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Bad news for anyone expecting to use HTML 5 on a Windows Phone 7 OS device. At a recent press conference, Microsoft's Frank Prengel stated that there are currently no "concrete" plans for HTML 5 support in the OS. There are plans for Flash support from Adobe, but that won’t happen until about 6 months after WinPho 7 has been released.


This came up during a demonstration of WinPho 7′s new hybrid IE 7/8 browser, which uses hardware acceleration for text scaling and other processes. The bigger question here is not when the OS is used in a phone, but rather how it will impact the current tablet computing craze. If Microsoft doesn’t support the new evolving web standard, that could be a major stumbling block for early adopters.

The official "Google Phone" the kinda dead Nexus One, is still Google's official "dev phone." The phone, available unlocked for $529, is running the latest Android version and includes the "Google Experience" suite for Android development.

The Nexus One combines an up to the minute platform (Android 2.2), modern hardware, and the pure Google Experience software suite. It's a good choice both for people who want to build Android applications using either the SDK or the NDK, and those who want to experiment with modified versions of the Android platform. Note that the Nexus One still ships with Android 2.1 but will download 2.2 soon after you turn it on; make sure you're near a fast network.




Yesterday the big news was of course Android surging past the iPhone to become the top selling mobile platform in the U.S. What many, including ourselves, missed though was what was happening at the other end of the scale. The 'sick man' of the mobile OS world, Windows Mobile, was quietly staggering on, but had dipped to single figures, just 9% market share in the last quarter. There are two main reasons for this, both as obvious as each other really. On the one hand you have the likes of Android and iOS tearing up the asphalt with new customers and grabbing all the headlines, and on the other hand you have the fact that Microsoft has effectively abandoned WinMo in favour of its new OS Win Phone 7. Windows Mobile has been cast out like a sick member of the heard to die, or be eaten by the wolves. It's also worth mentioning that Nielsen's figures don't take into account corporate customers, which, if they were included, would probably see WinMo riding just a little higher. At any rate it's one more sign that this relic of the past has had its time and must give way to the future.

Nokia haven't exactly been burning it hot recently, what with poorly received smartphones over the past year or so, losing the number one position in Western Europe; constant rumours about their CEO stepping down; fan sites closing down because of a loss of faith in the company, and a general malaise, especially centred on their smartphone range. With all of that going on many Nokia fans probably want some answers from those running the company. Well today you might just get your chance as Niklas Savander, the new head of sales and merketing at Nokia, will be answering questions via Twitter. The action will be taking place later today between 6-7 pm GMT. You can fire off your questions to Niklas' Twitter channel @NiklasatNokia and you may even get a reply! The statement from Nokia on this little exercise is as follows:

... tomorrow 5 August between 6-7pm GMT (10-11am PDT, 1-2pm EDT) Niklas is inviting you to spend an hour answering your questions and feedback on his Twitter channel @NiklasatNokia.

OK, Motorola might not know when is the perfect time to release a software update, but the company sure knows how to make outstandingly good looking phones (nope, I don't mean thatGrasp thing). Just take a look at the sexy Moto GLAM. It's coming to South Korea any moment now and, hopefully, to us, in Europe, a tad later.

main Sexy Motorola GLAM launched in South Korea

Now, that my MILESTONE is gone (two weeks after I purchased it, I just couldn’t get over waiting until the end of September to finally see what Froyo is like), there is enough room in my heart for another high-tech device. Would that be the GLAM which was launched the other day in South Korea?

Aside from being sexy, the Motorola GLAM is also quite well equipped. The Eclair-running smartphone features a 3.7-inch capacitive multi-touch display of WVGA resolution, a 5MP autofocus snapper with dual LED flash and 720p HD video recording as well as an HDMI port and a standard 3.5mm audio jack.

Also on board there is 512MB of RAM memory, 1GB of storage (plus an 8GB microSD card enclosed in the retail box) and support for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The phone packs a built-in GPS receiver, too.

The Motorola GLAM is said to hit the South Korean stores by the end of August but it is still a mystery if and when the device will make it to more countries. By the way, there is no word on an Android 2.2 update as well.

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