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Google Wallet


What better way to promote a new mobile wallet service than by sending a swarm of marketing people to stores and then having said marketeers offer to pay for strangers purchases? Thats exactly what Google recently did in New York and San Francisco, and guess what? It works. People flipped out, and rightly so, because they have never seen stuff like near field communication (NFC) based payment services in the wild.

There have been credit cards with little chips in them that do wireless payment, but Google explicitly says in the video that putting your credit cards on your phone is akin to man most amazing accomplishment.

Video Below!


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Google Buzz


Google is cleaning out plenty of old experimental projects and social features, including the failed social attempt that was Google Buzz. In a blog post today, Google VP of Product essentially explained that success requires focus and thought on what you work on as well as what you do not work on and therefore their decision to discontinue several products.

Back in July, Google had announced that it was shutting down Google Labs and integrating some of its projects into more successful products while axing others. Today seems to be the finalization of that clean out with Google Labs completely shutting down later today. Horowitz also confirmed that Code Search, Jaiku, iGoogle social features, and the University Research Program for Google Search will all shutdown on January 15, 2012.



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There are rumors circulating around the tech world today that Google may be getting ready to launch its own MP3 store. We already have some giant MP3 stores to choose from with iTunes being the top for people that are on the iPhone platform. When it comes to getting music onto your Android smartphone many people use Amazon’s music store. There are also a wealth of other music stores on the market to choose from.

Amazon may not be the place of choice for many Android fans for long with the new rumor floating that Google wants to launch its own MP3 store. I think many Android fans especially would flock to a Google offering since Google also makes the OS. Google already has the cloud service, Google Music, where you can upload your tracks to stream to any device.




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LG Flip II


A press image of the yet unannounced LG Doubleplay for T-Mobile US just appeared online and gave us a clearer view of what the upcoming droid will look like. The peculiar QWERTY slider will pack a couple of screens a HVGA main one and a secondary display of unknown resolution on the QWERTY.

Other specs of the T-Mobile Doubleplay that we know include a 5 MP camera, GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. That logo on the screen also shows that there is 4G connectivity, which in T-Mobile case could not be anything but HSPA+.


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Galaxy Nexus Sample


Two Google Enginerrs has taken some photos of the Upcoming Google phone Samsung Galaxy Nexus or aka Nexus Prime.

The photo EXIF data states that the cameras used to take these images are in fact from the Galaxy Nexus or as we have been calling it, the Nexus Prime.


Unfortunatley, whether the cameras have been purposfully set to a lower resolution or uploading from the Google+ app has lowered the quality automatically, the images in question are fixed at 3 megapixels, making photo comparison somewhat impossible.



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