around the world with a free Windows Phone 7 device... well you know the old saying, nothing in life is free. TechFlash has a hold of what they are saying is an internal memo from Microsoft. The memo basically says that Microsoft expects its employees, (you know, the ones getting the free phones) to "evangelize" the product at every possible opportunity. Ok so that's not unreasonable, especially if they're working for the company that makes the OS powering the phone. However, there's a bit more to it because Microsoft are also expecting their employees to set aside some spare time to develop apps for the platform, and yes I did indeed type 'spare time'. How much 'sapre time' Microsoft employees have, and whether they will want to use it developing apps remains to be seen. Still a free phone is not so bad, even if you do have to look busy using it.



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