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Facebook went live two days ago with its Messages service that promises to gather all your correspondence together. That includes email, Facebook messages, SMS and even some other IM clients. Sound like a real time-saver if you are using all those services. While you are indeed getting a email address, Facebook Messages actually does not quite try to replace your regular email provider. It lacks features like CC and BCC fields and groups all your correspondence with one person in one huge thread. What it tries to do instead is give you a speedier way of managing all your quick messages from a single hub.

By incorporating advanced message filtering and social inbox Facebook Messages will certainly appeal to the younger audience out there. I cannot quite see anyone giving away business cards with @facebook email on them, though.






Web 2.0 throws up something interesting stuff and Aro Mobile definitely fits into that category, showing how smartphones could be performing if they basically had unlimited access to our data.

It takes all the data you have and meshes it together in a way that allows you to essentially access a continous stream of data based on a single point a text, a reference to someone, etc. It\'s more of an evolutionary step rather than a revolutionary step.

To make the whole shebang work you have to use Aro web browser, contacts, email, search and phone applications. They all tie together in a cloud service that uses natural language processing to facilitate some of the action you see in the video.




James Murdoch, head of News Corp in Asia and Europe, is not a big fan of news apps it seems, having described them as cannabalising newspaper sales. Mr Murdoch did offer praise to iTunes and the iPad for what he called a 'frictionless' experience in selling their content.

However, he was not so chuffed at the prospect of mobile phone apps, which he saw as engaging customers more than news websites and thus supplanting the newspaper itself to a greater degree. Mr Murdoch said:

"The problem with the apps is that they are much more directly cannibalistic of the print products than the website. People interact with it much more like they do with the traditional product."

The comments come on the back of News Corp setting up pay walls on its newspapers websites. The move has cost News Corp around 90% of their online readership and apparently they have just 105,000 paying subscribers for their websites. A far cry from the millions that visit the Guardian free site.




Latest Registered Mobile Devices from Federal Communications Commissions site Friday (12/11/2010).




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OLD Fb inbox



Rumours are circulating that another Facebook press event to be held on Monday will usher in a new web bsed email service from the social network. The new service, supposedly codenamed "Project Titan", is thought to make use of the new domain that Facebook is thought to have registered.

Facebook employees use the standard domain in their email addresses, but presumably the company would want a different domain for use by customers. BGR did a little digging around and found that the domain was controlled by a company called MarkMonitor, which manages online presences for large companies, including Facebook.

BGR admits that this is of course pure speculation, but given the strong talk of a possible webmail offerring its not all that far fetched.


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