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ELITE Shield660 Call Of Duty Elite launching alongside Modern Warfare 3 on iPhone, Android and beyond


If you have ever played console or PC games or know someone who has within the past 5 years, then you will know one of the biggest franchises around is Activision Call of Duty franchise. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is set to be released this holiday season, and along with it, is a completely new and ambitious online experience known as Call of Duty Elite which will have a big mobile presence.


Before we get in to the mobile side of things, we feel we need to explain what Call of Duty Elite is exactly. Call of Duty Elite will be the sweet, delicious icing on an already filling and delicious 8-layer chocolate cake. The premise behind the service cannot be quickly summarized as it offers so much for Call of Duty fans. One of the first things users will be able to do is connect with other players, whether they be friends, family, or anyone who shares the same interest as them, and allow them to play together or compare their stats regardless of where they play Call of Duty. The amount of things players will be able to do in Call of Duty Elite is mind-blowing as players will be able to engage in a number of challenges together or against one another. The service will also allow players to compete against for real prizes, such as a Jeep or an iPad, by completing specific challenges that will be regularly updated during the life of Call of Duty Elite. An example that was shown during the demo was submitting any videos you have linked with your Call of Duty Elite profile that shows a kill with a tomahawk.


ELITE Career PlayerCard 660x463 Call Of Duty Elite launching alongside Modern Warfare 3 on iPhone, Android and beyond


Activision promises players will be able to experience Call of Duty Elite through one of four methods: web, TV via game console, in-game, and mobile. The developers of Call of Duty Elite mentioned iPad, iPhone, and Android specifically during the demo, but have said they won’t rule out supporting any other mobile OS that’s released in the mobile space. Each mobile OS will have its own dedicated app that will allow users to get their Call of Duty Elite fix while on the go. An iPad was used during the demo to show how the Call of Duty Elite website would work, but Activison didn’t want to stop there as dedicated apps would be the most ideal way of delivering the Call of Duty Elite experience to mobile users.


A very early alpha build of the iPhone app was shown showing off all of the same content that could be experienced on the website. You could view your stats, friends, and challenges, and Activision hopes to be able to use push notifications to relay messages from Call of Duty Elite to the user while they’re on the go. Phones wouldn’t be the only mobile devices to get some Call of Duty Elite love as Activision also plans on supporting the iPad and Android tablets too.


Demo Below!


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Angry Birds, beware! There is a new kid on the block! The Heist puzzle game by tap tap tap team has taken the top selling spot in the Apple App Store with some really impressive numbers.

On only its second day of availability, the video game managed to get the impressive 89,798 downloads .Now add the roughly 25,000 downloads on its first day, and you get a neat gross of well over $100,000 so far.


gsmarena 002 The Heist puzzle game takes the Apple App Store by storm [VIDEO]


The reviews of the game are all positive so I can safely assume that the download numbers will grow. The first place on the download chart will also help the app gain popularity since it grabs people curiosity.


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The iPhone 4 and iPad 2 may not have a fancy 3D display but that does not mean you will not be able to view 3D content on them and prove that Jeremie Francone and Laurence Nigay from the Laboratory of Informatics of Grenoble at the EHCI Research Group have come up with a brilliant new app called i3D.


We already told you an app like that is in the works and now its finally available. It uses the front facing camera on the iPhone 4 and iPad 2 to track the head movements and the angle from the screen of the user and then adjusts the objects on the screen accordingly in real-time, so that it gives a sense of depth to them. And the best part about this is that it does not require 3D glasses at all.


The app comes with several demos built-in and is completely free. With this technology, virtually any device with a front facing camera would be able to display 3D content. Its a different matter though that the content has to be designed specifically for this purpose and content such as movies probably will not work because they are shot in a specific manner for a different viewing environment. Still, content such as games can adopt this technology easily as they can adjust their graphics in real-time according to the position of the user head. And again, no need to wear those cumbersome glasses.

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As a regular Angry Birds player, the question that comes to my mind repeatedly is "What on Earth is the purpose of the green and white birds?!". However, Rhett Allain of has completely different things on his mind. Instead of pondering on something along this line, he has decided to find out whether the launch speed of the birds in the game is constant or on the contrary, it depends on the angle you shoot the bird. You see, in real life, the bird would fly faster if you shoot it straight on rather than up in the sky.


And so he set out to find the answer, with graphs and calculations and other horrifying stuff they use to torture kids in school. Joke aside, what follows is a fairly detailed analysis of whether or not the launch speed is constant and whether it depends upon the angle at which you launch the birds. There are enough graphs and numbers and Greek letters in there to make math geeks giddy with excitement. Me? I am off to actually playing the game. And maybe some day I will find the purpose of those two birds.


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pizza hut Pizza Hut launches Android, iPad and an updated iPhone app

It was back in September 2009, when Pizza Hut launched its iPhone app which quickly won fewawards and more importantly hearts and minds of consumers, generating $1 million in sales in less than two month. Now the popular pizza chain is taking another step forward with the updated application for the iPhone, and brand new apps for the iPad and Android device users.

The new features included in the new/updated apps are:

  • Access to full Pizza Hut menu with all pizzas, pasta, WingStreet wings, drinks, sides and desserts
  • Guest Checkout option for customers to order without signing in
  • Automatic saving of popular orders for easy reordering later on
  • Most Popular items section for quick access to your Pizza Hut favorites
  • Specials section with updates on new products and deals

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