Samsung might get sued for excluding a charger with its phones

Samsung is confronting reaction for eliminating divider chargers from lead phone retail bundles. Buyer bunches in Brazil are making a lawful move against the organization, and Samsung isn’t the main one to endure these fallouts. Apple is experiencing the same thing after it quit incorporating divider chargers starting with the iPhone 12. Samsung quit incorporating…

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Apple settles with Qualcomm outside of court, relinquishing patent cases

Since the time 2017, Apple and its essential modem chip provider Qualcomm have been managing some serious spats. To begin with, Apple had blamed Qualcomm for charging it unjustifiably exorbitant costs contrasted with different contenders. Then, at that point, after Apple had enhanced its associations with other modem providers to abridge its sole dependence on…

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US court of appeal overturns California federal court’s decision which went against Samsung

Back in 2014, Apple won their lawsuit against Samsung when the California federal court held the Korean electronics giant guilty of copyright infringement on Apple’s patents. The court had ordered Samsung to pay a whopping $119.6 million to Apple as compensation. Primarily, Apple had filed for copyright infringement on three patents; quick links, auto-correct and…

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