Huawei Defeats Samsung in a Legal Battle as Chinese Court Fines Samsung

In a Chinese court, Samsung has recently been fined for copyright infringement against Huawei’s intellectual property. The major patent battle was initiated when the Chinese company sued Samsung by claiming that more than twenty of Samsung’s smartphones have violated Huawei’s patented graphical arrangement systems. If you are wondering what that means, it basically means that…

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US court of appeal overturns California federal court’s decision which went against Samsung

Back in 2014, Apple won their lawsuit against Samsung when the California federal court held the Korean electronics giant guilty of copyright infringement on Apple’s patents. The court had ordered Samsung to pay a whopping $119.6 million to Apple as compensation. Primarily, Apple had filed for copyright infringement on three patents; quick links, auto-correct and…

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Samsung is infringing Bluetooth patents, ordered to Pay $15.7 million

A New Patent war for Samsung again as the Korean Company is ordered to pay $15.7 million in the latest dispute. The company has been found guilty on infringing the patents of company Rembrandt Wireless Technologies LP by the Harrison County federal jury. The two patents that Samsung has been found guilty on infringing relate to Bluetooth technology….

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