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Android continues to put in a powerful performance as measured by the share of mobile web consumption attributable to devices running Google's operating system.


In August Android took share from every corner of the market, putting in its best month share gain since November 2009. As you can see on the chart above iOS, Android, RIM OS (Blackberry OS) and Other. the iOS from Apple is going Down Month by Month in opposite to Google Android is going up fast month by month. Blackberry OS from RIM is very stable but still going a little bit down every month but Nothing to affect its popularity even with the Banning happened during this year in many countries. Other OSs are various up and down and very close to RIM OS. but what we really Notice
Apple Goes DOWN and Google goes UP!



hdr Video: Demo of the new HDR camera feature for Apples iOS 4.1 shows its not all its cracked up to be

One of the features in Apple upcoming 4.1 version of iOS is the ability to capture high dynamic range (HDR) photos, and on paper it sounds like such a feature should increase picture quality, but in the 5 minute 34 second demo below you will find how cool is this feature that takes 3 photos of the same scene and adjust the colors automatically in seconds!

r21 More images of the Limited Edition R2 D2 Motorola Droid 2 for Verizon hit the net [Ohhh, pretty!]

The Limited Edition R2-D2 Motorola Droid 2 for Verizon, due to launch at the end of this month, has made a cameo appearance on Verizon website and it’s a beauty. Not only does the Droid 2 come with a special paint job that George Lucas makes a penny off of for every unit sold, but so does the dock. No info from Verizon on the price.

r22 More images of the Limited Edition R2 D2 Motorola Droid 2 for Verizon hit the net [Ohhh, pretty!]

The specifications for the Droid 2, for those interested in rekindling their childhood memories of standing in line to witness science fiction history or proving their geek credibility to the other guys in your High Schools Audio/Video Club, you have got a 1 GHz Cortex A8 processor from Texas Instruments, 512 MB of RAM, 3.7 inch screen that has a higher resolution (480 x 854) than most other Android devices, 5 megapixel camera that does 720 x 480 resolution video recording, Bluetooth 2.1, 802.11n WiFi, GPS, all running on Google latest version of Android: 2.2, code name FroYo. The European version of the Droid 2, called the Milestone 2, has 720p video recording, so there a chance that Verizon customers may receive an update to enable that capability, but do not be saddened if it does not happen.

r23 More images of the Limited Edition R2 D2 Motorola Droid 2 for Verizon hit the net [Ohhh, pretty!]



Today LG officially introduced their first WP7 running handset Optimus 7. You would think that, being the first company to formally introduce a WP7 handset, the Koreans will have quite a lot to say about it, but obviously this is not the case. All LG gave us was a couple of photos of the device and a few words about its DLNA capabilities.


LG7 showcase


They even went as far as to remove the Windows logo from the phone. However the design and the naming leave no doubt that it’s the formerly known as LG Panther device we are looking at. The Optimus 7 will obviously also be able to stream 720p videos directly to your TV and that’s about all the info LG were willing to share.


LG7 Showcase


At any rate the Optimus 7 should be in the shops before the end of the year, No word on Pricing from LG.


Full Optimus 7 Specifications



HTC supplies U.S. carriers Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile but says a year ago only one in 10 Americans knew its name. With the help of marketing by cellular carriers and HTC own television ads during the baseball World Series, HTC says that number is up to 40 percent.

"We want to be one of the leaders," said John Wang, the 13-year-old company chief marketing officer.

In trying to establish a global brand, HTC is following in the footsteps of another Taiwanese company, Acer Inc., which is battling Dell Inc. for the title of second-largest personal computer maker. Other rising Taiwanese technology names include software producer Trend Micro and Asustek Computer, a maker of PCs and cell phones.

HTC path to its own brand has been complicated by U.S. carriers preference for many years to market its phones under their own brands.

That started to change in 2007, and the HTC brand started showing up on phones, as carriers figured that the company had some cachet among early adopters that they could capitalize on. HTC phones on the U.S. market include the Droid Incredible, sold by Verizon Wireless, the HD2, sold by T-Mobile USA, and the Hero, sold by Sprint Nextel Corp.

Even now, HTC is careful to avoid straining ties with carriers by promoting its own identity too aggressively. Such ties are crucial in the United States, Japan and other markets where carriers usually pick which phones to offer. In Europe and elsewhere, customers pick their own phones and buy service separately.

"I don't think it should ever become a destination phone, because that is very arrogant," Wang said.

The company's slogan, "Quietly Brilliant," expresses both modesty and pride


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