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The new year is just around the corner, and major tech companies have promised us some innovative new Tablets PC to arrive in coming months.

So here are some of the most anticipated mobile phones of 2011...

1.Sprint 4G Tablet

Sprint president of business markets, Paget Alves, recently told Forbes that the carrier would be bringing a 4G tablet to its network in 2011. The company made similar statements last May. Its unclear who would make the tablet and whether it would be an exclusive deal. Regardless, Sprint is investing heavily in its so-called 4G WiMax network and will likely be the first carrier out of the gate with a 4G tablet. SlashGear speculates that Sprint 4G tablet will end up being the BlackBerry PlayBook.

Expected launch: 2011. Expected pricing: Unknown. Expected specs: Unknown.


2.Hewlett-Packard WebOS Tablet

HP has confirmed that the device is coming, but little is known about HP’s WebOS tablet. It may or may not be called the PalmPad and may or may not run WebOS 2.0. But using Palm’s critically acclaimed smartphone OS in a tablet could be a big winner for HP, and may pose a credible challenge to the iPad. In addition to powering tablets, WebOS is expected to run new smartphones, netbooks, and even wireless printers in 2011.

Expected launch: Early 2011. Expected pricing: Unknown. Expected specs: One-panel touchscreen, WebOS 2, touch and stylus inputs.


3.BlackBerry PlayBook

The PlayBook sounds like an interesting device, and RIM’s recent browser comparison demo with the iPad has whetted our appetite for this crossover BlackBerry.

Expected launch: 2011. Expected pricing: Unknown. Expected specs: 7-inch-diagonal LCD screen, 1024-by-600-pixel WSVGA resolution, 1GB of RAM, 1GHz Dual Core processor, Adobe Flash 10.1, micro-USB, micro-HDMI, 3-megapixel front-facing camera, 5-megapixel rear-facing camera, Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR, 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi.



4.Android Tablets: Motorola, LG, and HTC

Google Andy Rubin was showing Motorola prototype in San Francisco recently. Meanwhile, LG and HTC tablets are largely rumors at this point. Motorola version will most likely be running Android OS 3.0 (Honeycomb). LG is working on a Honeycomb tablet as well, according to Android Guys. HTC’s tablet is slated for launch in early 2011 with Android OS 2.3 (Gingerbread), according to SlashGear.

Expected launch: 2011. Expected pricing: Unknown. Expected specs: 7-inch to 10-inch screen, Nvidia Tegra 2 processors, Android OS 2.2, 2.3, or 3.0.


5. iPad 2

About: Apple has not yet confirmed the second-generation iPad, but the company has a habit of updating its other prominent iOS devices–the iPhone and iPod Touch–every year. There is no reason to expect its handling of the iPad to be any different.

Expected launch: Early 2011. Expected specs: Front- and rear-facing cameras, thinner, slimmer, faster, lighter, enhanced display. Expected pricing: Unknown.



6. Lenovo IdeaPad U1 Tablet-Netbook Hybrid

This tablet-laptop hybrid was supposed to debut in 2010, but its launch date has been pushed back to some time during the first six months of 2011. Its another candidate for a CES status update in January.


Expected launch: First half of 2011. Expected pricing: $1000. Expected specs: 10.1-inch detachable LED-backlit touchscreen, 1366-by-768-pixel resolution, Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, 1.3GHz Core 2 Duo SU1400 processor, 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity.



7. 10-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab

Rumors about a larger version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab device have been circulating since the fall, and some company executives have been quoted saying that such a model is coming. But Samsung has not yet officially announced a 10-inch version of the Galaxy Tab, so technically the product remains a rumor. It’s also unclear whether the larger version would have similar specs to the 7-inch Galaxy Tab.


Expected launch: First half of 2011 (rumor). Expected pricing: Unknown. Expected specs: 10-inch touchscreen, Android OS.


8. Windows Tablets

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is expected to announce several Windows tablets during CES to compete with Apple iPad. Its hard to know how people will react to this second foray into iPad-style one-panel tablets since Ballmer introduced the lackluster Hewlett-Packard tablet at CES 2010. Some people are anticipating new Windows tablets, because they love Windows. Others are looking forward to Windows tablets, because they like to laugh at Microsoft.

Expected launch: 2011. Expected pricing: Unknown. Specs: Windows 7, possibly one Windows 8 device, slide-out keyboard.


9. Atom-Based Tablets

Intel CEO Paul Otellini recently said that 35 Intel Atom-based tablets are lined up to hit store shelves in 2011. Manufacturing partners include Asus, Cisco, Dell, Fujitsu, Lenovo, and Toshiba tablets running Android and Windows operating systems. Some of the tablets will be on display in January at the annual CES, Otellini said. If 2010 was the Year of the Tablet, 2011 must be the Year of More Tablets.


Expected launch: Throughout 2011. Expected pricing: Unknown. Expected specs: Intel Atom processor.


What should you do if BlackBerry is completely frozen and not working? Or if you Apple does not boot? Find the answer in the following hilarious video, coming from the "The One Ronnie" show on BBC.


If you consider yourself to be a real geek with a proper sense of humor you should be rolling on the floor laughing about half way through it.



Video Below!




Augmented reality promised us so much, but you could be forgiven for thinking that so far its been mostly niche concepts or prototypes that look like they are doing anything even remotely cool looking.

Enter World Lens, possibly the coolest looking augmented reality in an age. So what does it do? Well you point it at a sign or piece of text and it translates it for you. Its how it does it, it uses a live view of whatever the iPhone's camera sees and simply changes the words. In other words you see the exact same scene only the words on the sign or whatever other surface are change din the live view.

Its going to cost you $4.99 for a language pack and for the moment it only works with English and Spanish, but this is definitely an app to try. Hopefully it makes its way to other platform soon.

Google Maps



Christmas is almost upon us and what better way to celebrate than by taking a very 21st century look at where it all began, the birth of Jesus. Here we have the Nativity as told through Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, Google Maps, Foursquare and Amazon.

The Video Embedded Below talks about it all, take five minuets from your time to Watch its Really important and Cool too... See All the WEB Technologies since 1AD to 2010AD !!



Video Below!

Intomobile Interview



You may or may not recall the odd interview that RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis gave at the D: Dive Into Mobile conference. We will get to that in a moment, but first of all the video below shows Mr Lazaridis demoing the forthcoming Blackberry PlayBook, RIM first tablet device.

Its a pretty decent demo it has to be said and you should get a good look at the device and its UI. The first 5 minutes or so of the video is pretty much dedicated to the PlayBook so its well worth a look. Ok now that that is out of the way lets get to the interview.

If I had to describe this interview in a word it would be bizarre. Lazaridis rambles a lot, does not really answer the questions posed to him, well he does, but not with anything approaching relevancy. Listen out for some quite frankly mystifying claims such as Indonesia have a population of a billion and claims that RIM invented the smartphone. Its worth watching just to see how incoherent it can get!



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